How To Be Adventurous: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

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How To Be Adventurous: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
How To Be Adventurous: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Tired of always doing the same things? Do you want to make things more exciting? You don't have to travel or climb mountains. The formula for adventure is really very simple: novelty + courage = adventure! So what are you waiting for? Read these steps and embark on a memorable adventure!


Be Adventurous Step 1
Be Adventurous Step 1

Step 1. Give a new twist to old things

Enter the house through the window instead of the door. Take the long way home. Study the Kama Sutra. Cook an exotic meal. Wear something different from your style. Go see a movie in your high school prom dress. Learn a new language and whisper sweet words into your loved one's ear. Whatever you are doing, ask yourself, "How can I do it differently?" Even something as mundane as brushing your teeth can take on a whole new level of fun if you do it for example dancing or belly dancing at the same time!

Be Adventurous Step 2
Be Adventurous Step 2

Step 2. Overcome your fears

Get to know them, and once you get over them, the doors will open to new adventures. Whether it's tall, speaking or singing in public, the mother-in-law etc… deal with it. Remember that fear is a biological response as a defense against death. If the situation that scares you is not life-threatening, there is no reason to be afraid!

Be Adventurous Step 3
Be Adventurous Step 3

Step 3. Talk to strangers

The best way to find new adventures is through new people. Each of us has different experiences, each person can teach you something new. Maybe that guy at the bar, sitting across from you, can show you how to climb a mountain. Maybe the old lady in the library can teach you how to store 20 pounds of tomatoes. Perhaps the quiet girl at the bar can offer you a place to stay with her cousin in Buenos Aires, Budapest, or Bolivia. Overcome approach anxiety and start talking to people! Who cares if they don't listen to you? What's the problem? It won't kill you, right? (Well … see the warnings below.)

Be Adventurous Step 4
Be Adventurous Step 4

Step 4. Watch a scary movie

This is the true quality of an adventurous person. Don't be afraid to watch something scary.

Be Adventurous Step 5
Be Adventurous Step 5

Step 5. Try new things

Always be on the lookout for new things to do. Read local newspapers, and ask people what they do in their spare time. Go to a local farm and ask if it is possible to milk a cow. Make a documentary. Take ballet or salsa lessons. Meditate with Buddhist monks. Whatever it is, approach it with an open mind and a good attitude, and thank people for the opportunity to try something new.

Be Adventurous Step 6
Be Adventurous Step 6

Step 6. Let yourself go

Explore new territories. Once in a while, spend a day out just wandering around randomly and seeing what you come across. (If you have a map and aren't too isolated, you should be able to find your way home.) If you can, visit another country. Even if you can't travel, you can climb the tree in the backyard - which is new territory, and you'll likely enjoy the view!

Be Adventurous Step 7
Be Adventurous Step 7

Step 7. Make a list

Write a list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket". Surely, you don't want to die having followed the same old routine, day after day, do you? So write down the list - complete with goals big and small, like skydiving in Peru, or whistling with a blade of grass - and put it into practice!

Be Adventurous Step 8
Be Adventurous Step 8

Step 8. Live in the moment

Adventurers are adept at focusing on the journey rather than the destination. Yes, they usually have a goal in mind, but when you try new things, plans can always change and so does the path! You will need to be resourceful and, above all, take things with sportsmanship. When things go wrong (which they will, otherwise you're not pushing yourself out of the comfort zone enough) don't be moody and upset; outline your options, pick one, and move on with your life. And have fun!

Be Adventurous Step 9
Be Adventurous Step 9

Step 9. Embrace your risky side

Don't be afraid to let it reveal, and have friends, family or anyone else you know face their fears and accompany you on your adventures as well.


Keep fit. Many adventures require physical exertion. You don't have to look like a supermodel, but you should still be able to climb a couple of flights of stairs without losing your breath


  • Equip yourself. If you are going to go through a forest, you need to know survival techniques. Bring a compass, a map, a bottle of water, a small knife (be careful!), Some snacks, bug spray, and matches if you don't know how to start a fire. Learn how to find food and how to deal with animals such as bears, coyotes, or wolves.
  • Don't be too scared. If you don't like horror movies but want to spice up your life, you know what the cons are. A horror movie can sometimes keep you up all night and generate fear.
  • Know your limits. Doing things beyond your abilities can be illegal and dangerous. Don't jump off a skyscraper (which of course you won't), or throw a knife. These things only exist in movies. Remember that actors receive special training that takes years of practice. Don't try to make them imitate.
  • Don't try to do it all by yourself. Some things are simple, but some activities require experts or adults. Don't do things you're not prepared for.
  • Do not copy illegally. Plagiarism is one of the many things people do, in order to be able to be ahead. Don't be one of them. Never take information from other books. Always mention and write down the resources you have used.
