How to Stop on a Skateboard: 13 Steps

How to Stop on a Skateboard: 13 Steps
How to Stop on a Skateboard: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


Want to stop while skateboarding without getting hurt? Follow the steps outlined in this article to learn the most common techniques.


Stop a Skateboard Step 1
Stop a Skateboard Step 1

Step 1. While going at normal speed, simply jump off the board to the side, which is the least dangerous way

Part 1 of 4: Rear Foot Heel

Stop a Skateboard Step 2
Stop a Skateboard Step 2

Step 1. Get into the habit of effortlessly lifting your back foot off the board at normal speed

Stop a Skateboard Step 3
Stop a Skateboard Step 3

Step 2. Begin to slowly lower your foot towards the ground and, as it approaches the ground, first touch your heel and then begin to apply light pressure

Stop a Skateboard Step 4
Stop a Skateboard Step 4

Step 3. Increase the pressure until you have slowed down enough

If you feel comfortable enough, you can use the whole foot, but it will be easier to start with just the heel, then add the pressure of the leg on it.

Part 2 of 4: Shoe

Stop a Skateboard Step 5
Stop a Skateboard Step 5

Step 1. While in motion, place your front foot on the binding

Stop a Skateboard Step 6
Stop a Skateboard Step 6

Step 2. Turn your front foot so that your toes are pointing towards the nose of the board

Stop a Skateboard Step 7
Stop a Skateboard Step 7

Step 3. Lift your back foot off the board and place it very slowly on the ground, slowly increasing the pressure until you come to a stop

Part 3 of 4: Tail

Stop a Skateboard Step 8
Stop a Skateboard Step 8

Step 1. While in motion, place your foot on the front trucks, side facing the tail, and perform a manual

Stop a Skateboard Step 9
Stop a Skateboard Step 9

Step 2. Squeeze on the tail, so that it lightly touches the ground

Stop a Skateboard Step 10
Stop a Skateboard Step 10

Step 3. Continue to put pressure gently on the back of the board until the board stops

Part 4 of 4: Powerslide

Stop a Skateboard Step 11
Stop a Skateboard Step 11

Step 1. Powerslide is the hardest way to stop at the beginning, but also the most effective

All you have to do is place your front foot on the part of the board corresponding to the bindings in your kickturn direction (180 ° standing).

Stop a Skateboard Step 12
Stop a Skateboard Step 12

Step 2. Next you will need to put your back foot on the tail to give the board a slight push

Now put your weight on your back foot and throw it forward by leaning slightly backwards.

Stop a Skateboard Step 13
Stop a Skateboard Step 13

Step 3. Then return your hips to their starting position to continue straight, making sure you don't turn over completely


As with all tricks and moves on the skateboard, it's best to practice standing first and then start doing them on the go


  • In the long run, the tail method will wear down the back of the board making it less resistant and more dangerous
  • The powerslide will wear out the wheels in the long run. The softer they are, the faster they will wear out.
  • Powerslide is difficult to learn at first and requires very smooth wheels, rubber and especially urethane wheels are quite smooth, so it may be more difficult using a nylon set.
  • If you have not positioned your foot correctly before trying the tail method, the board may fly out from under you.
  • The shoe method in the long run will wear out your back foot shoe.
  • You could get pretty injured if you don't properly stop with the shoe.
