How to draw attention to yourself: 5 steps

How to draw attention to yourself: 5 steps
How to draw attention to yourself: 5 steps

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Would you like to stand out on all the others? Be popular? Catch the glances? Let's face it, everyone loves to get attention and this factor really has its advantages: winning the person you like, getting a job or achieving stardom. So why is it that those seeking attention are often not frowned upon? Perhaps because to get noticed, many people tend to choose the wrong ways, giggling and making fun of themselves. Do not think that negative advertising is still advertising, try to emerge only in a positive way, however it will take time, patience, commitment and a lot of attention.


Draw Attention to Yourself Step 1
Draw Attention to Yourself Step 1

Step 1. Think about how others see you, it takes time and patience to create the right image

If you are the new student of a school and you want to meet new friends you have to introduce yourself in the right way, being friendly, nice and reliable. Behave in a way that you keep to the image you want to project in the eyes of the people you know. Whatever your profile, from "everybody's friend" to "bad boy", always try not to overdo it, or your attitude will seem artificial.

Draw Attention to Yourself Step 2
Draw Attention to Yourself Step 2

Step 2. Be original

If you don't want to introduce yourself to others following a standard, and perhaps somewhat stereotyped, image, you can create your own. Create a profile that reflects your personality, you will need to stand out from others and be original if you really want to get noticed. Remember that your goal is to capture the attention of others, so it will be helpful to introduce yourself in the right way.

Draw Attention to Yourself Step 3
Draw Attention to Yourself Step 3

Step 3. Be exceptional

Being exceptional does not mean achieving excellence but being able to stand out from others, and to do so you must strive to stand out in something. If you want to attract the attention of your partner, try to be a perfect partner or boyfriend, if you want a new job instead, increase your skills in the sector you would like to aim for and acquire the necessary knowledge to make a career. It is not necessary to stand out just to be able to achieve a goal, in fact you can observe that people who are always successful in everything they do often stand out in some sectors that have nothing and to do with what they would like to achieve. For example, they manage to make excellent conquests despite having made no effort to show themselves as an ideal partner. Distinguishing yourself in one thing in particular will lead you to automatically stand out in many other fields as well.

Draw Attention to Yourself Step 4
Draw Attention to Yourself Step 4

Step 4. Be gentle

In building your own image it is very important to proceed with patience and delicacy. If you appear too eager to draw attention to yourself, you will mess up all your efforts and be negatively labeled. For example, if your goal is to find new friends, you can't start bullying and insulting anyone who passes by, you will certainly attract attention, but you will not get the result you are hoping for. Instead, try to win new friends by smiling, talking to people, or joining a sports group. In this case, the positive image you will build will help you get noticed and be appreciated over time.

Draw Attention to Yourself Step 5
Draw Attention to Yourself Step 5

Step 5. Be humble

Be exceptional, confident and determined, but never arrogant. Even if you achieve excellence in every field, you will always find someone along the way who will be ready to criticize or find you unpleasant. Don't brag about your achievements and who you are, show them, but don't show off. Learn not to be a bully.


  • While it may seem commonplace, remember that people don't care about knowing everything you can do, but rather how much you are able to give. By being braggart, you can be the center of attention, but not in a positive way, and probably not for long. Being nice and kind will benefit you more over time.
  • Be unique and original, everyone will notice you.
  • Stand out in something you truly enjoy doing. Don't think about becoming a lawyer just to impress and win the consent of your parents, choose your path based on your aspirations and abilities.


  • If you try to get attention the wrong way you will soon be ignored and cast aside. Strive every day to reach your goal in a positive way, through constructive actions and without letting others know that you are trying to get noticed.
  • Getting attention won't always benefit you. Even the wrong people will start to notice you, for example the bunch of bullies in your area.
