Have you ever wanted to be a cute and innocent person who looks as adorable as heaven? Here is the solution! This article will help you with guidelines to learn how to be cute and innocent from now on!

Step 1. Innocence is something that is missing in our society today
There are too many pervert shows out there, and things about sex. The best way to start is to manage these problems. Life isn't just sex, it's family, friends, and unconditional love. These will always be values over time, regardless of everything. So starting to be more innocent will require some sacrifice. You will need to stop watching those offensive TV shows (reality shows, for example). If you are used to watching them, stop slowly. Take small steps to eliminate them altogether. You can try to watch one episode a week until you stop altogether. Know that the real reason you watch these shows is because they entertain you and keep you out of the "here and now" realm. But, in reality, you could do a lot of better and fun things! There are miracles waiting on your doorstep if you intend to let them in. Innocence has nothing to do with being vulgar and offending other people. And these shows are certainly not nice!

Step 2. Please do your best to be polite to others
Take some time to develop patience and understanding. Innocent girls care about others, and find no pleasure in witnessing violence or seeing unpleasant things happen to people. Don't be afraid to show that you care about others, they will be positively impressed with how sweet and pretty you are. Kindness = Sweetness!

Step 3. See things through the eyes of a child
Don't be afraid to smile or giggle a lot and play! It's a very sweet and lovely thing, and others will be able to see how candid you are. Some sweet things to do are: play tag, hide and seek, jump rope, play the bell, draw with crayons and play near the water (rivers, ponds or the ocean!). These are just some of the innocent things that can be done.

Step 4. Avoid engaging in activities that are dangerous or morally incorrect
To be innocent, you have to stop taking drugs or alcohol. Also, none of these things are pretty, no matter how hard you try to imagine them to be. Instead, stay healthy, eat healthy and balanced, and exercise! Respect and love your body as much as you love the world in general! With these things you show that you take care of your body. Your body is your temple, so treat it right and you'll look pretty in no time! Even if you think you are overweight, know that the possibilities are endless and that you will be able to get the size you want, just believe it and try it. This kind of attitude is always inspiring and adorable!

Step 5. Be positive
Always believe that anything is possible, make others laugh and laugh with them, and smile to brighten your day or that of others. Whatever you do in the Universe, go back, so avoid negative thoughts! Negative people are by no means cute and innocent - quite the opposite! Surround yourself with people who see things as you see them (positively) and always try to help others see the world for what it is, a magical place. If you can't follow through with this idea, there are tons of books that can help you feel happier and more positive in no time!

Step 6. Dress up in happy and bright colors
Believe it or not, these colors can improve your mood a lot! Plus they are simply adorable. Light blue, creamy white, delicate pink, and yellow are all bright colors. Don't be afraid to wear cute dresses or fluttering skirts during the spring / summer! Make sure they don't show too much skin and don't have a cleavage! The innocent look does not serve to make the body appear but to show that you have a sweet and childlike soul. If you are a boy, make sure you look clean, and don't show your panties! It's not nice at all, and the idea comes from a custom that has to do with prison. Innocence and sweetness are certainly not found in prison! You can find cute accessories in places like Claire's, like bracelets that look like pastels with little flowers on them! Don't be afraid to wear slightly childish accessories like these!

Step 7. Your hair should be styled, and can be of any length
Long hair is simply gorgeous on girls, especially if you have bangs! The bangs are adorable and cute. Guys should wear their hair short and trimmed, and facial hair shouldn't be too much or too long. Girls should wear adorable cuts, and headbands or headbands in their hair. Don't be afraid of what others might think. If you like yourself, that's all that matters!

Step 8. Starting to watch anime is a great idea
In Japan, "sweet" is called "Kawaii" and in anime, there are often many sweet girls and sometimes even sweet boys to model. A good tip is the Air anime! The main character is simply adorable. Another suggestion is Kimi ni Todoke, in which the main character is a cute and shy guy, while in Air he is sweet and bubbly. There can be two types of cute girls in anime: the sweet and shy type, and the bubbly and sociable type. It is up to you to decide which one to take more or absolutely as a model.

Step 9. A nice and innocent idea is to learn an adorable song that you can hum or sing softly when you are alone
A nice song is the Japanese Dango Daikazoku, which means "The Great Family of Dango". If you are curious, Dango is a food in Japan. And it's usually a dessert. It is a cute and adorable song and speaks of the importance of family, which is very important for an innocent person. Spend time with your family, run errands for them, talk to them and eat with them. Don't be afraid to show them affection. You don't have to sing this song if you don't want to, since it's in Japanese. Choose a song that is sweet and innocent, and that suits you as a person!

Step 10. Another good idea may be to be considered a versatile girl
Be the friend everyone would like. It's always nice and innocent. Behave like a big sister for those who need it most. When dealing with young children, always be playful and fun and brighten their day as much as possible by encouraging them to play with you. Don't be afraid to play as they want, even if they are "silly" games! If you remember, it says above that you have to see the world through the eyes of a child … and being with the children and doing the things they do is obviously a good step to succeed. If you are dealing with adults and the elderly, always be polite and happy towards them. Make sure you make them feel good and welcome, and leave them leaving a good impression of you. Make everyone like you and make everyone want you in their life, influence people in a positive way. If you think you can't or think you're not sociable enough, look at it this way. Anything is possible, and the kinder you are to others, the happier you are with yourself. So, in general, an innocent and nice person must love people.
- Always try to get in touch with nature and be amazed at how beautiful it is. Smell the flowers, enjoy the sunsets and sunrises, and learn to love the wind in your hair. Simplicity is very innocent and lovely, and it also helps you achieve higher goals!
- Watch out for bad words! Never swear, especially in front of parents or small children!
- Be grateful for every day you spend on this Earth! You never know when this beautiful life will slowly come to an end and when your time here is over. So enjoy every moment as much as possible with your friends and family!
- Another nice idea is to collect things! Items like soft toys are quite fun and innocent! You can also collect the shells you find while exploring a beautiful beach!
- You shouldn't wear too much makeup, because innocence lies in purity. If you wear it, keep it light, natural and simple, and don't let it hide the beauty of your natural face.
- Find yourself a nice hobby! You can crochet, draw / scribble, sing, make candles or soap, make jewelry by hand, or simply read a manga (Japanese cartoon)! They are all cute, innocent and classy activities. But be careful! Not all manga are appropriate!
- Cute and innocent girls don't listen to songs full of violence, swear words and sexual themes. Pay attention to what you hear! Rap is often not good to hear.
- Love and care for animals, family, nature and friends! All of these things are important! Innocence thrives on loving these things, not loving "Family Guy", which is by no means innocent!
- If you are interested in going a little further, you can consider the idea of reading books on angels, or books that deal with specific angels, such as Gabriel or Uriel. This way you will improve your spirituality and awareness of the miracles that surround you. Plus you will increase your innocence and purity, as well as being super sweet! I mean, would a snobbish girl ever read a book like that? Probably not.
- Most of the sweet girls are feminine. There is nothing nice about being passionate about violent sports like football or playing in mud or dirt.
- If your friends don't like the new, sweeter version of you, then they're not really your friends. Make sure you surround yourself with positive people! Encouragement is always the key to success!
- People may think you are childish and make fun of you. Don't be discouraged! Be happy with who you are, just smile and pray for people who make fun of you. Just hope that one day they will be guided in the best direction for them, instead of getting angry.
- Not everyone can reach the same level of awareness as you, especially if you are a teenager. You must be willing to love others and yourself, and not be influenced to change who you are by your peers. Be strong!