Playing a game of football is a good way to have fun and get some exercise; strategy, teamwork and athletic skills are fundamental aspects of this sport. However, it is not at all easy to score a goal without the right technique; by learning the correct method and training to put it into practice, you can improve your scoring performance in the next game.
Method 1 of 3: Score a Goal in Front of a Deployed Defense

Step 1. Get the defender to overdo it
An opponent who tries to stop you or steal the ball is a difficult obstacle to overcome; however, he has some weaknesses that you can use to move behind him. Try some of these strategies to find yourself behind the defense:
- Wait for the defender to move excessively and exaggerate, this behavior causes him to lose his balance and you can easily "jump" him.
- You can try a feint to get him to move in one direction while you move in the other.
- The main goal is to make him lose his balance, depriving him of the ability to stop his momentum and therefore to block you.

Step 2. Establish a rhythm
Although the defender does his best to slow you down, it is important that you maintain a certain speed; if you reduce it or give in to your opponent's pressure, you give the other team a chance to stop or steal the ball. Always maintain an aggressive stance when facing defenders and establish an attack pace.
- The other players try to push you into a position where they can steal the ball from you.
- Try to push the opponent by making him back off continuously.
- Try to constantly move towards the defender's back to prevent him from catching the ball.

Step 3. Play as a team
Football is a team sport; by teaming up with teammates, you greatly increase your chances of scoring more goals during the match. Passing the ball and attacking the defense correctly allows you to increase the chances of shooting and consequently those of scoring.
- Pass the ball when necessary.
- Check the position of teammates and pass them the ball when they are free.
- Don't monopolize the ball; with team play you have more chances to score goals more frequently.

Step 4. Kick the ball and score a goal
When you have room to shoot, you need to quickly kick the ball with precision to score goals. Remember to hit with the right technique, aiming away from the goalkeeper, to have a better chance of success.
- Using the inside of the foot you have better control of the ball and the shot is more precise, but at the expense of power.
- When kicking with your toe, you apply a lot of force, but the shot is inaccurate.
- Try to hit the ball in the center or in the top half.
- The goalkeeper has more difficulty reaching and holding a ball with a low trajectory.
- Avoid kicking the ball high, as this makes the goalkeeper's job easier.
- Aim at a point to the side and away from the goalkeeper, to make it more difficult for him to intercept the shot.
Method 2 of 3: Scoring a Goal without Defense

Step 1. Approach the door before shooting
While you may be tempted to kick from a distance and with as much force as possible, remember that getting closer to the opponent's goal is more likely to succeed. By kicking at close range you can be more precise and have better control of the trajectory, thus complicating the goalkeeper's "job". If you want to reach your goal, you don't have to kick from too far; also remember to keep a certain distance from the goalkeeper, because he knows how to behave in order to appear bigger, to throw himself on the ball and block it; Make sure you are far enough away to kick without the goalkeeper being able to catch the ball.
- Shoot when you are 10-15 meters from the opponent's goal.
- As you get even closer, accuracy improves.
- Kicking too far reduces the chances of scoring.

Step 2. Take a lob
When you have passed the defense, you are face to face with the goalkeeper. The lob is an effective technique to overcome the last attempt to protect the goal by the goalkeeper. Wait until you are close to the opponent and practice the technique described below to lift the ball and score a goal:
- Wait for the goalkeeper to dive or move towards the ball.
- Bring your leg and foot down to kick.
- Hit the lower half of the ball without accompanying its trajectory with the movement of the leg.
- By kicking in the right place and blocking the movement of the foot, you are able to give the ball a parabolic trajectory that passes the goalkeeper.

Step 3. Dribble the goalkeeper
As long as he stands in front of you, he has the ability to block the shot; a good technique to overcome this obstacle is to dribble the opponent before kicking. You have to feint to get him to dive in one direction to grab the ball, then overtake him by moving to the opposite side.
- Approach the goal and lure the opponent away from the goalposts.
- Pretend to move left or right to kick.
- As soon as the goalkeeper lunges to intercept the ball, he quickly changes direction and dribbles him.
Method 3 of 3: Scoring a Goal from Standing

Step 1. Score a goal with a corner kick
When the defense sends the ball over their own goal line, the opponents have the opportunity to take a corner kick. This is a great opportunity to put the ball back into play and quickly score a goal; focus on shooting fundamentals, kicking technique and teamwork to make the most of this opportunity.
- Hit the ball at the bottom with the inside of the foot.
- Kick the ball towards teammates who should be waiting near the opponent's goal.
- Teammates should receive the pass and shoot quickly on goal.
- Avoid kicking in the direction of the opposing goalkeeper or defenders.

Step 2. Score with a free kick
This situation offers you the possibility to shoot directly on goal, but the opponents can form a barrier between you and the net. There are some shooting strategies that allow you to overcome the defense and score a goal with a free kick.
- Kick the ball over the barrier. Hit it in the lower part and follow the direction with the movement of the foot; train your aim, because you don't have to throw the ball too high and miss the goal.
- You can also try a low shot if you believe the players in the wall are jumping to try to block the ball.
- You can also attempt a spin shot that revolves around your opponents. This is the most difficult technique and requires a lot of training to deliver the right power and effect.

Step 3. Prepare for the throw-in
In this case, the opposing players have pushed the ball out of the sideline and your team has a chance to put it back into play. The action must respect precise rules, but it also represents a possibility to score. Collaborate with teammates and try different methods to score a goal from a throw-in.
- You need to keep your feet behind the sideline and throw the ball with both hands.
- Pass it on to players who are in a good position on the pitch.
- Try to direct the ball towards the feet of your teammates to allow them to block it.
- It is not possible to directly score a goal from the throw-in, but this action allows you to throw the ball to a favorable spot and your teammates to assume the best position to score.
- When you are about to shoot, check the position of the goalkeeper.
- Take the time to practice hard.
- Pay attention to the movements of other players during the game.
- Get ready to kick and don't hesitate.
- Work with the rest of the team to score even more goals.
- Use the right technique to hit the ball.
- Don't kick when you are too far from the goal.