How to Tidy Up Your Life (with Pictures)

How to Tidy Up Your Life (with Pictures)
How to Tidy Up Your Life (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Have you ever had the need to put your life back in order after a period of confusion? In most cases, after a fall, people tend to wear themselves out instead of trying to re-establish the ideal conditions to get up and get back on track. While not the healthiest choice, just feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing to change the situation is definitely the easy way out. The secret to achieving happiness, however, is not unlike what allows us to ride a bicycle, to advance towards the finish line we must be able to remain in balance.


Part 1 of 3: Regaining Control of Your Time

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 1
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 1

Step 1. Analyze how you use your time

Unless it's a pre-planned break time, every time you engage in an activity that doesn't produce any tangible results or that doesn't allow you to get close to the desired success you tend to waste your time. The first step is to decide what the important things in your life are. Start by making a list of the activities you do normally, every day or perhaps every week, detailing how much time you spend on each. At this point, reread your list and draw a line on those occupations that you consider superfluous or that make you waste too much time unnecessarily.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 2
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 2

Step 2. Cut unnecessary activities

Look at your list and analyze what you have deleted and what is left. Does this seem a reasonable picture to you? Remember that your goal is to stop wasting too much time doing unnecessary things. Now that you know which occupations to avoid, replace them with more productive ones.

For example, reducing your trips to the cinema by half or the time spent surfing the web will allow you to have more free time. Watching TV for 5 hours a day clearly means throwing away a lot of precious time

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 3
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 3

Step 3. Disconnect from social media

Many tend to keep an inordinate number of windows open when they are at their computer. The excuse could be to not want to forget about an important event or commitment and to always be able to keep up. But if you are also part of this circle, you have most likely noticed that the notifications quickly become incessant and that the chances of being distracted and directed to a new page, for example to read a sensational article, view a new photo or choose the restaurant for dinner, they are almost indomitable. Disconnect from social media and take back control of your time.

Schedule times of day to check for incoming notifications. Take advantage of the many time management tools available to keep you updated at constant intervals. Soon you will be so busy becoming more productive that you won't notice the absence of that virtual world you were constantly immersed in

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 4
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 4

Step 4. Get up early and use your time to concentrate

Take advantage of the energy that comes from the beginning of each new day. At that time, most people are not yet active and the world is a peaceful and lively place, the ideal condition for being highly productive. Ignore emails and notifications, you will be able to access them later. Immediately dedicate yourself to those activities that will allow you to achieve your goals.

  • You can also use this time of day for meditation or exercise. Meditation is a powerful tool that helps you calm your mind, relieve stress, and find the energy you need to get through the day.
  • If your schedule starts at 07:30 in the morning, setting your alarm at 05:30 every day will give you two hours to focus and work on your goals. You will be amazed at how many goals you will be able to reach in that time frame.
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 5
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 5

Step 5. When necessary, respond with a no and don't feel guilty for doing so

There are moments in life when it is not possible to keep up with everything. Meetings, dinners, parties, conferences and dozens of other situations that require our presence. Feeling wanted is great, but what is the price to pay? Trying to attend any event will inevitably end up negatively affecting your productivity. Learn to say no to things that are not essential; doing so will allow you to be open to new and more important opportunities.

Ask yourself the following question: "Will answering affirmatively help me improve the most important areas of your life?" If not, act accordingly

Part 2 of 3: Restoring Healthy Habits

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 6
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 6

Step 1. Create a healthy diet plan, with a special emphasis on whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins

A healthy diet greatly affects both our energy levels and our mood. After just a few days of a healthy diet you will begin to feel in control of your life again.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 7
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 7

Step 2. Incorporate vitamins into your daily diet

Some vitamin supplements can help you effectively reduce the stress of a difficult period just ended. Even if you eat a very healthy diet, you may be deficient in some important nutrient due to high levels of anxiety and stress. When it comes to relieving mental tension, the best vitamins are definitely those that belong to groups B and C.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 8
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 8

Step 3. Meditate or rely on breathing techniques

As mentioned earlier, stress can affect our productivity levels in a highly negative way. When we feel overwhelmed with responsibilities, we tend to stop breathing properly. First, then, stop and take long, deep breaths to instantly improve the oxygen supply to the brain.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 9
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 9

Step 4. Spend more time in nature

Staying in a nice outdoor place is never a waste of time. Nature has the ability to free our minds from thoughts, giving us considerable relief. Climbing a mountain or taking a walk in the woods will give you a way to refocus your priorities, it will also help you feel connected with the universe.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 10
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 10

Step 5. Find time to stretch your muscles

Schedule a massage to improve circulation, muscle tone, and eliminate toxins. Take a yoga class, there are numerous styles of yoga and teachers with different personalities and approaches, you will surely be able to find the ones that are ideal for you. Maybe after the first lessons you may not feel enthusiastic, it can happen. In that case don't give up and keep trying, when you find the ideal combination of style and teaching for you you will find that it will be worth it and in some cases you may decide that yoga becomes an integral part of the rest of your life.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 11
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 11

Step 6. Give up bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol

They are undoubtedly harmful behaviors and some of these vices can interfere with your judgment and decision-making skills. The money saved and the health gained by putting an end to one or more of these harmful habits can be directed into something more rewarding, such as joining a hiking club or buying a weekly spa entry. Just like during the difficult time you just went through, there are times when everything seems out of control. Now that things are back to normal, it's time to get back to focusing on your body - the temple of your soul.

Part 3 of 3: Regroup

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 12
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 12

Step 1. Organize first, then buy

Let's consider a common problem, magazines piling up and messing up for months or years. You know you have to do something about it, so you decide to go out and buy some newspaper holders to give it a new home. The best thing to do, however, could be to sit down, reflect and choose which ones are good to keep and which ones are better to throw away. Remember that "less is more" often.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 13
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 13

Step 2. Go to thrift shops

Sometimes real treasures can be found among second-hand things. People may find themselves forced to give away their belongings for little money, for example due to a move. The bookcase that was perfect for the living room of the previous house may be too large for the new one. What is a hassle for them could turn into a great deal for you, allowing you to rearrange your spaces at a fraction of the cost. Help yourself by helping others!

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 14
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 14

Step 3. Put things back in place

The simplest way to keep the environment organized is to put items back in place after use. Knowing where to find combs, clothes, bags and forks is very useful because it allows us not to waste our time looking. Ask yourself the following question: "Would I be able to lead a stranger in search of every object in my house?" If not, you probably need to learn how to organize yourself better.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 15
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 15

Step 4. Use the waste bin

Organizing unnecessary items is a real waste of time. By getting rid of all that has long been unused you will feel incredibly better and more in control of yourself. Look around and throw away those dated magazines you keep with the idea of wanting to reread them "someday" or those notes relating to things already done. For many of us, the reason we accumulate so much is simply that we don't feel like dealing with it. This is a habit that we have developed over time, but which can be changed.

As you rummage through the things you have accumulated over the years, you will find that most of them lie unused and can be thrown away, so don't be afraid to put your life in order. Eventually you will feel more in control of your spaces and you will be able to live in a more organized environment

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 16
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 16

Step 5. Get a paper calendar, paper, and whiteboard

Use the paper to write down your daily to-do list. Always keep it handy. In the evening, write down on your calendar the things that you have not been able to complete. You will need the whiteboard to take notes whenever you need them.

Get Your Life Back in Order Step 17
Get Your Life Back in Order Step 17

Step 6. Write down your three most important tasks

When we focus on all the things we have to do, we risk being easily overwhelmed. Learn to distinguish between what is essential and what is not, not everything is urgent or indispensable. Sometimes going from one thing to another in a frantic way makes us believe we are productive, but usually the opposite is true.

When you focus exclusively on your three most important tasks, the path immediately becomes clearer and easier to navigate


  • The company of friends and natural remedies are perfect solutions to stress.
  • Spend 10-20 minutes each day reflecting on your past, present and future actions. Think about how you can save money and improve your health and yourself. Don't think for more than 20 minutes a day, or you may be tempted to put it off. Take advantage of the moments of rest, for example when you are in line waiting for your turn or on public transport.
  • Start by dedicating just 20 minutes (or a limited amount of time) to the tasks that make you the most fearful.


  • Don't give yourself an apology, you will only make fun of yourself.
  • Don't give up too soon. Change can begin in an instant, but it can take a long time to complete.
  • Remember that each person is different from the other. The only guarantees come from your own actions.
  • The only thing you need to fear is fear itself. Stop being afraid and start taking action. Fears will not eliminate problems and will not prevent them from occurring, on the contrary they will make them worse.
  • Don't create unrealistic expectations. Imposing too fast pace and impossible goals will lead you to failure.
  • Don't be extremist with any of these tips.
