Many people have a hard time keeping out of trouble, even though it is very important to do so. If you are unable to behave well, in fact, you will end up receiving punishment, being suspended from school or even expelled, not to mention what your parents will put you through. Do you want to learn how to avoid getting entangled in dangerous situations? Keep reading.

Step 1. Doing nothing you already know could get you in trouble
Although at the moment it may seem unimportant or you may think that you will never be discovered, when the time comes when the teacher writes your name on the register while all your friends have stayed out of trouble, you will regret it. Don't bully, don't hit anyone, don't talk in class, don't use inappropriate language, and never falsify an excuse. You already know that you will attract problems for this type of behavior, so try to avoid it. It's not that you won't be able to have fun anyway - you can always laugh and hang out with your classmates, enjoy fun / relaxing lessons, and ask people you like out to hang out. There are enough opportunities to have fun, don't you think? You don't have to be a little saint, just try to know the limits that it is not advisable to cross. Your education will be more successful in many ways.

Step 2. Do not bring to school anything that the school authorities have determined is dangerous or even prohibited
Among these prohibited items it is possible to probably / certainly include grass, weapons, drugs and rubber bands. If your teachers have banned cell phones or playing cards, don't take them with you. Don't run the risk of having them confiscated - you'll get a bad reputation. If you need your mobile phone to call your parents, always keep it in your backpack in silent mode, WITHOUT ACTIVE VIBRATION. Don't show it to your friends.

Step 3. Do not eat in class, unless the teacher has given his approval
You have time to eat before school, after school and during breaks. Eat enough during these times and remember to have a good breakfast. Bring a bottle of water with you and sip it. Don't even try to eat something hidden. If you get caught, or if someone spies, it would be really embarrassing in the first place, but you could also end up in a lot of trouble. Do not try to chew even a gum: it would be annoying if you were discovered and it would be a hindrance if you had to talk to the teacher. Try eating a mint or two before school and during breaks.

Step 4. Avoid getting involved in arguments
It might be tough, it's TRUE, but it's totally worth it. Don't start an argument or fight for any reason and don't blame anyone. If you have to stand up for a friend or just can't keep your mouth shut, just choose phrases that will keep you out of trouble, like "Leave us alone", or "It's not up to you to talk." Choose answers that make you feel satisfied but help you avoid problems. As for fights, avoid them at all costs. Don't be found even around, it might be enough to get you in trouble. If you have problems to resolve, deal with them outside of school, whether they are arguments to settle or issues to discuss with any other student.

Step 5. Never copy
It is a very serious mistake. Not only is this a bad behavior that could easily become a bad habit, if you get caught you will end up in really serious trouble. Study well and commit as much as possible. Everyone has different standards, so don't try to match the results of others. If you work seriously and listen to the teacher, he will take it into account. If you need help, ask a friend or an adult you trust for advice. If you feel tempted to copy, think about what would happen if they found you. Imagine the whole class staring at you, your parents' face, the punishments… that's a bad idea, isn't it?

Step 6. Be careful where you sit in class
Don't sit next to the loudest or most talkative person in the class or next to your best friend. In fact, if they keep talking to you, the teacher will blame you too. But try not to sit even near quiet people, or you may feel uncomfortable. The teacher may realize that you are not participating and start asking personal questions to one of you or, more likely, just to you. Sit next to someone who is not your friend but you do not feel uncomfortable with, such as a good acquaintance.

Step 7. Keep in mind which of your classmates keep getting into trouble with teachers and principal
Try to avoid spending too much time with these people. They may end up convincing you to do something that would cause you problems. No matter how popular they are, your conduct rating is more important.

Step 8. Don't secretly text your friends or listen to music in class
The action itself is bad enough, doing it secretly will only worsen the gravity of the situation.

Step 9. Listen to your teachers
Don't answer badly when they tell you to do something, they deserve your respect because they are trying to help you have a better future. You don't have to defend your friends if they get into trouble on their own. Let them fight their battles alone.

Step 10. Don't make up a "secret" code for inappropriate words
Sooner or later they would catch you and you would end up in serious trouble.
- Try to understand what your teachers' limits are. Don't push yourself any further and everything will be fine.
- Try to remain in the good graces of your teachers. Don't be cheeky and make sure you let them know that you listen to them and that you are working hard. But try not to be too servile. Do your best in their subjects and, trust me, you will be satisfied with yourself at the end of the school year!
- Don't give in to peer pressure. Your friends and comrades may try to convince you to misbehave, but if they were to ask you to throw yourself off a cliff, would you?
- If you get into trouble, keep calm and don't let it happen again.
- Don't be upset if someone annoys you. It is better to walk away or just ignore the other person; However, try not to give sarcastic answers by turning your back, as you may instigate her to continue to annoy you.
- Always smile. A smile can help calm down someone who is angry with you.
- Never be stupid just to make others laugh …
- If you get into trouble, tell your parents the truth.
- Some teachers don't have much patience. Try not to make them angry.
- If a teacher picks you up for something you have rarely done, talk to your parents about it so they can fix it.
- Don't secretly text your friends or listen to music in class. You would end up having your mobile phone or MP3 player collected and your parents will have to go and collect them from the teacher.
- Never lie to your teachers, for any reason. It is bad enough that you have done something wrong, lying will only make the situation worse.
- Do not snort and never respond badly to your teachers, it would be a serious offense and the consequences could be very heavy!