Have you ever wanted to have your eyes on you when you walk into a room? Whether you like heavy metal or glam rock, a true rocker has his own look, his own reputation, his own way of doing things. And with a little self-confidence and a few wardrobe adjustments, anyone can look like they've just stepped off the tour van. What are you waiting for? Get started right away!

Step 1. Do your research
The rocker style varies from ultra-glam to grunge, depending on the audience and genre. If you are looking for inspiration, watch some gigs and see what the audience is wearing - this can give you an idea of what style of rocker to go for.

Step 2. Master the way
You have to understand that having a rocker look is more of a way of being than clothing or fashion. Rock 'n roll is all about going against the rules and challenging the limits - without thinking about what others are saying. Fashions come and go, but true rock 'n roll is immortal (and free!).

Step 3. Find a model
Think of a rock star who inspires you. Chances are it will have some clothing elements that always characterize it - be it a purple jacket (Prince) or the classic white hat (Springsteen). Choose one or two elements that express the style you want to follow; then, build the rest of the wardrobe around these elements.

Step 4. When shopping, choose simplicity
Thrift stores are great for rock clothing. The clothes are cheap, they already have a worn look (so it will look like you've been touring them for months). And when in doubt, always choose the smaller size. Rock gods are certainly not known for wearing baggy clothing. Here are some items to look for:
- Leather jackets
- Any kind of ripped jeans
- Vintage caps
- Worn Dr. Martens and cowboy boots
- Velvet blazer
- Accessories such as chains, studded belts and scarves

Step 5. Add several music related T-shirts to your wardrobe
The more they are about unknown or vintage bands, the better. But do some research too - if you're wearing a band cap, make sure you can name at least a few of their albums. After all, your rocker look isn't going to work that much if you just look like someone posing.

Step 6. Buy shoes with a rock look
Chuck, Vans, killer boots, cowboy boots, etc. everything is fine - especially if they are a little worn. Heels are fine too, but only if they seem suitable for hopping on stage. Get several pairs so you always have a perfect look.

Step 7. Add accessories and decorate them
Do you have a jacket or a neutral belt? Rock them by adding one of the following accessories … or all of them:
- Metal studs
- Patches
- Safety pins
- Chains

Step 8. Get a rock haircut
If you are feeling motivated, you can go overboard by bleaching them, with a mohawk cut or with bright colors. Don't feel like spending too much time on it? Go for grunge - dirty, unkempt hair can give you that perfect "I just woke up and I don't give a damn" look. Or you can skip a couple of showers. (Make sure you don't smell bad though.)

Step 9. All in moderation
A black hat is a rock classic, but wearing black from head to toe makes you dark. And if you want to wear ripped jeans, make sure your shirt isn't full of holes as well - otherwise it can look like you've gone from rebel to homeless.

Step 10. Don't think too much about it
If you're a rocker, you've probably put on the clothes you found on the floor after the festoon the night before. You don't have to look like you've been struggling to find a look. Who cares if you're messy? You are rock! Being messy is essential.
- Be original, and keep your head up. True rock legends don't care what people think.
- Rock isn't just style - it's a way of being.
- Be informed. If you want to appear, you need to know, and be able to have a discussion about your musical tastes.
- Be honest. The goal is to show who you are and how much you love this musical genre.
- Buy CDs from local bands and other unrecognized bands. Read the reviews and explore the rock genre.
- Don't pose. Unless you can say clever things about rock greats and their influences, they might find you out.
- Don't look too clean and controlled. How many famous rock stars do you know are like this?
- Understand the principles of rock and put them into practice before jumping into style. Live by the motto: sex, drugs (not necessarily), and rock n 'roll.