"When the game gets boring, bored becomes annoying", no one has ever said. But if you are bored and want to annoy those square heads of your friends at the movies, online, at school and elsewhere, then read on.
Method 1 of 7: Being Immature

Step 1. Be loud
Sing about everything. Especially annoying or children's songs. If a friend is listening to an iPod, help yourself by putting on one of their headphones and start singing (if you're out of tune this works really well). Have continuous conversations aloud in public places when you are on your cell phone. And it doesn't even matter if you're actually talking to someone. Share private details at maximum volume.
- Remember, you don't even have to know the lyrics of the song, just hum over them; the sillier your text, the better! And, to annoy even more, if you're watching TV, sing over all the advertising jingles. You can even hum something over and over until everyone can't take it anymore.
- Make animal noises. People can be really annoyed if you sneak up behind them and make the noise of an animal. If someone yells at you or scolds you, answer them with a question line.
- Ask someone "why?" and then, when he gives you the explanation, he keeps repeating the question "why?" with each explanation.

Step 2. Be unaware
Ask personal questions. You can ask a lot of these questions to one person or ask them here and there a little of everyone. If you are going to do this to a random person, ask a man for example if he has ever had an abortion or is pregnant, or if he was 13 at the age of 13 he was ever in rehab, was arrested for drugs, or if it is consumed in alcohol.
- Sit on a park bench with a friend and make comments about people (out loud so they can hear you), who are the exact opposite of who they really are; like, for example, if a really fat person walks past you, yells "Oh my God, you don't need to be that thin."
- Laugh for no reason and at random times. Don't give explanations when someone asks you why you are laughing.
- Alternatively, make jokes that only you know and don't share them with anyone. When someone asks you why he's so funny, just tell him it's a joke.

Step 3. Be ridiculous
Move continuously. Act like you can't sit still. Make repeated movements attracting someone's attention.
- Look silly at something non-existent on someone's head. When you're talking to someone, suddenly open your mouth slightly and stare at a point just above or right on top of their head. If he touches his head nervously and asks you "what?" he stifles a fake laugh and shakes his head back to the conversation. To be even more annoying, keep doing it throughout the day at inopportune times.
- When someone asks you something, you say "sure, do you want the fries too?"
- Tell people, in Italian, that you don't speak Italian, and you are learning it from a tutor. This works even better if you use very long or rarely used words. The kind of words that only people with fluent Italian would use.

Step 4. Make some toilet humor
Tell those near you that you have to go to the bathroom, and that you think they should go too, since they have been keeping it inside for quite a while. When they go to the bathroom, call them and tell them things like, "Are you okay there?". To make it even more annoying, if there are other people in the bathroom, proudly inform them that: "My friend is there," pointing to the toilet. When you're done in the bathroom, go out with a sigh of relief and be sure to describe to others all your time in the bathroom (even if they'd rather you don't).
Method 2 of 7: Troll Online
Step 1. Break the basic rules of grammar and their use
WRITE ALL CAPS. MAKE EXCESSIVE USE OF THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON. when you should write something in uppercase, use lowercase characters. Or use it with other people.
- Not using punctuation correctly? Exceed, in commas. Put excessive exclamation marks !!!!!!!!!!
- Write bad words. Be really surprised when people don't understand you.
- Don't use vowels at all.
- Replace all punctuation with 'stop', or use something completely silly like "grandma's pie" and end all sentences with that.
- Write everything contrary, such as "oirartnoc la ottut ivircs"
Step 2. Master the comment stream
It clogs everything up with lengthy requests. If there is a video that has no comments, comment it yourself by saying: "THAT IS IT IS IT IS 1 ^ COMMENT" or something like that. You can also post comments asking "What is the name of this video?" You are uselessly polemical.
- Send a classic rock video to YouTube and complain about Justin Bieber. It is enough to complain in general.
- Pick up old threads from message boards and forums. People will be annoyed when she sees herself posted with "me too" in a 2001 discussion.
Step 3. Use emoticons
Act on the texts too. The more non-words you use in any type of communication, the more likely you are to annoy. Say 'lol' at the end of it all, even if it's not funny.
Alternatively, always type 'LiiL' instead of 'lol' and then type 'oops sorry, I always type the wrong keys, LiiL! oops, I mean kopl, I mean LOL
Step 4. Create a fake character
Put a fake name on the MSN page, and send a message to every 'friend' or user you know. Start a conversation and make it seem like you're her best friend, or her boyfriend she just broke up with.
- On Facebook, create a fan page group or a group that goes by your name. Invite everyone you know or don't know to join. Make the character look like the most ridiculous version of yourself. Refer to that figure in the third person.
- Join a social game and dress up as a cute doll as best you can, complete with a fancy username, and use tons of emoticons. If someone asks you, "Are you a girl?" answer "… no" or "I don't know", if you are or not. Note: This makes conversation very, very difficult.
- On the chat pages, pretend you're a kid. Whenever someone uses adult language, ask what the word means, or say, "My dad / mom says (insert the word here) all the time! You two are the same." Wrong to spell almost every word as you type. Ask stupid questions like: "How can I register without my mom's help?"
Step 5. Share everything
On Facebook, you put every single action you take in your state. Be very detailed. This bothers people. Very. On Halloween, post the recap of each horror movie on Netflix at fifteen-minute intervals.
Start a long, boring email conversation with another person, but in recipients include everyone in all replies
Method 3 of 7: Annoying People in the Cinema
Step 1. Ruin the texture
If you have already seen the film in another room of the cinema, put your head through the door and shout the finale. Screams from the back of the cinema. Alternatively, create an ending, or scream the ending of a different movie, like "Harry Potter dies but I really don't believe it."
When there is an important scene, such as when the killer is discovered, or the couple finally get together, sneeze or cough loudly and in a disturbing way
Step 2. Make loud noises
Laugh hatefully at really mundane jokes. Shut up anyone who tells you something, and then start a loud argument that it's very rude to talk during a movie, because some people are trying to watch it.
- Make those annoying sucking sounds when trying to drink the last few drops of the soda.
- Bring two or more people with you and start an unpleasant conversation aloud, while the movie is going, and make sure you are close to as many people as possible. If someone tells you to shut your mouth, throw them some popcorn.
- If no one wants to be with you, bring your cell phone and don't worry about vibrating it. Make sure your cell phone sounds like a car alarm and don't answer for at least a minute.
Step 3. Be physically annoying
Make sure you sit in the middle of the row, then every 10 minutes get up and go to the aisle. Walk around for a while and then return to your central seat. Maybe stop halfway down the aisle and then sit back down. Buy some kind of sticky candy, like gummy bears, and secretly throw them in the hallway or on the people in front or behind you at random intervals. If someone looks at you weird, eat one.
- If someone is sitting in front of you, start kicking the person's chair and don't stop. You can even put your feet on it. The dirtier the shoes, the better.
- Put on your jogging suit and start taking turns in the corridors, make sure you are panting hard and move your hips like an expert walker.
- Get up to go to the bathroom, and then when you arrive at the entrance, keep the door open for a few minutes while watching the film.
- If you are in the cinema with your boyfriend / girlfriend, get up and move during the best scenes, you will drive the people behind you crazy.
Step 4. Annoy the staff
Ask the kiosk guy if the straws are free. You stay at the ticket office for a long time.
Ask for special permission, ask if they make room for your imaginary friends or your disabled brother George. If they refuse, tell them something totally out of place. Like that of your father's asparagus which are essential. Act as if what you are saying really means something. If they agree to your request, act as if you don't know what they're talking about
Method 4 of 7: Being Annoying in School
Step 1. Wreak havoc with your teachers
Criticize how they write or the tasks they assign. Use the word "pedagogy". Learn about your teacher's private life. Refuse to do your homework. Change places continuously. If your teacher reacts, make a raspberry with your hands or answer "here".
- Correcting a teacher's grammar is a great way to irritate him. Improper corrections are even better, like "Professor Bianchi, I think you meant, 'Because of us,' right?"
- Whenever the teacher explains something, tell him that you don't understand. When he repeats, tell him you still don't understand. Repeat, ad infinitum.
- Keep saying the same number in math over and over. With this really all your classmates and your teacher will want to kill you. Example: "What is four times two?" "Eight". "Are you for seven?" "Eight". "Five by four?" "Eight".
Step 2. Talk too much
At lunch, approach some people, sit uncomfortably next to them, and say, "I mean, Bob, you're the best friend ever!" If his name is really Bob, call him Steve. Mime anything someone says. Answer each question incorrectly, or at least raise your hand. Always say, "Antonio Meucci and the telephone." Get your friend's name, and then run away.
- Say, "Hi" to everyone in the class for no reason. Then ask the guys who have female friends if they are their girlfriends, and ask the girls who have male friends if they are their boyfriends.
- Ask someone why they cried when they didn't cry.
Step 3. Do nonsense
Make strange sounds, such as an ambulance siren, the sound of a performance or even the echo or click your tongue. Record your sounds in your mobile and activate them constantly.
- Star at the ceiling while someone is talking to you and when they ask you what you are doing say "It's just like … sitting up there" in a really strange tone. Or, stare at the floor and tell him to "sit there".
- Sing songs about your friends that they find very annoying. Sing several times in an unusual tone. "Ciccio bomba tank top sat on a glass: the glass broke, Ciccio bomba drowned … …", is a classic.
Step 4. Make your body a tool
Crack your knuckles really hard. Fart, burp, cough, sneeze, wipe your nose on your sleeve. Say "Scu-SA" in a really stupid voice when you do something you don't need to apologize for. Repeat a word over and over in a chanting voice.
- Bring gum to class and chew hard in your neighbor's ear.
- When you are next to the teacher and he is talking, you cough without covering your mouth.
Step 5. Mess with computers
Change the desktop picture. Choose something that your friend will find embarrassing or funny, like a picture of the Jonas Brothers or a cosmic cat, then get everyone's attention when they return to the computer. Delete the icons or rearrange them into rough shapes.
Change the settings continuously. Make your mouse or trackpad ultra sensitive, or set the monitor to go to sleep after 30 seconds of inactivity
Method 5 of 7: Annoy People While Driving
Step 1. Get a ridiculously sized car
Whether it's an over-the-top SUV or a mini Smart Car, make sure you drive at rush hour, that way you'll be the giant obnoxious vehicle on a crowded street that's trying to claim a space for itself, or whizzing through traffic as one. unbalanced.
Always keep the trailer attached to the vehicle with nothing on it, or something absurd, like "a horse."
Step 2. Turn up the volume on the radio
Play some awkward music when your friends are in the car, like the "Titanic" theme song or a thug rap.
Step 3. Behaving strangely at traffic lights
The horn sounds. If you are behind someone at a traffic light, blast the horn at full blast and don't stop. If you want, you can leave your hand fixed on the horn.
When you are stopped at a traffic light put your head on the steering wheel and pretend to be unconscious or dead and stay still. When someone comes to check, wake up loudly
Step 4. Ask for "directions"
As you drive, pull over when you see pedestrians and wave them, smile, and with the window down yell at random people in cars or on the sidewalk. Ask where an imaginary place is. Be annoyed when they don't know.
- Shout a random word (such as pickle) at someone, then close the window.
- Find out about the availability of fine mustards from nearby motorists.
Method 6 of 7: Annoy People on the Phone
Step 1. Call at inopportune times
Call late at night when your friend is sleeping. If you can't call him the first time, try a couple more times. If you still can't connect, try an hour later or after a few hours. Wait to call him until you know your friend is busy and keep calling him until he answers you.
- Use different phone numbers to call the person each time. This can reduce the chances of getting caught, and increase the chances of your friend getting back to you. Put the anonymous call function before dialing the number, so that he doesn't know who you are. Start chatting and repeat the same things over and over. If he asks who you are, keep babbling.
- Call your owner at 2 am "just to talk". Expect to be fired.
Step 2. Don't say anything
Be silent when the connection has started, just keep listening repeatedly, "Hello? Hello? Hello? Who are you? Hello? Say something!" Take a heavy breath.
- When you are speaking, start pressing all the keys so that they beep. You will drive the other person crazy because it will all be a beep.
- When you're not talking, use the keys to tap your friend.
Step 3. Leave lots of messages
When you leave a message, at the end scream. After the scream say "PSSSS" and then something casual like "and a partridge in a pear tree!" Singing works too.
Step 4. Call strangers
Call a random person and start sobbing hysterically over the phone saying, "I knew this was going to happen! I knew it was only a matter of time! What should I do?" If the person says, "I think you got the wrong number," tell him, "Nobody loves me!" and hang up.
- In the middle of the conversation, in a metallic voice say something like, "This phone will self-destruct by …", then start pressing a random number key and count down from 10 as you press the button.
- When you pick up the phone, you act as if the connection is broken. Then, after a dozen times, say "Oh, hi," or, if they hang up, call them back and pretend the connection goes down again.
Method 7 of 7: Irritating People in the Restaurant

Step 1. Chew really hard
Forget about table manners. Chew your food as loud and unpleasant as you can. Always chew with your mouth open. Fart, burp, sneeze, and look pretty disgusting by covering your face in spaghetti.
Step 2. Be rude
When you leave, always complain about the service and food. Make sure your complaints are as foolish as possible: "My slice of pizza had three pieces of pepper on it", "I wanted four ice cubes, not five!"
- If it's a restaurant that keeps balloons on every table for the kids, go around to get all the balloons and claim that you collect them for a living.
- Go to the restaurant dressed as a caveman. Keep an unkempt appearance as well. And instead of answering with a "Yes" say "Ugh!".
Step 3. Create confusion with the waiter
When he asks you "What does he want to eat?" answer, "Food!" If the waiter suggests you a dish, yell out loud: "I'm allergic to this!"
- Try pointing to a dish on the menu, asking, "What's in this?" When the waiter answers you, choose a random ingredient (beans, for example) and yell, "I hate beans!"
- Tell the waiter that you need five extra seats for your imaginary friends. If he refuses, yell at him that you will tell Santa he was bad.
- Order random and / or impossible things. For example, "I'd like a Blue Jean Sandwich with a bath rim, please. I'd also like something like an elephant. Oh, and don't forget the monopoly. Like, Tinker Bell here?"
- Sit at a reserved table or a really large table when you are alone and refuse to move.