Do you get bored quickly when you have to tidy up the room? Do you get distracted easily? Or don't you even want to start? Show your parents that you are responsible and start tidying up - but this time have fun and don't lose motivation.

Step 1. Find willpower
Your parents ask you to tidy up your room, because it looks like it was hit by a tornado. It's time to get up and start!

Step 2. Adopt a positive attitude
Focus on the benefits:
- Think about how much easier it would be to pick your clothes from the closet than to have to rummage through the piles of clothes on the floor.
- It will also be easier to get out of bed in the morning and start the day. Your day will be orderly from the beginning.
- The room will be more inviting. You will be able to host your friends without feeling embarrassed.
- Your parents will be happier!
- A tidy room equals a tidy mind. If you keep your room tidy, you won't have to worry about chaos. You will be able to focus on the most important things.
- If you tidy up your room often, the piles of items to be sorted will disappear. You will never get tired when you have to clean.

Step 3. Establish some rules
Make sure you don't do anything else until you're done. Stay focused:
- Don't talk on the phone.
- Don't watch television.
- Don't use the computer.

Step 4. Calculate the time you will need
Make a realistic estimate.
- Make sure you have enough time to finish in just one day.
- Eat and go to the bathroom before starting to avoid interruptions.

Step 5. Put on some music
Dust off your CD collection. Turn up the volume. Tidying up the room can be fun. Nobody is watching you, so go wild!

Step 6. Get what you need
Take containers, paper tissues, cleaning sprays, vacuum cleaners, mops, etc.

Step 7. Get started
- Put things away.
- Spray the cleaner and clean surfaces and windows.
- Vacuum and mop.

Step 8. Don't lose motivation
Stay focused and get busy! Keep a positive attitude!

Step 9. Ask someone to check on you
Ask your sister or brother to check that you are working, about every 10 minutes, to never forget what your goal is.

Step 10. Take a break
Give yourself a short break and then resume cleaning.

Step 11. Clean everything
Clean the different areas more or less thoroughly as needed. You will save time in the long run.

Step 12. Give yourself a reward
Choose something you enjoy doing or receiving. Knowing you won't be able to have it until your room is clean will help keep you motivated.
Step 13. Try to set aside some time each day to clean the room
You can just tidy up a thing or two and your room will always be perfect.
- Tidy up your room every day to avoid having to spend many hours cleaning when you can't help it.
- Don't take too many breaks. You may get distracted and not get the job done.
- Don't spend too much time on just one part of the room. If you waste too much time on one part, you will be too tired and frustrated to clean the rest of the room.
- Divide the room into sections and rearrange them one at a time to make the task easier.
- If you decide to take a break, make sure it is no longer than 5 minutes. You could also use a timer. And try never to leave your room, except to go to the bathroom or take out the trash.
- If your room is a real mess, and your friends owe you a favor, ask for their help with the more difficult parts.
- Make sure you don't inhale the cleaning spray - it contains chemicals that could make you dizzy, headache or worse. Always be careful, and maybe hold a rag or handkerchief in front of your airways.
- Always ask for an adult's permission before using a detergent.