Plus size models usually wear 44-46 (occasionally 48) and are 170-180cm tall. This article provides tips on how to become such a model.

Step 1. Decide if the fashion industry is for you
Take a look at newspapers and catalogs and think about how you feel about the models' looks, including how they pose, body type, etc.

Step 2. Take some test shots with a friend or family member

Step 3. If you like being in front of the camera and feel you are photogenic, learn how to wear clothes and find the right look for you, then figure out which hairstyle suits you (choose one that is easy to maintain and is suitable for longer. look)
If there is anything else you need to take care of, like split ends, facial cleansing, toning exercises, commit to that.

Step 4. Make sure you meet the height and measurement requirements

Step 5. Check out local fashion agencies to find out what exactly they require from those who want to apply
Castings are opened when agencies need to increase the number of models.

Step 6. Once you find out what the agencies want, take a photo session with a friend, family member or professional
However, the latter option is not mandatory.

Step 7. Photos should be sharp and not blurry
There must be no one in the photograph but you. At least one must be a close-up of the face, one with a smile, one full-length and one of the body in shorts and a tank top (or whatever makes you feel comfortable) or a costume.

Step 8. Send the photographs to the agencies you have selected
There are three ways to do this: by e-mail to the "plus size" sector; by post with a cover letter; or by going directly to the auditions, so whoever selects can see not only your appearance but also your personality. Make sure you know your same data (height, dress size, age, hair and eye color, shoe size). If you don't know your measurements, have someone take them. Write them down and take them with you or include them in the email or letter.
- Smile and enjoy!
- Be sure of yourself!
- Keep your nails clean and well-groomed.
- Don't wear heavy makeup.
- Your skin should be clean and flawless.
- On casting days, dress casually but carefully, not too trendy or tight.
- Sometimes being a model is not suitable for a candidate: if you are still interested in the world of fashion, there are other opportunities as a stylist, make-up artist, photographer … Find out what you can do and put it into practice!
- The modeling world is competitive, don't feel discouraged if an agency rejects you. Many famous models didn't sign up for their first casting - keep working on yourself and go to all the castings you need. If one agency isn't right for you, try another one.
- Many agencies are looking for different looks all the time. The advertising industry today is interested in different types of people for their products.