Greeting a girl can be difficult, especially if you feel nervous around people or if you are introverted and never know what to say. You may not know how to properly greet a friend, a girl you don't know well, or your partner on a first date. In any situation, you can adopt many strategies to appear confident, normal and open to dialogue.
Method 1 of 3: Say Hello to a Girl You Know

Step 1. Consider how well you know each other
Based on the strength of your relationship, decide which approach to take so as not to make the girl uncomfortable. If you are good friends, you can probably greet her by touching her, otherwise it's best to keep your contacts to a minimum.
Make sure you are comfortable. It's okay to get out of your comfort zone from time to time, but usually when you say hello to a girl, the more comfortable you feel the more comfortable she will be too

Step 2. Treat her like she is one of your friends
Just because it's a girl doesn't mean you should give her special treatment over your male friends, especially if you're in a purely platonic relationship. However, use common sense and don't do anything inappropriate. You can start with a simple "Hello".
- If you're greeting a girl who's a bit of a tomboy, give her a high-five or a playful fist.
- If you are good friends, hug her, as physical contact can strengthen your relationship.

Step 3. Give her a compliment
Appreciation is very useful in all types of relationships. Notice a detail of her appearance or even something she has done recently that makes her proud; this is a great way to make her feel comfortable with you and to show her that you are interested in her.
You don't have to flatter her in a mischievous way, but just notice something you like about her outfit. Maybe you were struck by her shoes, or her new hairstyle. Noticing these details and talking about them will put her at ease in your company.
- "I really like your shoes. The [shoe color] looks great on you!"
- "Have you cut your hair? I really like your new look, it looks very good on you"
Greet a Girl Step 4 Step 4. Look her in the eye
Doing so creates a bond between you and shows your sincere interest.
Maintaining eye contact is also a great way to stay calm and comfortable. Just focus on her and forget everything that happens around you
Greet a Girl Step 5 Step 5. Tell her that you are excited to meet her
People always like to be wanted, and by telling a girl you're glad to see her, you let her know you're happy that she's a part of your life.
How nice to see you! I can't wait to spend some time with you
Greet a Girl Step 6 Step 6. Ask the girl what she's been up to lately
Even if you are shy or embarrassed in social situations, especially with women, treat her like all your other friends and show her that you care.
- You can even refer to something he has posted on social networks. For example, if she has just returned from a trip, you can simply say, "I saw you went on vacation. I'm so envious, the photos were beautiful! Did you have fun?".
- By asking her questions about her day, you continue to show your interest and that she is important to you.
Method 2 of 3: Say Hello to a Girl You Don't Know
Greet a Girl Step 7 Step 1. Introduce yourself confidently
Whether you're dating a girl you've never seen before or one you don't know well but have mutual friends with, just be friendly and confident.
- A simple "Nice to meet you" is a great way to break the ice.
- Remember that in this situation you are in the same boat. So don't think that you have to do more than her or behave like someone other than who you are. Just be yourself.
Greet a Girl Step 8 Step 2. Read her body language
Remember that you don't know this girl well, so try to interpret her body language to see if she feels comfortable. Trying to hug her might be inappropriate if you don't have a good relationship.
- You can shake her hand if she seems available, or just say hello in a friendly way, without touching her.
- Behave politely. As the saying goes "You catch more flies with honey". In this situation you probably need to make a first or second impression. If you try to grab attention or joke with her like you would a good friend, you could offend her.
Greet a Girl Step 9 Step 3. Smile at her
However, don't overdo it by showing too much enthusiasm.
Being too excited about meeting a girl or greeting her may make her feel uncomfortable and seem too aggressive
Greet a Girl Step 10 Step 4. Learn his name
If you're greeting a girl in a group of friends, they should theoretically handle introductions, but if not, politely ask for her name and tell her yours.
- When she tells you her name, repeat it when you tell her yours.
- Looking into her eyes and repeating her name can help you remember her better.
Greet a Girl Step 11 Step 5. Introduce yourself with a joke
There's a reason everyone likes comedians and funny people: Laughter is good. When you greet a girl you don't know well, the humor tells her that you feel comfortable (even if you are nervous) and that you are not rude.
- Irony is very useful when you greet a girl, because it allows you to release the tension.
If you are shy or nervous, you can make self-mockery to ease the tension and put the girl at ease. Make a joke about your appearance or the situation you are in.
I'm glad [friend's name] convinced me to come. I had prepared a western movie marathon, but actually we have more fun here
Greet a Girl Step 12 Step 6. Don't hold back too long
In some cases, to make a good impression, you have to be quick and leave the girl with questions about you.
- If you can't talk about this and that with people, especially girls, try to be short and concise. Don't try to start a forced conversation.
- If the conversation isn't developing naturally, walk away politely.
Method 3 of 3: Greet a Girl on the First Date
Greet a Girl Step 13 Step 1. Make a great first impression
To start, show up for the meeting a few minutes early. This way you will have time to settle down and relax.
By being punctual you demonstrate that you are mature and reliable
Greet a Girl Step 14 Step 2. Make a nice gesture
You probably already know something about the girl if you landed on a date, so use this information to be able to break the ice. For example, if she likes flowers, come with a bouquet of the ones she likes best.
This gesture also allows the girl to recognize you if you have never met before
Greet a Girl Step 15 Step 3. Follow her example
Don't be too aggressive and wait to see how she behaves. Does she try to flirt and touch you or is she more reserved? You don't always have to wait for her to make the first move (in some cases it's better to take matters into her own hands and be firm), but being too comfortable before getting to know you well can put her in trouble.
- Even if you've already talked and bonded, don't assume she's available for physical contact, so as not to make things awkward.
- If she comes over for a hug or a handshake, imitate her.
Greet a Girl Step 16 Step 4. Tell her you're glad to see her
Again, look her in the eye and smile.
- "I'm happy to finally meet you, [name]. I couldn't wait."
- Remember that she has chosen to be there too and that she is probably just as nervous as you are, so breathe and be confident.
Greet a Girl Step 17 Step 5. Compliment her
Be careful not to sound rude and not to make her feel like an object. You're probably nervous and you may think acting like a playboy is a good idea, but nobody likes arrogant people.
- Choose a specific detail. Don't just say, "You have nice hair," but rather try to find something she has spent a lot of time on. Maybe she has a specific hairstyle, like a fringe. You can say, "I like your bangs, it looks great on you and frames your face perfectly."
Also think about compliments that are not about the physique. Let her know that she has something special that makes her attractive. Tell her that as soon as she arrived, the whole room lit up. Tell her she has a great sense of humor or that her intelligence is sexy. Don't go so far as to say that it turns you on, because it's probably too much, but you can try: "I liked you from the first moment I saw you, but talking to you you kidnapped me more and more".
Again, you can use irony and add "I just hope I'm up to it"
- Remember this is a date, so while being friendly is a good place to start, you need to show that you are interested in the girl rather than a friend. Don't limit yourself to platonic comments, but make her understand how she makes you feel and how attracted you are to her.
- Don't be too friendly by saying hello to all the girls you see. They may think that you are a playboy or that you are mischievous. Just show off your smile and pay attention to the girl you're interested in.
- If a friend hugs you, it doesn't always mean she has feelings for you. In some cases it is simply friendly behavior.
- Don't rant and don't make offensive jokes. Remember that irony is a good tactic for greeting a girl, but you should never do it at her expense.
- Don't touch the girl too much and don't hang around her too much if she doesn't seem interested.
- Just because a girl reacts well to your greeting or touches you doesn't mean you're entitled to whatever you want.
- Don't say anything rude and don't point out his flaws.
- When you compliment her, remember that she is a human being who deserves to be treated with respect.