Have you always dreamed of being respected just for your name or reputation? To make all people turn to look at you while you walk? Many of us would like to lead a public life as fascinating as that of famous people. Although someone is lucky enough to become famous almost by accident, wikiHow can teach you how to benefit from your opportunities to succeed, especially by focusing on what you enjoy doing most.
Part 1 of 4: Developing a Talent

Step 1. Decide what you will become famous for
Would you like to cook better than the great chef Gordon Ramsay? Do you want to duet with Beyonce or sell novels like J. K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter? Choosing a career of value is the first step to achieve notoriety.
- Artistic careers, such as painting, acting, writing or playing, all require the development of their own path of promotion and visibility. You will have to be good at selling yourself in these areas, possibly managing to make a name for yourself and a reputation. If someone you've never met before knows your name, it's already a small first success towards glory.
- Normally, we usually associate the concept of "fame" only with people belonging to the world of cinema and art, but we forget that every public figure can be qualified as "famous". Politicians, football coaches, big local entrepreneurs, even meteorologists are easily recognized on the street, or inside a normal shop.
- Think also of those who perform public services. Doctors, lawyers and firefighters can all, for different reasons, jump to the headlines of the local news for their actions. You don't necessarily have to be Brad Pitt to consider yourself famous.

Step 2. Be the best
Sounds easy, doesn't it? To be able to become famous in any field you want to excel, it requires you to excel in a specific skill. Try to give your all to develop your skills. Whether you want to become a famous rap singer or become a professional footballer, you will have to work hard to fully integrate into that world.
- Forget about notoriety at this stage. Kendrick Lamar, one of the most famous and respected rap singers in the entire music scene, became famous thanks to the passion and dedication he always put into everything he did, not because he just wanted to be famous.
- Youtube is the prime example of what we are saying. An indefinite amount of pseudo singers who stage their terrible performances, convinced that they will reach fame by skipping the steps we have just referred to. Nobody will want to listen to you if your music doesn't resonate in people's hearts. Wait for it to get good quality until your music is better than what you hear on the radio.
- Music that is "bad enough to be good" falls into the category of popularity. This is because, in some way, it still manages to hit the listener. A certain Tiny Tim, in America, became famous for his very bad singing skills. This made him "particular" and famous. William Hung more recently became famous for the same reason by participating in the American Idol show. He sings so badly that a lot of people flock to wherever he goes, just to see him "sing" live.

Step 3. Find mentors
Find someone who does exactly what you want to do, but in a better way, and try to learn as much as you can. When you get to his level, find someone even better and better prepared and keep learning. If your dream is to become an actor, study with the best acting teachers, watch all the films of your favorite performers, and find ways to communicate with them for advice. If you want to be a poet, read only texts and contents related to the world of literature and poetry. Study them, copy them into your notebook, read them aloud, or write the sentences that strike you most on your bedroom wall.

Step 4. Be unique
Being original in what you do is a crucial part of the path to fame. If you are an actor, what sets you apart from everyone else while acting? What is the detail that makes you unforgettable for someone? Let's take Steve Buscemi for example; he is one of Hollywood's most memorable actors thanks to his face and tone of voice, while not having a "traditionally" beautiful appearance. The secret of his success is based on his unique skills of acting in certain types of characters.

Step 5. Try to learn as much as possible about the area in which you would like to specialize
If you are an aspiring writer and your dream is to one day sell millions of novels, you will necessarily have to learn what the tastes of the readers are, and which are the best-selling books. Read them all, but avoid copying them. People always expect something new and accessible, so you have to be good at taking inspiration from the style of the various authors, but being careful to change stories and characters making them unique.
If your desire is to become a great criminal lawyer, logically you will have less room to maneuver to radically differentiate yourself from your other colleagues. The goal for everyone is to convince a jury that what you are saying has a foundation of truth. At the same time, however, you will be able to demonstrate qualities of style, behavior and even elegance that will make you a one-of-a-kind lawyer. Advertising yourself in an original way is always a good way to attract customers or supporters, regardless of the field in which you decide to operate
Part 2 of 4: Creating Opportunities

Step 1. Value yourself
If your goal is to become famous, think of yourself as a salesperson who needs to promote a product. People need to buy their idea of you. An element that manages to strike them deeply, whatever it is. This "thing" will have to guide you in all the decisions you make to become famous. It will be your trademark, which will determine the way you behave, the way you dress, the way you speak and even the way you will know how to sell yourself.
When the Beatles represented the most famous band on the planet, the Rolling Stones presented themselves as an alternative: wild and wild where the Beatles were calm and orderly, bearers of explicitly sexual languages where others were more chaste. The music and the "behind the scenes" weren't too different, but the marketing and the way of selling made the Stones unique

Step 2. Spread the word
Contact local newspapers and TVs, and let them know about your creative projects, or make arrangements with private radios to broadcast songs from your band or give interviews.

Step 3. Turn weaknesses into strengths
Any opportunity to communicate through the media is a good opportunity to value what you do. If you are the brewer of an elaborate craft beer aimed at an audience of sophisticated drinkers, and a newspaper asks you to give an interview on the subject of alcoholism, take the opportunity to set yourself apart from other more common brewers. Actors are particularly good at this process of transforming news reports in their favor.
Aspiring politicians are a perfect example of this. Barack Obama used his lack of government experience by passing it off as an expression of novelty and freshness compared to the old politicians. The incredible story of his life (son of a Kenyan father, born in Hawaii and raised in Kansas), was presented as the classic American fairy tale

Step 4. Risk failures
Always be aware and determined that your brand, your product and yourself have all the requisites required to achieve fame. You have to be able to put yourself out there to be successful. If you think "I'll never get the part for that role in that show, there's no point even trying", you're sure to be right, you'll never get caught! If you try to give yourself a chance instead, you might be pleasantly surprised. Don't be afraid to send a copy of your book to multiple publishers, or reserve an evening at a big festival. If you put dedication and determination into what you do, you will see that it will pay off in the end.
- Avoid excessive social contact. We've all had to deal with compulsive business card pickers or blatantly pushy Facebook users at least once. The problem with being too insistent is that you often end up giving the impression of thinking exclusively about your own interests rather than focusing on mutually beneficial relationships.
- Be realistic in setting your goals and avoid promoting and sponsoring yourself with blanket advertising campaigns. The Hip Hop world is not interested in interviewing your country band, nor are you likely to be invited to a wine fair if you are a brewer.
Part 3 of 4: Keeping the Celebrity

Step 1. Surprise people with your thickness
Trying to stand out from the crowd and being able to have so much more to offer than just one thing is the best way to stay on top of the wave for a longer period of time. Attending charitable events or taking action to help those most in need will make you appear in a different light. Invest your time and effort in activities and causes that you truly believe in.

Step 2. Diversify your businesses
Reality TV stars often find new glory by developing relevant qualities and skills. Ethan Zohn won a season of the "Island of the Famous" show, but then moved on to work, first, for a famous football team, then as a sports commentator and appeared on the cover of "Livestrong" magazine in 2012. (more than ten years after winning reality TV) after beating cancer and training to run the marathon.
An actor with musical talent could become both the finishing touch on a masterful performance and a source of consideration and respect. Take on your other adventures with desire and dedication, as if they were part of your main career

Step 3. Surround yourself with famous people
Once you reach notoriety, keep it by showing yourself around with other celebrities, working side by side with other famous people, and always trying to be the center of attention. More or less well-known singers who lived their most successful period during the 90s and early 2000s, have recently managed to carve out roles as singing judges in television programs thanks to their past.
Part 4 of 4: Becoming Famous without Having Talent

Step 1. Submit your application to participate in television programs, in Italy or abroad
While reality shows are in decline in some countries, they are often a great opportunity to get involved in the show business. For your auditions or auditions, always try to highlight what makes you unique, focusing on specific qualities and characteristics. Reality shows are always looking for open and uninhibited people.
Follow as many programs and reality shows as possible to figure out which role might be best suited to your abilities. If your only goal is to appear on television for a few minutes, try American Idol trying to provide disastrous or comical performances, and hoping to improvise curtains that can "pierce" the screen

Step 2. Develop relationships with famous people
Going out in the trendiest clubs, joking and maybe making friends with celebrities from the world of entertainment, is a way to be able to achieve notoriety. The wives of prominent political figures are drawn into the limelight, regardless of whether they want to or not.

Step 3. Get noticed on the internet
Making humorous videos or videos for informational purposes to be published on Youtube is an excellent method to take the road to notoriety. Spend time on social networks, developing pages and accounts for communicating with your fans.
Successful Youtube video makers are often hired by this popular web platform to follow the creation and playback of themed content. In the United States, a simple boy who decided to film himself while he ate and enthusiastically sponsored the products of some fast food restaurants, quickly became a star, also invited to famous television shows followed by thousands of viewers

Step 4. Distinguish between fame and infamy
Some people have chosen to commit criminal acts to attract media attention, not considering that there is another way to become famous.
Making a fool of yourself on the internet by performing dangerous or embarrassing feats, and posting related videos on web channels, may also attract some attention, but not necessarily fame
wikiHow Video: How To Become Famous
- Try to make contact with famous people trying to make them interested in your field of action. Don't be too pushy and stop making contact if they don't show interest.
- Contact local newspapers and ask them to interview you.
- Attend numerous events. It doesn't matter how you start: you could start singing in the church choir or the school choir. Most famous people started small, like any other.
- Be realistic. If you are five feet tall, a career in basketball is probably not going to be the best choice, despite all the training you can do.