Gmail, since it was introduced by Google in 2004, has been growing in popularity year after year. With the decline of Yahoo !, AOL and Hotmail, more and more people are migrating to Gmail to take advantage of the services made available by Google. Below you will find the simple steps to follow to create a Gmail profile.

Step 1. Start your internet browser and enter the following address to access the main Gmail page

Step 2. Select the 'Create an account' button at the top right

Step 3. Fill in the few required fields with your personal information
You will need to choose a username, which will be your new Gmail email address. Remember that the username must be unique, so if the one chosen already exists, you will be offered variants, otherwise think ahead of a possible alternative username.

Step 4. Scroll down the page and fill out the registration form with all the required information
- You will need to provide an e-mail address you already have, which Google can use to contact you if your Gmail profile is hacked by someone or, more simply, if you have forgotten your login password.
- Enter the captcha code displayed on the page and accept the conditions and terms of the services offered by Google.
- Select the 'Next step' button.

Step 5. If you want to add a photo to your Gmail profile by clicking on the appropriate button, alternatively, skip this step and select the 'Next step' button

Step 6. Finished, you are ready to go with your new Gmail experience
Select the button on the bottom left to log in and explore your new Gmail profile.
A note regarding the 'Google Web History' tick button. According to Google, this feature is for: 'Personalizing results based on your Google Web History is just one of the ways Google helps you find relevant personal content.' By using a simpler and more understandable language, this means that Google will keep track of all searches performed as long as you are logged in to your profile. If you want to disable this feature, simply deselect the check button for this option.
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