Almost everyone has experienced the unpleasant sensation of a foot "falling asleep" at times. This is the typical description of the medical disorder called paresthesia. This is a completely normal, albeit annoying, circumstance. Other people report a discomfort similar to a "tingling". Regardless of what you call it, this feeling is an experience that almost everyone would like to avoid. However, know that there are many ways to manage not to temporarily lose sensitivity in the feet.
Part 1 of 2: Keep Your Feet Active

Step 1. Move them
The sensation of "sleeping" feet is quite common and it is also a situation that most people would like to spare themselves. Generally, paraesthesia occurs when a part of the body is held still for a long time; if you want to avoid tingling feet, you need to move them regularly.
- When nerves are compressed, they cannot send normal messages to the brain. This is why you lose sensation in your feet during an episode of paresthesia.
- Try to rotate your ankles in gentle circular motions to increase blood flow to the lower extremities. Eventually, you can also carefully flex your feet back and forth.

Step 2. Find a new way to sit down
Many people find it comfortable to sit cross-legged. You may find that you tend to sit with one or both legs folded under your body, especially when sitting on the floor. While this position may seem comfortable to you, it is actually one of the main factors that trigger tingling in your feet. To avoid compression of the nerves, you should not sit on your feet; instead you have to move them and not press them under the weight of the body.
- It is a good idea to get up at least once every hour. Walking a little is also great exercise for overall health. Set a reminder on your mobile to remind you to get up every now and then when you are at work.
- It is quite common to compress the nerves that are located under the buttocks and in the back of the legs; do not keep a thick wallet in your pocket when you sit down.
- Sit down with your legs at 90 degrees. Prevents the back of the thighs from pressing too hard on the chair; instead make your legs a right angle or use a support to rest your feet on.

Step 3. Move your toes
One of the easiest and most effective ways to keep your feet from "falling asleep" is to move your fingers from time to time. You can do it either sitting or lying down. For example, if you're watching television, get into the habit of swinging them during commercial breaks.
- You can do this even when you are standing. Have you ever experienced tingling in your feet while waiting for your turn in a long line? The next time you find yourself in this situation, try to move your toes inside the shoes.
- Paresthesia is common when riding an exercise bike or using an elliptical bike. Again, periodically swaying your fingers during exercise helps prevent the ailment.

Step 4. Change your shoes
Sometimes your feet lose sensation even as you walk. These episodes can often occur due to some underlying problem affecting the nerves in the feet; however, you can alleviate this discomfort by wearing appropriate footwear.
- Make sure your shoes aren't too tight; you must be able to move your fingers comfortably without pain.
- Do not wear shoes with high heels, as this type of footwear increases the pressure on the feet.

Step 5. Focus on the breath
Anxiety is another cause of tingling feet. If you have generalized anxiety disorder, trying to manage it can help prevent your feet from "falling asleep". Try to breathe slowly and steadily to promote an overall calming effect on a physical and mental level.
- During a panic attack many people tend to hyperventilate, thereby triggering the tingling sensation. Instead, focus on taking slow, deep breaths when you are experiencing an anxiety crisis.
- Inhale slowly for 5-7 seconds and hold your breath for 2 seconds before exhaling slowly.

Step 6. Calm down
It is important to control anxiety, for mental health and also to prevent tingling episodes in the feet. There are several things you can do to manage it; for example, you can add meditation into your daily routine.
- Take some time each day to sit in a quiet place and calm your mind. You can also download some meditation guides to listen to on your mobile.
- Do yoga. It is a practice that offers wonderful benefits for the mind and body, including the management of anxiety; it is also perfect for promoting blood circulation.

Step 7. Change your position when you sleep
If you are a heavy sleeper, you probably don't move much during the night due to compressed nerves. If you fall asleep cross-legged or with one foot under the other, you could cause paresthesia.
- Try to sleep on your back, with your legs parallel to each other, so as not to put pressure on your feet.
- If you sleep with your partner, try not to be too close to him; your feet may lose sensation if you keep them under someone else's.
Part 2 of 2: Handling the Problem

Step 1. Consider the causes
Paresthesia is a fairly common disorder and is often the result of incorrect sitting posture maintained for too long. However, it could be triggered by a more serious underlying disease; for example, diabetes is a major factor in this disorder.
- Other diseases that can induce tingling are associated with nerve damage, which can be caused by substance abuse or injury.
- Vitamin deficiency is also a possible cause of numbness in the feet, especially vitamin B deficiency. The best thing to do is to visit a nutritionist, dietician or doctor to assess the actual vitamin deficiency.
- Other disorders related to paraesthesia are seizures and migraines.

Step 2. Seek medical attention
If you regularly suffer from this condition and do not know the cause for sure, make an appointment with your doctor, who may undergo tests to determine the etiology. For example, abnormal levels of sodium and potassium in the body could lead to paraesthesia; in this case, a blood test could provide a comprehensive answer.
- Make a note of when tingling episodes occur, how long they last, and tell your doctor.
- Once the doctor has identified the cause of the problem, he can define a personalized therapy.

Step 3. Set up healthy habits
Maintaining a normal weight can prevent episodes of feet falling asleep, as well as preventing some underlying causes, such as certain forms of diabetes. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, you need to have a balanced diet.
- Make sure you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats; avoid added sugars and trans fats.
- Exercise often; aim to practice for at least half an hour, five days a week.