Keeping up with your homework is very important, so you should try not to find yourself overwhelmed with back deliveries. This article will help you keep track of your homework and will also give you helpful tips on how to do it in order to get a good grade - this is also a surefire way to please relatives and teachers. Ultimately, you will be able to stay out of trouble and earn a reputation for being a good guy.

Step 1. If your teacher gives you some free time at the end of the lesson, start homework right away
This helps to lighten the workload you will have to do at home and also gives you the advantage of being able to ask the teacher for help if you are in difficulty. This way you can also save some time that you can use later to talk to friends. Also use your free moments during your lunch break. In the evening, however, when you are tired by now, if you have already finished your homework you can chat with friends rather than having to study.

Step 2. Keep a homework journal
Many schools provide one, but if yours doesn't, then buy it. It is a useful object, as it allows you to write down tasks when they are assigned to you and to immediately check what you need to do. The best thing to do is to do your homework on the day it is assigned to you so you don't get left behind. Try to estimate how long it will take you to complete each delivery - you may also want to take piano lessons or go to play soccer, and the diary is perfect for evaluating how much free time you need.

Step 3. Find a suitable place to do your homework
It is not a good idea to have distractions in the background, such as the TV in the other room or your sibling playing video games next to you. Plus, once your homework is done, you'll have free time to do whatever you want, like playing with him or going out for some air. Remember not to stress yourself, on the contrary: reward yourself. For example, once you're done with your math homework, take a 5-10 minute break and grab a snack. Don't take too long breaks or you'll lose focus and most likely won't go back to studying. Avoid turning on your computer unless you need it to do your homework. Also, messages and emails will distract you - try not to get calls from your friends while you study. Sit down in a quiet place and get the job done.

Step 4. First, do the tasks that need to be submitted first
If you have a 2000 word composition to write within a week and a short quiz to take for tomorrow, then you should get rid of the quiz so you can be free to focus on long-term delivery, without the constant worry of that for tomorrow. Stress is bad for the mind.

Step 5. Take short breaks to allow your brain to rest
For example, after each hour of studying, take a 15 minute break.

Step 6. Set aside time to double-check your homework when finished, or have your parents or sibling double-check it
Also make sure you've done them all.

Step 7. Make sure you don't have to rush things
Often, in this case, mistakes and forgetfulness are made. Work at a fast pace, but one that suits you.

Step 8. Encourage yourself
Tell yourself, "Every time I finish a page, I'm closer to the end of my homework." This will make the time go by faster and you will be able to finish everything.

Step 9. Go to the library
If all other strategies don't work, go to the library after school and finish your homework for that day. You can go to either the school library or the local library. The library is a quiet place and helps many people to do their jobs.
- If you have extra-curricular activities, try to do as many homework as possible before you go.
- Don't do your homework quickly so you finish it sooner - you'll feel better doing it slower and get a better grade.
- Listen carefully to the teacher when he assigns you homework so as not to run the risk of doing too much or too little. Feel free to ask questions about your assignments - your teacher will never take you for a fool just for asking a simple question, especially about something as important as this. For example, if the teacher usually assigns 5 chapters to read during the weekend, but you don't hear that this time she said not to read them, you will end up spending the weekend doing something you shouldn't have done, probably stressing yourself out to do it too. !
- Keep your study space clean. Working in an orderly environment helps you focus and motivates you more.
- Keep your priorities in mind! Your shopping craving can wait until the weekend, while most of your homework can't.
- Don't call your friends to copy their answers. Teachers will notice, and even if they don't, there will be consequences. You will not be able to fully understand the assignments and, therefore, your grades in the tests in the classroom will suffer. That said, it's okay to call a friend if you don't understand your assignment and need help (although just asking your teacher will give you a sure answer). If you call your friend, you only stay on the phone as long as necessary: you don't have to get distracted!
- In class, listen as much as possible. It is easy to get lost in your own thoughts, but reflect on what the professor is saying and visualize it. If you think something is boring, pretend it isn't! This way, soon, that matter will start to please you.
- Always try to complete a delivery, even if you think you can't make it. Teachers will always give you credit for trying.
- Try to avoid doing homework near the computer unless it is absolutely necessary to use it.
- On the study table, keep a notebook so you can write down what is required or jot down what you need. In this way, moreover, you will always have a place to write your thoughts: if you are stressed, it will help you a lot.
- If you can, try to start easier homework during your lunch break or the bus ride home.
- Take a break from studying every now and then. Set a limit of one or two hours each day for homework and try to stick to it. Once this time has elapsed, do something that you relax or want to do.
- Don't do your homework immediately once you get home. You will be reluctant to do them, and since you can't do anything else until you're done, you may be motivated but also under pressure. Have a snack or a walk first - this way you won't have the urge to do something else.
- Set yourself goals. For example: if you solve five problems or something similar, then you can play an Internet game, then continue with your homework. Just make sure you don't get caught up in the game so much that you forget to go back to studying.
- Throughout this process, you also do something else. For example, you can have a snack (which is healthy) or put something in the room while you take a break: this way, later on, you will be free to do what you want and you will not have to worry about cleaning the room or satisfying yours. rumbling stomach.
- Make sure you exercise regularly to keep your energy level up all the time.
- Even if you have no homework for a particular subject, review what they told you in class.
- Don't think that just because your friends haven't done their homework, you don't have to. The tasks are fundamental.
- Doing your homework rather than leaving it out can save you from a teacher reprimand or embarrassment (for a scolding in front of the whole class).
- Don't try to make excuses not to study or pretend you're too busy with something that's not important.
- Don't sit in front of your computer with the excuse of checking your grades, and then start customizing your Facebook profile.
- Don't think that skipping a little something is okay: teachers pay attention to the little things that seem unimportant and get angry about them too. For example: if you don't answer three questions on a whole page of math, then your teacher will see this as a lack of commitment and motivation. This will cause your grades to drop and will likely lead you to an annoying catch-up schedule.
- Don't do your homework in bed. You will fall asleep and you will not play them anymore.