How to Make a Joke (with Pictures)

How to Make a Joke (with Pictures)
How to Make a Joke (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Are you looking for some fun? From the simplest pranks to the most extreme ones like running around naked, an innocent joke is a good way to elicit a good laugh in you and your friends. This article will show you how to plan and execute a fun prank that can get you high without causing any long-term consequences.


Part 1 of 3: Light Jokes

Play a Prank Step 1
Play a Prank Step 1

Step 1. Set a different language on your colleagues' electronic devices

Log into their Facebook, take possession of their mobile phone or computer and select Latin, Spanish or German as your favorite. Choose a language they don't know.

Play a Prank Step 2
Play a Prank Step 2

Step 2. Change some commonly used words in Word or Outlook AutoCorrect settings

When your friends try to type some text, some terms will automatically change. You can do the same on your friends' cell phone so that they send text messages with funny or wacky texts.

Play a Prank Step 3
Play a Prank Step 3

Step 3. Dip the tips of the pens in the clear nail polish

Do this to your colleagues and family members. The ink will not flow and they will not be able to write anything.

Play a Prank Step 4
Play a Prank Step 4

Step 4. Put some clear nail polish on the bar of soap

Leave it in the shower or on the sink, where you can see it. You will not imagine the expression of your victims when they realize that the soap 'does not work'.

Play a Prank Step 5
Play a Prank Step 5

Step 5. Pretend raisin cookies are actually chocolate chip cookies

Bring some to work and announce that I'm chocolate. Watch the reactions of others when they taste them.

Play a Prank Step 6
Play a Prank Step 6

Step 6. Fill a mayonnaise jar with the vanilla pudding

Watch the person attempting to make a sandwich (or make yourself useful and make a sandwich yourself). Alternatively, you could stop friends who are about to use it and start devouring it greedily.

Play a Prank Step 7
Play a Prank Step 7

Step 7. Replace the salt with sugar

Put the sugar in the salt container and vice versa.

Part 2 of 3: Advanced Jokes

Play a Prank Step 8
Play a Prank Step 8

Step 1. Put a piece of duct tape on your friend or colleague's computer mouse

Enjoy watching him go crazy trying to figure out why the tool is not responding. If you really want to have fun, put a sticker on the bottom of the mouse so, in the end, they will know who the culprit is.

Play a Prank Step 9
Play a Prank Step 9

Step 2. Put some yellow food coloring in the toilet waste tank

Every time someone flushes the toilet they will think the toilet is broken.

Play a Prank Step 10
Play a Prank Step 10

Step 3. Create a bottomless box

Cut off the bottoms of any cereal boxes in the house. Place them straight in the kitchen pantry and wait for some hungry family member to try to lift it.

Play a Prank Step 11
Play a Prank Step 11

Step 4. Block someone with an egg by making them hold it through the door

When a friend or family member has their hands full, tell them you want to try an experiment. Have him reach out through a door and hold an egg. Leave by leaving it stuck as it will not be able to move without dropping the egg.

Play a Prank Step 12
Play a Prank Step 12

Step 5. Fill the deodorant container with soft cheese

Remove the deodorant from its container (the roll-on one) and replace it with a sticky piece of cream cheese. You will need to shape the top of the cheese to make it look just like the deodorant.

Part 3 of 3: Complicated Jokes

Play a Prank Step 13
Play a Prank Step 13

Step 1. Cover a door opening with cling film

You must spread the film only at the top of the door or the victim will hit it with the feet instead of the face. All you have to do is stretch the film across the door and tape it in place, get a friend to help you with this.

Play a Prank Step 14
Play a Prank Step 14

Step 2. Cover some eggs with chocolate

Take real eggs and coat them with melted chocolate. Wait for them to dry and then pack them with aluminum foil, just as if they were real sweet eggs that you can give to someone you love.

Play a Prank Step 15
Play a Prank Step 15

Step 3. Replace the fridge door handle

If you have a fridge where you can change the handle, arm yourself with a screwdriver and remove it. Mount it on the other side of the door; when people try to open the fridge, enjoy their frustration!

Play a Prank Step 16
Play a Prank Step 16

Step 4. Fill about ten cream donuts with mayonnaise

Buy regular donuts, discard the custard and replace it with mayonnaise. Take them to work and leave them by the coffee machine as an anonymous gift.

Play a Prank Step 17
Play a Prank Step 17

Step 5. Change all the clocks in the house

You must have access to all of the victim's computers and cell phones, otherwise they will immediately understand what is going on. Move them forward or backward for a couple of hours.

Play a Prank Step 18
Play a Prank Step 18

Step 6. Wrap someone's car in cling film

Get plenty of film and wrap the victim's car completely so that they can't get into it without cutting the plastic.


  • It is important to hide well where no one can see you!
  • Make sure this is the right person!
  • Make sure the person you prank on doesn't get too angry!
  • Don't forget to read the instructions carefully before doing anything!
  • Keep a serious expression while playing the prank. If you start laughing your victim will understand what's going on! To remain impassive, try biting your tongue, arching your toes, and biting the inside of your cheeks (but not bleeding).


  • Don't mess around on the road, it's very dangerous, and you could endanger someone's life.
  • Avoid pranks that can hurt people. They are not fun (especially for those who suffer from it) and could get you in trouble!
  • If there is a person who cannot stand jokes, do not make them.
  • Don't play jokes too often. Let your victims enjoy a false sense of security.
  • Don't mess with the wrong person. If you think someone is in a bad mood, leave them alone, you could pay the consequences.
  • Always prepare an escape route.
