How to Get Organized with Homework

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How to Get Organized with Homework
How to Get Organized with Homework

If you have too many tasks and can't get organized, we have a plan that will allow you to break down what you need to do into smaller, more manageable units. With a little discipline, you will reach your goal.


Plan a Homework Schedule Step 1
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 1

Step 1. Carefully write down all the tasks as soon as they are assigned

You can't plan anything if you don't know exactly what you need to do. The following information is very important:

  • Name of the subject (Spanish, mathematics, French, English…).
  • Write down what you need to do (write an essay, prepare a PowerPoint presentation, study for a test in class…).
  • You need to know what you need to complete the task (items to buy at the stationery, software…).
  • Numbers of pages to read or study.
  • Delivery date.
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 2
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 2

Step 2. Estimate the time it will take to complete each task

Be realistic. Better to calculate more time than you actually need. If you finish first, you can devote yourself to another subject or give yourself a free hour.

Plan a Homework Schedule Step 3
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 3

Step 3. Determine how much time you have each day for homework:

Monday - an hour, Tuesday - an hour and a half, Wednesday - half an hour, etc. Of course, those days when you have to go to the pool or piano class or have to do something together with your family, you will have less time to study.

Plan a Homework Schedule Step 4
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 4

Step 4. You should know what your priorities are to have a dynamic and optimal organization

Quickly finish the assignments you need to turn in first, marking the deadlines on your calendar or diary. For example, if you have to submit a project tomorrow, do not write that essay which should be ready in two days. If you cannot follow this method, you should identify the subject for which you are assigned tasks more frequently than the others and do them first. If you don't finish everything you need to do, you will skip the tasks from the lower priority. Both of these methods generate predictable results, therefore, if you put them in place, you will hardly have any nasty surprises. Do you have homework to finish by the same date and can't prioritize? If so, start with the most difficult or time-consuming ones.

Plan a Homework Schedule Step 5
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 5

Step 5. Break up the time you spend on homework

Take a look at what you need to do and try to determine the time it takes for each subject. Make this calculation every Monday, organizing the whole week. If you have to submit a five-page essay on Friday and you know that you can complete it in three hours, dedicate one hour to it on Monday, one Tuesday and one Wednesday (remember to correct: you can do it on Thursday).

Plan a Homework Schedule Step 6
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 6

Step 6. Take breaks

A break is not useless, on the contrary, it allows you to rest and return to the task with a fresher mind. A 10 minute break for each hour of study will suffice. Stretch, wash your face, walk around your neighborhood, empty the dishwasher, have a drink. Do not exceed 10 minutes, or it will be hard to get back to work.

Plan a Homework Schedule Step 7
Plan a Homework Schedule Step 7

Step 7. Follow the schedule consistently:

if you don't commit, it won't work.


  • The organization includes extra-curricular activities, from sports to afternoons when you work as a babysitter.
  • If your energies run out quickly, dedicate yourself to the more difficult matter first and leave the one that requires less concentration on your part for last.
  • Do you stick to the established organization but are unable to complete everything you have to do? Then the tasks will have to "borrow" time from other activities. For example, if you spend an hour chatting with your friends every day, take 20 minutes away and dedicate them to studying. However, if this advice doesn't work, you might want to talk to your parents or teachers.
  • Avoid distractions like TV, video games, phone conversations, internet, etc. You will only have to focus on homework, which means it's best to turn off electronic devices and surround yourself with only the things you need to study. So, close this page too!
