If you have recently graduated from college, have just lost your job, or are trying to enter this world and are struggling with the crisis, then you may need help. It is not too difficult to survive the terrible process of applying and getting rejected.

Step 1. Choose an employment agency
It is often used by job vacancies and if you want to have your rights secured it is also perfect for you, and will also say about you that you are an active person in research. Joining one of these agencies is best because you will have time to relax, avoiding the stress of trying all the time.

Step 2. Use online services like Monster.com to search
Check daily and apply for anything that seems interesting to you. Start with the type of work you want and are most excited about. You will be more motivated than desperate.

Step 3. Assert your rights
If you live in the UK the standard procedure is to sign up for the placement if you don't have a job. There is no shame in that, everyone likes to help people and that's what tax money is for. If you are in the United States you will probably also be eligible for a subsidy.

Step 4. Decide what job you want to do
Then actively seek it out. Contact companies and organizations that hire people in the job you enjoy. Call or email asking if there are any vacancies. This approach often secures you a mention for that post before the ad is even posted. It is an attitude that always impresses those who offer work and many consider your CV precisely because you are motivated and proactive. It is faster than replying to an ad and thus you will save the company money as well as bypass all other potential candidates: if you hit the job those who offer the job will not even have to open a search for possible employees.

Step 5. Volunteer in this area
Whoever will interview you will be impressed. Not only is volunteering the best choice to give your CV and references a boost, it's also an experience that pays off. It will keep you from getting bored or distressed because technically you will already be working.

Step 6. Make sure you have a good CV
It is vital to find employment nowadays as for every question you ask there will be 150 more (if you submit it online). If you want a job even if it is, then customize the curriculum for each area in which you apply, for example, if you want to work in the administration write that you are good at typing on the PC; for a job in sales he claims to have a good dialectic. Make sure you send the right resume to the right announcement of course, so you don't make a fool of yourself.

Step 7. As an unemployed person you will have a lot of free time
Make the most of it so that when they ask you what you've done in the meantime, you can answer something better than "sitting on the couch watching TV shows all day". Try to go for a run - it costs less than the gym and will keep you fit. Try writing a book - you never know, you may find a new motivation. Alternatively, try learning a foreign language, a very useful thing to add to your curriculum.

Step 8. Spend some time reviewing your priorities and long-term plans
Ask what would make you happy, question your goals, set new ones. Dust off dreams that you have always thought unattainable and turn them into reality. Sometimes they are more practical than you think. Without a job as a priority commitment, ideas on how to find financial help to get back to school can change your lifestyle, propelling you towards a better future.

Step 9. Consider working independently
The skills you developed in your previous job are to be exploited. Search online to understand how to use them and find customers. For example, consider being a freelance copy writer, it would also help you sell everything from art to chocolates. Many create a job by finding something to do that will ensure they have enough money to live on. "I started a motorcycle repair company then decided it wasn't for me" doesn't sound bad at all on a CV - it makes you look proactive.

Step 10. Eliminate everything you don't need from home during this time
Sell it on eBay. A lot of people clean their closets but find that the items they have go big on eBay and become a seller: this requires a fast service, well-compiled price lists and usually one or two specialties, things in which you are well versed, especially in the niche market.. Your hobbies are a good start you are already proficient in it. Some retailers buy large quantities of items cheaply, divide them up, and sell them right where they bought them, on eBay. If it works, develop an efficient packaging and shipping system for what you want to sell.

Step 11. Cut down on expenses
Cut anything you don't need. Sell your gym membership, stop going to restaurants, don't buy new clothes, mow the lawn yourself. Upgrade to lower standards for a living.

Step 12. If you are really having trouble getting a job, bother with family and friends who have an independent one
Even if it were data entry or the most boring job in this world, the important thing is to put a foot inside the environment.

Step 13. Simplify your life
Unemployment is a big change but it can become a time to reevaluate your whole life and make choices to improve it. If you don't like the weather or social climate of where you live, sell everything and move to where you've always wanted to go. Focus on finding a job in the new place. If there are any other big changes you want to make, now is the time to try to implement them, taking advantage of the fact that you have no commitments and that you can give your efforts a new direction. If it doesn't work it's just a failed attempt, big changes and minimum wages are just an obstacle in the way. Keep striving to build a better life than you had.