3 Ways to Not Get Bored at Lesson

3 Ways to Not Get Bored at Lesson
3 Ways to Not Get Bored at Lesson

Table of contents:


Being bored can significantly affect your academic performance and how much you enjoy going to school. There are various reasons for boredom, from lack of commitment to a certain subject to the feeling that it is below your intellectual faculties, or simply these are momentary phases of boredom. In each case it is important to intervene on the cause and find constructive and fun methods to deal with the problem.


Part 1 of 3: Why Are You Bored?

Not Be Bored During Class Step 1
Not Be Bored During Class Step 1

Step 1. Find out what your boredom is fueling

This is important because, when you have a clear idea of the source of the problem, you can choose the solution that is most likely to work.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 2
Not Be Bored During Class Step 2

Step 2. Consider if you are bored during all or only some of the lessons

Perhaps there is a problem with the fact that some lessons you don't like while others love them. The result can be that you feel bored during monotonous lessons and invigorated when you are interested in the subject.

  • Is the topic in question too difficult? Sometimes boredom is a way to deflect the need to work harder or ask for help.
  • Is the topic in question too simple? If you feel like you've already gotten there, treated him and want to be stimulated a lot more, you'll get bored very easily.
  • Is a teaching method used during the lesson that you do not consider interesting? For example, the constant use of worksheets can cause boredom because nothing else is used to create some variety.
Not Be Bored During Class Step 3
Not Be Bored During Class Step 3

Step 3. Decide when to choose to be bored

There are some times when you just want to be bored because you don't intend to keep up with the lesson. It is very simple and you have to ask yourself if this is the best approach for your learning and for your future.

Part 2 of 3: Finding a Solution to Constant Boredom

Not Be Bored During Class Step 4
Not Be Bored During Class Step 4

Step 1. Listen more attentively

If you are in class, the first thing you should do is be careful. Try to review what you have learned by asking yourself questions about the chapter or lesson you are learning and try to understand more.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 5
Not Be Bored During Class Step 5

Step 2. Get help

If boredom is the result of not understanding the learning material, ask for help. The whole concept of education revolves around learning and is not about acting like you know what you are doing when in reality you don't. If you ask for help, teachers will see you as motivated, willing to learn, not stupid. If the gaps in your knowledge are quite large, you may also want to ask your parents to be followed by a private teacher. Having a private teacher involves receiving training on a one-to-one basis and more often than not you will find that this results in faster learning and easier understanding, thus allowing you to catch up quickly.

  • If the teacher insinuates that you are stupid, you may want to contact someone explaining the teacher's approach to teaching to prevent this from affecting you. Anyone who has the idea of asking for help deserves help.
  • Study more effectively. There are several online guides to improve your study methods, so you can better understand the subject and know how to improve your grades.
Not Be Bored During Class Step 6
Not Be Bored During Class Step 6

Step 3. Ask to change course or class to another level

If you feel the level of work is below your abilities, ask if you can be moved to a more challenging course or even change classes to another level. Your parents will need to be involved and there will need to be proof that you are able to work at a higher level. Start by talking to your parents, then get them to make an appointment with the school.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 7
Not Be Bored During Class Step 7

Step 4. Ask for a change in the way the lesson is taught

For example, if you are always given worksheets, ask your teacher if it is possible to learn differently, such as by reading in the classroom, watching videos, doing experiments or visiting places, etc. Perhaps your teacher hasn't realized that there is too much of a single style of presenting the material to you as a class, and simply calling attention to things that aren't working could result in a positive change.

Part 3 of 3: Quick Remedies for Momentary Boredom

Not Be Bored During Class Step 8
Not Be Bored During Class Step 8

Step 1. The fact is that everyone gets bored every now and then

Okay, it's part of human nature and it helps you learn to be creative to overcome boredom. This section offers some quick fixes to overcome boredom until the next lesson. Just do your best not to be a nuisance to others.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 9
Not Be Bored During Class Step 9

Step 2. Read

Try to read your favorite chapter in this lesson. Also read your book or a book that you may find near you. Try to hide the book somewhere so your teacher doesn't notice.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 10
Not Be Bored During Class Step 10

Step 3. Be productive

Write a card for your mom or dad expressing your love for them. Maybe write a poem, haiku or limerick. Try writing a story about yourself and something you want to do.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 11
Not Be Bored During Class Step 11

Step 4. Think of something

Think about your family and friends. Did you have to remember something? Has anyone been acting strange? Have you finished your homework? Think about the present, the past and the future. You may want to think about what you want to be.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 12
Not Be Bored During Class Step 12

Step 5. Draw

Try drawing your favorite sunset. Maybe you prefer to design your best parade? Express your emotions in images, as this will make the images more interesting.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 13
Not Be Bored During Class Step 13

Step 6. Meet some new people

Find someone close to you. Whispers "Hey, how's it going?" or something similar to get acquainted. Don't say it out loud because the teacher might get mad.

Step 7. Play with the objects around you

If you're bored and looking for a quick way to fix it, try making a band with pencils, brackets, erasers, and rubber bands. The pencils produce the sound of a snare drum, the brackets the tambourine, the rubber bands the guitar and the rubbers the kick drum. Make up a song or play one of your favorites.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 14
Not Be Bored During Class Step 14

Step 8. Pretend to listen

If you're reading from a textbook, silently slip another book or sheet of paper into the book. Be sure to swap them when the teacher approaches.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 15
Not Be Bored During Class Step 15

Step 9. Bring a mobile phone or handheld console to school

It's risky because, if you get caught, it can be requisitioned. Secretly place a video game on your desk and, with the volume low, play or text someone.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 16
Not Be Bored During Class Step 16

Step 10. Bring a radio with headphones

If you have a portable radio that you can easily slip into your pocket or keep discreetly, you can listen to a song or commentary from a football match. In this case, those with long hair have an advantage.

Not Be Bored During Class Step 17
Not Be Bored During Class Step 17

Step 11. Make origami

Take a piece of paper and fold it into an origami that you can quickly unfold if necessary by pretending to take or read your notes. Try to remember one to do on these occasions.


  • If the teacher approaches, be ready quickly to give the impression of being attentive.
  • Try to give the impression that you are paying attention.
  • It is best not to draw or text, carry electronics or read during the lesson, otherwise the teacher may get mad at you and you will have missed something very important that the teacher explained to the class (but not to you because you weren't). listening).
  • Tell the truth if you are caught doing something that distracts you. You could simply take the opportunity to express your need for help or a more inspiring job.


  • Don't distract others; your boredom does not justify having to ruin the learning experience of others.
  • Regardless of how smart you think you are, if you are too distracted you will lag behind in learning.
  • If you are caught doing something other than classroom exercises, you could get into trouble.
  • If you carry electronic devices, books or sheets of paper to draw with you, you could seriously get in trouble. Find out about your school's regulations.
