A joke is a joke. But when the joke is about you, it's sometimes hard to know how to react, respond, and keep having fun. If you want to know how to put up with a joke, then you must learn to remain calm, be more accommodating and understand if the joke is done at the right time and occasion. However, if the prank is really meant to hurt you, then it's time to defend yourself. Keep reading the instructions below for how to put up with a prank.

Step 1. Just laugh
Try to remember that most jokes are good-natured attempts to find fun. Sometimes, we choose the cheapest route to have fun, and usually that means shooting at someone. If the blow is aimed at you, try to remember that the person is just trying to be funny - it's probably about entertaining him rather than you.

Step 2. Control the anger
It is a bad idea to respond to a joke with anger. Calm down and tell yourself several times that there is no need to get angry.

Step 3. Ignore the joke
If you feel offended by the joke, ignore it. Do not laugh. If the joke says: Oh, (your name) can't stand a joke! just ignore it. You can actually crack a laugh at him or her with a confused air and say something like: Oh, was that a joke? Eh. Showing others that you missed the humor can give you a small advantage over who played the joke, without making you look stupid.

Step 4. Try to remember that most of the things you say aren't meant to hurt you
Jokes are just an attempt to try to have fun. Instead of getting angry, you can also laugh for a long time and participate, and even add a joke of your own for the person who started, or even continue the joke on yourself (you will look very sporty, and as a bonus, others will think that you are very confident. you, when you do that). But do it just for fun, not as a form of revenge on whoever started it.

Step 5. Express your feelings calmly
Sometimes, you get the feeling that too much is too much, or that you are not in the mood to be the victim of a joke. If you feel that you just can't bear more, or you feel boiling inside, then tell the person how you feel, and it is likely that he / she understands.

Step 6. Consider the source
Some people make silly jokes simply because they like to hear themselves speak. Some people have the (wrong) idea that all insults are funny, so they insult you, and the insult may or may not be true. Saying a joke that obviously isn't quite true is just a lie - example: You're like a stupid blonde. Realize that you are not whatever negative has been said; if you know you are not a stupid blonde, everything that has been said is irrelevant.

Step 7. Smile and play (sometimes)
There are some situations where this response might be appropriate, such as at school when the pranksters don't know you well, or don't realize they're annoying you. Sometimes, if you can behave like a good, gentle sportswoman, you can win over jokes, and eventually win new friends. Another situation in which this is a good answer is when you actually do something funny to play the joke, like when you pour water on yourself. Everyone will laugh and some idiot will walk around you and say: Oh, look - he's taking a swim! or some other similar nonsense, as if you weren't already uncomfortable and embarrassed enough. But instead of getting angry, realize that you will always be wet whether you relax or not, whether you recover or not. Laugh at the wet spot and reply, Damn! And I left my beach towel at home. The others will laugh, and you will have had the last laugh. Bonus points if you address the prettiest girl (or prettiest guy) in the group by waving your eyebrows a little and smiling suggestively, and add: Will you lend me yours?

Step 8. Be tolerant
Getting carried away is often the best way to deal with idiots. There are many people who haven't really understood the recipe for true humor. They find misplaced things and insults funny, and so they say misplaced things and insult people without realizing that a misplaced response is only funny in those circumstances where a totally unexpected remark has been made, or an insult. it's only fun if it's not sharp enough to hurt someone. The best way to deal with these people is to laugh a little, and then find ways to regulate their attempts at humor (by playing your best jokes).

Step 9. Don't be a doormat
There is a difference between being a pleasant, tolerant person who can take a joke and being a doormat. If someone always uses you as a boxing bag, it becomes a refracted thing. You need to defend yourself. If this is necessary, try to take the person to one side and say: So, I've been sporty for a while, but you're repetitive. The things you are saying hurt me. Please stop. Don't pick someone else to tell them, just stop. If this person gets defensive and / or keeps picking on you, don't insist on trying to keep it between you any longer. Stand up in front of everyone and say: You know, when I spoke to you privately about this thing, I thought I made it clear that I'm tired of you being angry with me. I told you it hurts my feelings, and now it's just pissing me off. Please stop it. It is a virtual guarantee that he will feel mortified for having called him into question in front of everyone. He may mutter an apology and leave you alone or try again. This time, you won't have to do anything - everyone else will stand up for you, because you've made your discomfort public. If they don't, consider looking for better friends.
- Read up on pranks - if it's a real joke (i.e., blonde-specific joke) directed at you, it helps a lot that you've heard the joke a billion times already, and possibly be able to say the punchline before someone else does. do it. This will either amuse the person or show that joking about you is useless.
- If all else fails, try saying: I'm the bull's-eye tonight - okay. Keep going, you can't even hit close. Let this person play their jokes. Then say: Is that all? Is that all you can do? We hope this person understands that you have had enough. If the blows continue, walk away with a smile and a shake of your head, this way telling everyone to beware of people who don't know when to stop. You will make a better impression than those who make inappropriate and unwelcome jokes.
- Always try to stop the joke in the bud. If this continues, try talking to the author of the joke.
- A smile and a feigned expression of offense are a great defense.
- Try to understand the difference between a joke and bullying. Sometimes, very offensive jokes or outrages are excessive, and should be dealt with in a positive way. Do not allow those who make them to bring out the best in you; if this leads to heavier jokes, ignore and seek some help.
- Be aware that sometimes it is better to come away from certain situations. Defending yourself, sadly, can make you an even more tempting target if there's a real bully involved.