It's not easy to tackle the things to do every day if you can't find what you need right away. Rummaging through old homework, candy wrappers, tissues, and scraps of paper for a pen or lip gloss can be stressful and time-consuming. This article can be useful to girls in the eighth grade. Follow these steps to keep your school bag neat and clean.

Step 1. Get a good bag
Get a good-sized bag to get started. Backpacks are popular and are usually the most roomy, comfortable, and overall most efficient type of bag for carrying your stuff. However, many girls prefer the more feminine style of the large women's tote style bags or the shoulder bag. Pick the one you like, but make sure it's big enough to hold books, homework, binders, and the like without bursting. Also look for it with various pockets, as it is very difficult to organize bags with only one or two compartments. You need a bag with at least two pockets, one with a zip, and that is not too expensive.

Step 2. For starters, tip all the contents of the bag onto the floor
Look for a large, rigid space. Check everything and throw out the rubbish with used tissues, pen caps, tasks you don't need and the like. Now ask yourself what you really need and what is just in the way. Do one thing quick, for example: maybe that hairbrush needs more in the gym bag. You probably don't need three extra binders and ten lip glosses in your bag, so keep just one of everything you really need and use often.

Step 3. Add the things you always need
This is the perfect time to add to the pile the things you always need but never have. Things like chewing gum, paper tissues, hand cream, and those things you find yourself borrowing from others. You could add emergency items like sanitary pads and tampons, plasters, a hand mirror, rubber bands and hairpins etc. Avoid putting back unnecessary things that you already deleted in the previous step.

Step 4. Clean the bag
Remove dirt and crumbs and wipe away any stains inside and out.

Step 5. Group
Now group similar things to keep in your bag: make-up, writing essentials, emergency items, hair and beauty essentials, books, notebooks and homework, electronic devices, etc.

Step 6. Finally, put everything back in the bag
Look at how many compartments and pockets there are and how they are arranged, and think about how to use them in the best way. Obviously, books and notebooks will go into the largest compartment, but what to do with all the other spaces and nooks? Decide it based on the groups of things you have done previously. Pens, pencils and highlighters must be easily accessible. Emergency items and beauty products can be put in an inside pocket or in a separate case. Electronic devices need to be well protected, so keep them separate from creams, sprays, or food. Follow the basic organizational rules: the things you use most often must be at hand, while the things you use less often can be in a less accessible place. Also consider the need to want to hide something; for example, women's products look better in an inside pocket if you don't want everyone to see them.

Step 7. Give it a try
For a few days, consider whether this way of organizing the bag suits you. Change the arrangement of things if necessary. Remove the things you haven't used all week, and add the ones that have proved important to your daily life. Don't be afraid to change the organization in the future too; there may be schedule changes or extracurricular activities that will require changes in the way you handle things.

Step 8. Tidy up regularly
Clean your bag at least once a month or whenever it starts to get messy. Try to respect the order you have established, and avoid putting things in the bag at the last moment (always bearing in mind that you can change the system if you find that it does not work).
- The small cases are perfect for make-up, hair essentials, and pads or tampons. They also work great for those things you regularly move around in your gym bag, locker, purse etc.
- Prepare your backpack or bag the night before and take a few minutes to put everything in its place.
- It is important to keep books and notebooks in order; it is not easy to find what you need in the midst of chaos.
- If you have a water bottle, hang it on the handle of the bag with a carabiner.
- You may need personal items or beauty products in your school bag as well. For example, you may need: make-up, refreshing wipes, pads or tampons (if you have menstruated), rubber bands and a hairbrush, chewing gum or mints, purses, cell phone, medicine, earphones and more.