Sunflower seeds are easy to harvest, but you will need to wait until the flower has completely dried if you want the harvest to go smoothly. The sunflower flower can be left to dry on the stem or inside the house. Either way, you will need to protect the seeds during the process. Here's what you need to know to harvest sunflower seeds the right way.
Part 1 of 3: Dry on the Stem

Step 1. Wait for the sunflower to start wilting
Sunflowers are ready to harvest when the flowers turn brown, but you should prepare them for drying when the back of the flower begins to turn yellowish-brown.
- To collect the seeds, the sunflower flower must be well dried, otherwise the seeds will not come off. The sunflower will naturally reach this state a few days after withering.
- It is easier to dry sunflowers on plants in dry, sunny weather. If you live in an area with a humid climate, you should try to dry them by detaching them from the stem.
- Before you start preparing the sunflower for harvest, at least half of the yellow petals should have broken off. The flower head should be down. It may look dead, but if it still has its seeds, then it is drying properly.
- Examine the seeds. Even if they are still stuck inside the flower, they should start popping out. The seeds should be hard and with the characteristic black and white striped shell.

Step 2. Wrap a paper bag around the flower
Cover the flower head with a paper bag, tying it with string or thread to prevent it from falling off.
- You can also try to use gauze or other breathable fabric, always avoiding the use of a plastic bag: the latter will block the recirculation of air, causing stagnation of humidity on the seeds. If there is too much moisture, they could rot or mold.
- By tying an envelope on the flower you will prevent birds, squirrels and other animals from trying to "harvest" the sunflower seeds before you. In addition, you will prevent the seeds from falling to the ground and being lost.

Step 3. Change the envelope if necessary
If it gets wet or breaks, remove it carefully and put on a new, undamaged one.
- You can try putting a plastic bag over the paper bag temporarily to prevent it from getting wet during a thunderstorm. Do not tie the plastic bag on the flower and remove it as soon as the rain is over to prevent mold from forming.
- Replace the paper bag as soon as it gets wet. A wet paper bag will break more easily and may encourage mold growth on the seeds.
- Collect any seeds that have fallen into the old bag while you changed it. Check that the seeds are not damaged and store them in airtight containers until you are ready to collect the remaining seeds.

Step 4. Cut off the flower heads
When the backs of the flower heads turn brown, cut it back and get ready to harvest the seeds.
- Leave about 30cm of stem from the flower head.
- Check that the paper bag is still tied tightly on the flower head. If it comes off as you remove and transport the flower head, you may lose a lot of seeds.
Part 2 of 3: Dry the Flower by Detaching it from the Stem

Step 1. Prepare the yellowed sunflower flowers for drying
Sunflower flowers are ready to be dried when the back of the head begins to turn dark yellow to yellowish-brown.
- The sunflower head must be dried before harvesting the seeds. Sunflower seeds are easy to remove from dried, while it is almost impossible to do so when they are still moist.
- By this time, many of the yellow petals should have already fallen off and the head may have begun to bend or wither.
- The seeds should be hard to the touch and should have their own distinctive black and white streak.

Step 2. Cover your head with a paper bag
Secure a brown paper bag on the sunflower head using twine, thread, or string.
- Do not use plastic bags. The plastic will not let the flower head "breathe", and excess moisture may build up inside it. In this case the seeds could rot or mold and can no longer be consumed.
- If you don't have brown paper bags, you can use gauze or another similar breathable fabric.
- By drying the sunflower flower by detaching it from the stem, you will not have to worry about any animals that come to "collect" the seeds before you. You will always have to put the bag on the sunflower head in order to collect the seeds that fall off.

Step 3. Cut off the head
Remove the sunflower head using a sharp knife or shears.
- Leave about 30cm of stem attached to the flower head.
- Be careful, trying not to remove the paper bag from the flower head as you peel it off.

Step 4. Hang your head down
Let the sunflower head continue drying in a warm place.
- Hang the sunflower by tying it to the base of the head with a piece of string or thread and hanging it on a hook or hanger. The sunflower should dry with the flower facing down and the stem facing up.
- Let the sunflower dry in a warm, dry and sheltered place. The chosen area should be well ventilated to prevent moisture from forming. Remember to keep the sunflower head off the ground or floor to prevent rodents from going to nibble on it.

Step 5. Check the sunflower head from time to time
Open the bag carefully once a day. Empty the contents of the bag and collect the first fallen seeds.
Store these seeds in an airtight container until the others are ready to harvest

Step 6. Detach the bag when the head has finished drying
Sunflower seeds are ready for harvest when the back of the head turns dark brown and very dry.
- The drying process usually takes from 1 to 4 days, but it could be longer depending on the harvesting period of the flower and the drying conditions.
- Do not remove the bag until you are ready to collect the seeds. or you could drop several, losing them or rendering them unusable.
Part 3 of 3: Collecting and Storing Seeds

Step 1. Place the sunflower on a flat, clean surface
Move the sunflower head to a table, countertop, or any other suitable surface before removing the paper bag.
Empty the contents of the bag. If there are seeds inside, put them in a bowl or other container

Step 2. Rub your hand over the sunflower seeds
To detach them, go over them with your hands or with a brush to clean the vegetables.
- If you are harvesting seeds from more than one sunflower, you can detach them by gently rubbing two heads with each other.
- Keep scrubbing the flower heads until all the seeds have broken off.

Step 3. Rinse the seeds
Transfer the collected seeds to a colander and rinse them thoroughly with cold running water.
- Let the seeds drain well before removing them from the colander.
- By rinsing, you will remove a lot of the dirt and bacteria present on the seed.

Step 4. Dry the seeds
Scatter the seeds on a thick towel, forming a single layer and let them dry for several hours.
- You can also dry the seeds in multiple layers by placing them on paper towels. In this case or the previous one, they will need to be flat and on a single layer, so that each seed can dry out completely.
- As you scatter the seeds, you should remove any dirt, unwanted plant pieces or damaged seeds.
- Make sure the seeds are perfectly dried before proceeding to the next step.

Step 5. Salt and cook the seeds according to taste
If you plan to consume the seeds soon, you can salt them and cook them in the oven right away.
- Soak the seeds in a solution consisting of 2 liters of water and 60-125ml of salt, leaving them there for 8 hours.
- Alternatively, you can boil the seeds in this solution for two hours.
- Dry the seeds on paper towels.
- Spread the seeds on parchment paper to form a single layer.
- Bake them in the oven for 30-40 minutes or until golden, at 150 ° C, turning them occasionally.
- Let them cool well.

Step 6. Store the seeds in a vacuum container
Move the seeds, roasted or not, to a vacuum container and store them in the fridge or freezer.
- The best way to store roasted seeds is to keep them in the fridge, where they can be kept for several weeks.
- Raw seeds can be kept for several months in the fridge or freezer (they last longer in the latter).