You are now in high school, all your friends are bragging about their fantastic boyfriends and you too would like to have one and live this experience. Or you've been chasing a guy you like for a while and would like to win him over. Whatever the reason, if you are in high school and would like a boyfriend, this is the article for you.

Step 1. Be confident
In case you haven't noticed yet, there is less chance of finding a boyfriend if you show yourself terribly shy in the eyes of others. Aplomb is a difficult weapon to acquire quickly, but try to get out of the shell and start gradually.
- Improve your self-esteem.
- Be happy with who you are.
- Learn to communicate in the right way, practice expressiveness and voice.
- Improve your posture. Stand straight with your shoulders and back. Keep your head up.
- Don't be nervous and don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
- Smile at the guy you like. By smiling you will relax, and if he likes you too, you will make him happy.

Step 2. Enhance your appearance
Always try to be tidy, make sure your hair is clean and shiny and take care of your hands. To achieve these results, too much effort is not required. Always wear clean, flattering clothes that aren't too skimpy. If you don't like the clothes you own, try to enhance them with accessories, such as zips, buttons, pockets and pins, or go shopping and look for something new. Take care of your skin, wash your face and apply a moisturizer every day. Dress in your own style, you don't have to change to make someone else happy. Let your hair loose or ask the hairdresser to try out a different look that matches your face. Wear lightly makeup, don't overdo it or you will look too artificial. Wear some lip gloss and mascara, you can also try eyeliner, foundation, blush and eye shadow, but they are not suitable for going to school. Be YOURSELF is the first rule to find a boyfriend at your age.

Step 3. Take care of your personal hygiene
No guy will ask you out if you have bad breath and smell of sweat. So take a shower every day, use body lotion and deodorant. Brush your teeth and floss at least twice a day, and for at least two minutes. Always carry mints in your bag.

Step 4. Start talking more with the guys
Talk to them about any topic. You can start with school homework and then move on to other more interesting talks, perhaps something you have in common, or that could capture the attention of your interlocutor. Try to be attractive and nice, without giving the impression of "desperate" or the one who "wants to try".

Step 5. Show yourself more involved in school activities
Especially those organized outside the official hours. Join an after-school group, play a sport, talk to guys, you'll meet more people, and have a better chance of finding a boyfriend.

Step 6. But the most important thing is to always be spontaneous
If a guy doesn't like you, too bad for him. Don't be afraid to show yourself for who you are.
- Try to look the boy in the eye. You will show interest in his presence and his words.
- Don't play a part just to impress him.
- Find out what the boy's interests are and find out if you have something in common.
- If it works with him, fine, you got what you wanted. If he doesn't show interest in you, forget it, find a guy who loves you for who you are.
- Don't throw it at yourself, even if you find that you are very popular with the boys.
- Don't be jealous. If you get mad when the guy you like talks to other girls, you will quickly be labeled a clingy and irritating girl.
- Be realistic. Even if you're fantasizing about the coolest guy in school, try to be realistic - is he really a good person or is he just cute? Consider ALL kids, even the least popular, they might turn out to be a lot more interesting than the kind that the whole school likes.
- be patient. It could take a few weeks to see the first signs.
- If he always tells you he's busy, he's either always picking the wrong time to come forward, or he's not interested in you at all.
- Pay attention to the word NO. Make sure he doesn't tell you too often.
- Don't be too easy to approach. If you don't want to give your number to a guy, don't give it to him.
- Remember what the real purpose of high school is: study. So set your priorities.
- Everything is fine. You have your whole life ahead of you!