Everyone knows the crazy green-haired villain who has plagued Batman since the dawn of time. He was portrayed by the late Heath Ledger as a 'schizophrenic, psychopathic and multiple murderer clown with zero empathy'. Despite this, some people wouldn't mind looking like him. This article will teach you how to imitate Heath Ledger's portrait of the Joker from the Batman movie: 'The Dark Knight'.

Step 1. After watching the movie, review the Joker scenes and carefully observe how he behaves
Try to notice every little detail. It will help you assimilate his character and understand the way he thinks.

Step 2. Practice the Joker's posture and posture
Learn to walk his weird way and get into the habit of licking your lips and deforming your mouth the way he does.

Step 3. Imitate their voice and way of speaking
Joker's voice in the Dark Knight is hard enough to imitate at first, but it can get carried away with some time. Sometimes it is quite sturdy, other times it goes down to almost a whisper. Know when to speak loudly and when to whisper. As you practice imitating the way he speaks and the type of words he uses, express yourself in a short and essential way. Never get lost in anything and make sure those around you are always listening.

Step 4. Practice the Joker laugh
Joker is known for his insanity, and what do crazy people often do? They laugh. Learn when to laugh and when not to laugh. Joker's laugh is a kind of hoarse laugh that is difficult to imitate, but as with the voice you can easily get carried away if you practice a little. When you laugh, exhale first, instead of inhaling like most people do. This way you can get the joker's shrill laugh.

Step 5. You do things for seemingly no reason
Joker does things for the sake of it. He has no plans or motives, nor does he care about the consequences. It just thinks something and does it without thinking too much about it. However, don't do anything as dangerous as walking through traffic or jumping off a building.

Step 6. If the things you choose to do have a reason, hide it
Never let people know what you are planning and always hide your intentions.

Step 7. Don't be afraid
It might sound more "Batman-like", but it's essential if you want to be like the Joker. He is not afraid of being locked up and he is not afraid of Batman. He is not afraid of the police and he is not afraid of dying. When Batman beat him up while questioning him, all he did was laugh.

Step 8. Never take anything too seriously
Always look at the fun and light side of everything. Joker makes a lot of funny jokes and comments, but keep in mind that you don't have to overdo it. Make sure you timing your lines right and only do them in the right situations, otherwise people will think you're desperately trying to be funny and nothing else.

Step 9. Increase your intelligence
Even if you are already good, train your intelligence. Joker is extremely smart and cunning, no matter how crazy he looks. He always has a backup plan and people doing the dirty work for him.

Step 10. Be charismatic
Joker is a killer and evil sociopath, yet when he's on screen no one can look away. He expresses a lot of self-confidence and is very interesting from his ways to what he says. Try to imitate this part of him.

Step 11. Joker is known to be, well, a joker
He is known for being a rogue and cunning and always has an ace or two up his sleeve. Make sure you carry some tricks with you to play pranks at all times, and keep them in weird places, for example in your shoes or sleeves, as the metaphor goes.

Step 12. Imitate the Joker way of dressing
You don't have to go out and buy a Joker costume, just wear formal clothes. Try to wear classy clothes that look scruffy at the same time. They don't have to be green and purple like Joker's, but make sure they're unique and original.

Step 13. If you really want to take it a step further, you can also change the look of the face
However, this step is not required and you should only do it if you are desperate to imitate the Joker. You will probably be fooled, but then you are the Joker, who cares? The real one has long, green hair, a lot of white makeup on her face, black eyeliner around her eyes, and of course the typical red smile. Try to give the color and makeup a rough air, because Joker is not neat and tidy. Don't dye your hair at all, leave some parts unstained to make it look more sloppy. When you apply makeup, make a lot of smudges around the red smile and black eyeshadow.

Step 14. Most of the instructions shown were inspired by the movie
This is an interpretation of how to imitate the Joker. There is not much to mention apart from the film, but then again, it is useless to mention it. Why are you so serious?
- Don't be afraid to pass yourself off as crazy in front of others. Joker is known for his mindless behavior.
- Make sure you are very confident before imitating him.
- Laugh a lot.
- Above all, don't do anything that could hurt you or hurt others, or that could send you to jail.
- Even if that's the case in Heath Ledger's version of Joker, don't try to cut the smile on your cheeks, it hurts terribly and your parents would probably disapprove. To make scars, use role-playing makeup if it's so important to you!
- To act more like Jack Nicholson's version of Joker, emphasize humor, with a sense of the macabre just hinted at.
- To be more like Cesar Romero's version of Joker, just stick to the humor and leave the macabre alone.
- If you bring real or real-life guns with you to school, the mall, a store or elsewhere, security guards in many cities and small towns will call the police who will come to arrest you.
- Don't use your laughter during an offensive situation. Although in the movie Joker laughs in tragic situations, such a thing would hardly be accepted in the real world.
- Don't pretend you're doing magic numbers in front of kids if you can make it look like you're hurting someone, it's or could be dangerous, and the parents will complain.
- Don't pretend to hurt or beat people who can take you seriously and call the police.
At school, they might scold you, if you make violent jokes - or laugh at someone getting hurt - or if you have scars on your face.
They might call your parents; or send you to the principal
- Don't commit crimes like the ones the Joker commits in the movie. Here it is only a question of simulating the Joker's behavior; go no further. There is no reason to commit crimes (or pretend to commit crimes in public) to be like him. It would be unreasonably dangerous for you and others.