Children and teens usually have few opportunities to get money but, from time to time, they need it too. If your parents have the options, there's nothing wrong with asking them for a little help. It is essential to have a specific amount in mind and a specific reason when asking for money. In return, you need to offer whatever you can, such as doing additional housework or doing more work at school. Be kind to your parents and be grateful for all they give you.
Method 1 of 2: Ask for Money When You Live With Yours

Step 1. Decide whether to target only one parent
Your goal doesn't have to be to pit one parent against the other. If you need ten euros to go to a movie at the cinema, try asking only one parent. If you need a bigger sum, for example 50 euros, then it's a good idea to get them both involved.
- Small amounts of money shouldn't generate a lot of arguments.
- When it comes to larger sums, your parents would like you to reach out to both of them and use the money they give you wisely.
- One parent may be more understanding than the other towards the pastimes of children and teens. If you only have to ask one parent, choose that one.

Step 2. Prepare to give explanations
The parent you are addressing will want to know what you need the money for. Your response will be crucial in determining the outcome of the request. You probably won't get anything out of lying about the reason, so be honest. There is nothing wrong with asking for a few euros to go get an ice cream or to go to the cinema with friends.
- A parent will be more likely to give you money if it is needed for an activity that they approve of (school activities, a field trip, an important event, etc.). Ultimately, it is the same logic that non-profit organizations use when asking for funds for charitable activities.
Asking for money to buy an item might be easier to explain. For example, if you signed up for the school football team, wanting a ball to train at home is pretty obvious. If you ask for something just for fun:
No: Don't say "It's not fair" or "I need it."
Yes: Say "I know it's not essential, but I'd like to earn it."

Step 3. Reason for your initial request
In an ideal scenario, your parents would give you the money without asking any more questions once you tell them what you need it for. However, this is not always the case in reality. Explain to them why a certain event is important to you and why, for example, it is a different Saturday afternoon than usual.
- Find two or three reasons why you need the money.
- For example, if you need the money to go to the movies, you may have a few reasons to give, such as "Maria wants to go see a movie for her birthday and I promised her that I would go this year since there 'last year I didn't "or" We've had a lot of arguments recently and I really want to make up for it by going to the movies with her for her birthday."

Step 4. Have a specific figure in mind
This is where you demonstrate your early finance management skills, which your parents should respect. Tell them the exact amount and leave a margin for unexpected expenses. Be honest in adding the extras and your parents will appreciate your ability to create a budget.
- For example, check the exact price of the cinema ticket. Add two euros to give to your friend as a contribution for gasoline. Finally, ask to add three euros for a drink or snack, even if you are not sure if you will need it.
- If it is a more demanding cost, like a trip or a romantic dinner, be as specific as possible about the amount. Your parents don't want to stop you from having fun, but they need to make sure you understand the value of money as a mature person.

Step 5. Be ready to negotiate
Your parents may not be thrilled to pay you the full cost of a romantic dinner, but they will still want to help you. Don't be afraid to negotiate. If you are honest about your needs and are willing to make concessions, you can get at least something rather than nothing by negotiating. If your parents say "categorical no":
No: Don't keep negotiating.
Yes: Give up politely and wait for a new opportunity to ask again in exchange for another favor.

Step 6. Offer something in return
Be willing to do something your parents want. For example, if they want you to mow the lawn more often, suggest something like this. This part of the conversation will most likely be handled by your parents. If in return they ask you to study more and get higher grades in school, accept.
Keeping the promise will ensure that your parents will continue to trade with you in the same way in the future

Step 7. Be polite
If your parents are skeptical of your request and you react by rolling your eyes impatiently, you will only let them know that you don't take money seriously. Show your parents that you appreciate their guidance and apprehension by asking politely and thanking them. Tackling the subject as a mature person will do wonders in your relationship with parents.
Method 2 of 2: Asking for Money When You Live Elsewhere

Step 1. Consider who to ask
At this point in your life, you will likely have an idea of which parent is most likely to give you money. However, if you are in need of a large amount, contact both parents at the same time. Let them do the talking before discussing your situation.
You could ask parents when they are together if you know they are more forgiving as a couple than when they are alone. No: Don't tell your friends, especially if they know your parents.
Yes: Talk to your brothers or sisters if your parents give you the money. If you keep it hidden and they discover it, they may resent it.

Step 2. Prepare to discuss your budget and expenses
As much as you like to think that your budget isn't about your parents anymore, asking them for money makes it their business too. They probably won't require you to come up with the actual monthly forecasts and expenses on an accounting sheet. However, giving them a rough estimate will effectively demonstrate that you can handle money seriously.
- Allowing your parents to see a basic account of where you put the money could help them feel more confident about giving you the money (unless they find your spending trivial).
Include a list of activities you do to earn money, be it a job, a freelance job, classes to improve your education, etc. Your parents will want to know that you are working hard and not just "scrounging". No: Don't pretend to teach your parents how to manage their money.
Yes: Make sure they can afford to give you what you ask for without jeopardizing their economic stability.

Step 3. Show commitment to school and work
Show your parents that you are doing well in school. To make a better impression, also show them how you intend to improve. This way, your financial situation will seem like a temporary problem, not a permanent one. Additionally, you will appear grateful for the support your parents have offered you in your college career or early career.

Step 4. Apply for a loan
Your parents may not find it necessary for you to pay them back. On the contrary, they might see it as an investment on their part. However, telling them that you are ready to work hard to pay them back will further prove your maturity. On the other hand, concretely agreeing on how to return the money will be a valuable lesson in money management.
You and your parents can negotiate the loan repayment plan as needed - your parents may want the money right away or add interest, etc. Be available to work with them in establishing a loan repayment plan that works for everyone
- Accept and be grateful for any amount of money they give you. If you are disappointed, annoyed, or pretentious, they are less likely to agree to give you money in the future.
- You must have a valid reason to justify your loan request, in case they ask you.
- If your parents ask you to do chores for money, suggest tasks you should do.
- To get money from your parents, you should do household chores, such as washing dishes, doing laundry, and tidying up your room. If you are young, it won't be a problem.
- Always thank and appreciate when you get the money.
- Don't spend time with your parents only when you need money. Maintain your relationship with your parents so as not to pass from being an opportunist by asking to speak to them in the current circumstances.
- Don't make a habit of asking your parents for money. Not only will they be less and less likely to give you more later, but they may mean that you are unable to manage your finances and want you to create a more realistic budget.
- Understand that your parents may simply not be able to give you the money at that time. They have to pay for the family and may not have extra money.