Nicknames are usually given by friends, family or teammates. Throughout history, people have used them for various reasons, such as to describe someone, to wish good luck, as a sign of friendship, or inspired by an individual's hometown. Whatever the origin of your nickname, coming up with a cool one can be a real challenge. Be careful when creating a nickname for yourself or a friend - it may stay there for the rest of your life.
Part 1 of 3: Think of a Cool Nickname

Step 1. Shorten your name
The most basic and common type of nickname is a shortened version of someone's real name. For example, Alessandro becomes Ale or Alex, Caterina becomes Cate or Catia, Riccardo becomes Rick or Ricky and so on.

Step 2. Create a cool nickname using your initials
Take and combine the first letter of your name and the last name, or combine the initials of the first and middle names. If you have a common name, using initials can help you stand out from others, but it can also make it easier to pronounce a difficult or long name. This method is ideal if your middle name or surname starts with J, G, D, or T; for example, Daniele Guglielmi can be shortened to become D. G., Andrea Jacopo can become A. J., Gianni Guglielmi can be shortened to G. G. and Gianna Togni in G. T.

Step 3. Describe a unique physical attribute or character trait
Think of a positive trait about yourself or a friend and use it to inspire you in creating the nickname. For example, Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, is often called Honest Abe, "Abe the honest", for his moral integrity. Be careful not to offend anyone and focus on the positive characteristics, not the negative ones.
- If a person is quite intelligent, call him "Prof" or "Doctor". A creative person could be nicknamed "Muse" or "Da Vinci".
- In China, many American and British celebrities have nicknames inspired by their physical appearance or reputation. For example, Katy Perry is called Fruit Sister (literally "Fruit Sister") for her colorful costumes, Benedict Cumberbatch is nicknamed Curly Blessing (literally "Curly Blessing") for her curly hair and Adam Levine Flirty Adam.

Step 4. Call someone by their last name
This method works well in sports and at work, especially if you have a common first name. In addition, most athletes are called by surname, because it is found on the back of their jerseys. You can also shorten or shorten the surname.

Step 5. Make sure the name is short and easy to remember
You can abbreviate someone's first or last name without exceeding three syllables. It has to be catchy and easy to pronounce.

Step 6. Before using the nickname in public, try it out
If you are trying to come up with an original nickname for a friend, try it first when you are alone, not in the presence of other people. Observe how he responds: The nickname should be flattering, not offensive.
If this person finds it annoying, stop calling them using the nickname you created. Inappropriate nicknames are those that refer to bad habits, that negatively portray someone's physical appearance or weight, or that are sexually explicit
Part 2 of 3: Think of a Creative Nickname

Step 1. Use a retro or vintage nickname
It brings back and revisits a nickname that was popular but has long since fallen out of use. For example, "Spillo", "Pivello" or "Campione" for boys and "Doll" or "Gattina" for girls were popular in the second half of the last century. There are also abbreviations of names that are less common today, such as "Beppe" or "Pino" for Giuseppe or "Checco" for Francesco.
Seek inspiration from old shows or movies. For example, think of the nicknames of characters from the TV series Nice Rascals (1922-1944), which include Alfalfa, Junior, Froggy (with a voice that resembled a croaking frog), Pineapple (with a pineapple-like hairdo) and Buckwheat. (named for curly and thick hair). Also in the famous musical and film Grease (1978) there are several nicknames, such as the Pink Ladies (Rizzo, Frenchy and Marty) and the Burger Palace Boys (Doody and Kenickie)

Step 2. Create a nickname inspired by your city or your interests
Draw inspiration from where you were born or what you do. In the various regional variants, there are nicknames for the inhabitants of the various towns and cities, often colorful and expressed in dialect. You can use what is attributed to the inhabitants of your town. If you like to cook, you can call yourself "Chef"; if you like cars, you can get the nickname "Mustang" (any type of car can be used, this is just an example); if you like reading or studying, you can get the nickname "Bookworm".
Use sports references. Think of a nickname associated with your favorite player. If you play a sport, come up with cool nicknames for all team members inspired by their strengths. See if any of these nicknames then become fixed

Step 3. Create a unique nickname for your own name
You can also think of an original or uncommon way to create a nickname inspired by a first name, such as "Resa" for Teresa, "Ela" for Michela or "Ober" for Roberto. Also, you could say someone's name backwards; for example, you can call "Aitac" a person named Catia or "Occor" a person named Rocco. Finally, you can address someone using their middle name.
Some celebrities, such as Katy Perry, Demi Moore, and Reese Witherspoon, use their middle name or the maiden name of their mothers

Step 4. Create a stage name
If you are or want to become an artist, it is important to have a memorable nickname. If you want to protect your identity or have a difficult name to pronounce, a stage name is essential. Contrary to other types of pet names, it will be your trademark.
- A good stage name should be short, easy to pronounce, and representative of who you are.
- Draw inspiration from famous stage names. Research your favorite musician and find out how he made his own.
Part 3 of 3: Think of a nickname for your sweet half

Step 1. Use a term of endearment
Diminutives give you the opportunity to show your affection. Here are some of the most popular for women: love, beautiful, darling, angel, princess. The most common pet names for men include the following: love, darling, puppy, teddy bear, cupid.

Step 2. Use a childish nickname
While the pet names you had as a child can be embarrassing, especially the ones your parents gave you, they are often cute and affectionate for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Ask your sweetheart's family if they used one during their childhood. Use it when you see it and observe how it reacts.

Step 3. Create a secret nickname
Come up with a pet name that only you and your significant other can use when alone. You can use a classic nickname, such as "amorino", "darling" or "dear", or invent your own.
Create a nickname based on what you find particularly attractive in your significant other. For example, if your girlfriend is good at kissing, call her "Sweet Lips"; if she is tender and gentle, call her "Little Angel"

Step 4. Mix your names
Many celebrity couples are known to fans thanks to their nicknames, such as Brangelina (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt), Kimye (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West) or Beniffer (Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck). Experiment with writing down the different combinations of your first and middle names. Start using the nickname when you are with your friends so that they get used to calling you that.
- The nickname should be catchy and fun. Ace, Scheggia and Fortunello are quite effective.
- Make sure you answer when they call you by your nickname. If you can't remember your nickname being Ace, then maybe you don't really need it.
- Try to make it unique. Names like Ace, Splinter or Champion may be cute and easy to remember, but they're not original.
- Try not to use a nickname that is inspired by an online video game or board game. Dungeon master is original, but people won't understand it.
- Draw inspiration from movies, songs, and TV shows to come up with a creative nickname. Either way, it doesn't have to be so obscure as to prevent people from getting the quote.
- Remember that many nicknames are not created specifically, they are born on the spot. A pet name that has a funny story behind it or a joke that only your group of friends understand is unique and memorable.
- A nickname should be funny, but not obscene or offensive. Being called "DJ Sexy Dad" might work in some circles, but not at school or work.
- Avoid nicknames that refer to sex, drugs, or violence.
- Keep in mind that a nickname may identify you for the rest of your life, including future relationships, jobs, and so on.
- Don't copy: If you know this nickname belongs to another person, don't use it.