If you're having a hard time understanding the women in your life, don't worry - it's not as complicated as you think. The trick is to put your preconceptions aside and learn to think of them as people. Whether it's an acquaintance, a relative or your partner, if you take the time to talk to a woman and really listen to what she has to say, you'll soon have a deeper awareness of who she is and what makes her special. Furthermore, you should familiarize yourself with the typical problems of women and learn to recognize and question the most common gender stereotypes.
Part 1 of 2: Learning to Know a Woman

Step 1. Avoid making assumptions
You will never understand a person if you think you know everything (or even just something) about him. When you meet a woman, start by letting go of any preconceptions about what she thinks or feels emotionally. Don't assume that you know his life, preferences, or core beliefs.
- For example, if she's single, don't think she's feeling lonely and looking for a serious relationship. Not all women are interested in having a partner.
- It is not easy to admit that you have preconceptions. When you think about a woman in your life, stop and ask yourself, "Why am I thinking this? Is there any reason why I should look at her this way?"

Step 2. Recognize that it is a person
Remember that every woman is a unique and particular person, just like you. She has her own history, her problems and her experiences that have made her who she is now. As you get to know her, try to consider her as an individual before giving importance to sex or any preconceived notions about the female gender.
This is not to say that you have to ignore the fact that she is a woman: after all, sex is an important component in the identity of the vast majority of people. You just have to take into account that it does not define an individual in its entirety

Step 3. Ask her what her thoughts, feelings and beliefs are
One of the best ways to get to know and understand people is to talk to them. If you are interested in getting to know a woman, try asking her questions. Just don't get too personal and don't be pushy, especially if you don't know her very well. For example, you might ask her:
- "How do you have fun?";
- "What do you think about this problem?";
- "Why did you decide to take up this profession?";
- "What do you hope to accomplish one day?".

Step 4. Listen actively when she speaks
Asking questions and talking is useless if you don't pay attention to what he says. So, try to listen to her and understand what she says. This way you will learn to relate to her. Don't spend all your time thinking and preparing your answers. Rather, listen and then decide how to respond.
- If something escapes you, try repeating it in your own words or ask for clarification.
- For example, you might say, "I get the impression you won't vote for that candidate because you don't like his position on environmental issues. Is that right?"

Step 5. Pay attention to body language
It is not enough to listen to understand a person. You also need to pay attention to non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and posture. When in the company of a woman or chatting with her, observe the movements of her face and body.
- For example, if she looks into your eyes, smiles, and holds her arms at her sides, she probably feels comfortable and relaxed.
- If she looks at the floor and has her arms folded, she may feel nervous, shy, or worried.

Step 6. Spend some time with her if possible
You can better understand a person by spending time with them. If you have the opportunity to date a woman, you can observe how she behaves in different situations and in the presence of other people. Depending on how close you are, try inviting her to be with you, alone or in a group.
- Be specific when inviting her. For example, instead of vaguely asking her, "Do we want to go out together sometime?", Try saying, "I'm going to dinner with some friends on Friday. Would you like to come?".
- If you prefer to be alone with her, suggest that she do something less demanding that allows you to chat with her and get to know her better. For example, you could invite her for coffee or lunch together.

Step 7. Talk to other people who know her for a different point of view
If you have a hard time understanding someone's behavior, sometimes it pays to talk to friends or acquaintances in common. They may tell you why they act, think, or speak a certain way.
For example, you might say, "You've known Sara for a long time. Why does she get annoyed every time we talk about parrots?"

Step 8. Try to put yourself in his shoes
It is important to cultivate empathy in order to understand others. Imagine living the situation of this woman. Ask yourself what you would think and what you would feel in his place.
For example, you might think, "Monica seems really forgetful at times, but she works double shifts and has a child to raise. She's probably upset and tired most of the time."

Step 9. Learn about the problems women face
Even if you live in a world where the sexes are considered equal from a legal and social point of view, men and women have to deal with different problems and difficulties. To understand a woman, try to get an overview and understand what kind of pressure and prejudices she is subjected to and to what extent they differ from yours.
- For example, try reading articles, books or opinions about the differences in how men and women are treated medically or the inconveniences women face in the workplace.
- If a woman complains about the difficulties and frustrations that come with being a woman, resist the temptation to get defensive or play down. Keep your mind open and try to see things from their point of view.
Part 2 of 2: Being Understanding in a Partner Relationship

Step 1. Give your partner your full attention when you are together
Even when you're in a serious relationship, you have a hard time understanding a woman if you're not there and don't give her due consideration. You don't have to be focused on her 24/7, but pay attention to her when you spend some time together. Put away your phone and other distractions and listen to her when she talks.
- When you have a conversation, try to understand what he is saying before responding. Follow his speech by intervening with a few questions.
- If she sees you paying attention to her and trying to understand her, she is more likely to do the same with you.

Step 2. Be interested in his passions
You will be able to understand your partner better and develop your relationship if you show some interest in the things that are important to you. Ask her what she likes to do, what her goals and dreams are, and which ideals are most important to her. Find a way to get involved in his hobbies.
- For example, you could watch her favorite show with her or challenge her from time to time to the video game she loves.
- Investigate his interests. For example, you might ask her, "Why do you like this book?" or "How did you get the passion for rock climbing?".
- By learning about the things she cares about, not only will you get closer to her, but you will also get to know her personality better.

Step 3. Don't accuse her and don't rush to conclusions when you argue
If your partner has behavior you don't understand or disagree with, avoid complaining or blaming her. He will get defensive and it will be harder for you to consider his point of view and solve the problem. Instead, tell her what you think and calmly and respectfully ask her if she can explain her attitude.
- For example, you might say, "I felt very hurt and confused when you made that comment about my brother. Why did you put it that way?"
- Avoid using accusatory or suggestive language. For example, don't say, "You always try to denigrate me or my family just to feel better about yourself!"

Step 4. Ask her how she is doing
If you don't know how he is feeling or what he is thinking, the best way to find out is to ask him directly. Pay close attention to the answer and seek further explanation if it is not clear to you.
- Try asking open-ended questions like: "How are you feeling now?", Or more specific like: "Are you upset about that discussion we had before?".
- If he responds evasively or says he doesn't want to talk about it, don't insist or resent it. Rather, say, "Okay, I get it. I'm here if you want to reopen the conversation, though."

Step 5. Get in touch with your inner self
It may sound strange, but if you come to understand yourself, you can understand your partner better too. If you do not know what is going on in your mind and heart, it is harder for you to get in tune with what the person next to you thinks and feels. So, take time every day to broaden your awareness of your moods, thoughts and physical sensations.
Avoid judging or analyzing what you think and feel. Just take note and give it a name. For example, you might think, "When I argue with Sandra, I'm afraid. I'm afraid I'm going to lose her. My shoulders squeeze and my heart is pounding."
Did you know that?
According to some research, those who practice mindful meditation tend to be more empathetic and understanding towards others.