How to Increase Free Space on a Samsung Galaxy

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How to Increase Free Space on a Samsung Galaxy
How to Increase Free Space on a Samsung Galaxy

This article explains how to free up space in the internal memory of a Samsung Galaxy device by deleting unnecessary files and data.


Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 1
Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 1

Step 1. Launch the Device Settings app

Swipe down on the screen starting from the top and tap the icon


placed in the upper right corner of the panel that appeared. The "Settings" menu will be displayed.

Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 2
Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 2

Step 2. Select the Device Maintenance option

A device scan will be performed after which a score will be displayed indicating the current status of your Samsung Galaxy.

Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 3
Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 3

Step 3. Select the Storage Memory item

It is located at the bottom of the screen and shows the total amount of free space still available. The statistics related to the internal memory of the Samsung Galaxy will be displayed in a new page.

Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 4
Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 4

Step 4. Press the Clean Now button

It is blue in color and is located in the center of the "Storage Memory" page that has appeared. The device will automatically delete all unnecessary files and data, such as cache content and advertising cookies.

Inside the indicated button there is also a numerical value that corresponds to the estimated amount of memory that will be freed by the cleaning procedure. For example, if the visible indication in the button is Clean Now (+1.5GB), it means that by performing this procedure you will be able to free up 1,5 GB of space.

Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 5
Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 5

Step 5. Select one of the data types listed in the "User Data" section

In this section, all the information present in the device memory is listed divided by category: Documents, Images, Audio, Video And Applications. By selecting one of the categories present, the list of files of the chosen type present in the device memory will be displayed.

Each category shows the total amount of space occupied by its data

Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 6
Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 6

Step 6. Select the files you want to delete

Tap a file name in the list to select it. It will be marked with a green check mark to indicate that it has been selected.

You can simultaneously select all the files in the list by pressing the button All located in the upper left corner of the screen.

Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 7
Free Up Space on Samsung Galaxy Step 7

Step 7. Press the Delete button

It is located in the upper right corner of the screen. All the chosen files will be deleted from the device freeing up the space they occupied.
