No one wants to be deceived by someone who makes fun of other people's feelings - the only expected end is humiliation and a broken heart! Fortunately, these people are easy to avoid once you understand what signs to look for. So you can devote your attention to the good guys!

Step 1. Those who play with feelings feign empathy very quickly
He calls and texts you every day and maybe falls asleep with you on the phone. As flattering as it may sound, know it's a trap! Its purpose is to get you used to it. By doing so, she will trigger a routine in your mind and by the following week, when she stops talking to you, you will already be hooked. If you want to keep it buzzing around you, you have to take your time. When trying to fall asleep on the phone while you are talking, Not let them do it. One way to do this is to avoid having your conversations last longer than an hour.
How does this work? It's your habit: you talked to him every night but suddenly he denies himself. The result is that you start missing. You will contact him and he will know he has you in hand

Step 2. Those who play with feelings love to give nicknames
Most of the time, he'll give you one to make it look nice. However, he will do it more than anything else to make you feel more connected to him. Some like to call the girl "baby", "sweetie" or "sweetie". If you realize this, be careful: whoever deceives can be very sweet and persuasive with words.

Step 3. Feelings Players Ask Questions About Your Sex Life
While it might be normal curiosity, the number of guys you've had sex with isn't essential in the economy of a good relationship.

Step 4. Those who play with feelings love to spoil you and compliment you
"Baby, you are beautiful" could be an example. Even if you've been a rag all day, there will always be the one saying "You look great" or "You're really fit" for no reason. While it may make you feel flattered, remember that it is doing it to make you feel good. When a girl feels good about herself, she increases her confidence and will be led to do whatever it takes to raise that confidence level again and again. And guys know how much girls like compliments.

Step 5. Those who play with feelings will start talking about their life
It might say something like, "I've been hurt in the past." It will open to make you feel that you have a more intimate bond. It's all a search for empathy! He will emanate emotions and talk about how he has been duped in the past, how he really felt awful and point out that he knows how you can feel. Chances are he was actually played himself, but that's what led him to become the person he is. Most of the time, those who play with feelings will throw in a sentence like: “I am a different person, even I have committed my sins. Those times are over and I just want to meet someone to help me stay in line”. The girls will immediately begin to feel affection for him and make themselves available. Of course, when a girl realizes that a guy is heartbroken, she tries to comfort him and offer him a shoulder to cry on. The more she wants to make herself available to him, the more she will get to know him. But the more you become attached to it, the harder it will be to download it.

Step 6. Those who play with feelings love to use the phrase "I would treat you better, I would never hurt you"
Many times girls are vulnerable. When they meet a guy who seems to understand them they start to think that he will be the right one and that he will not play with their heart, breaking it. Just because the guy says he'll treat you better doesn't necessarily mean he's going to keep that promise in the future.

Step 7. Feelers don't want to be seen in public or have a relationship out in the open
See Facebook. He won't show up with you, not because he's shy or scared or because friends would make fun of him, but because he might run into other girls he's hanging out with behind your back. Those who play with feelings will not change their status on Facebook or mention you. Many times he will say that he is not ready or that he does not want you to be seen in public. The truth is that if you understand that it revolves around you, the doors of possibility with the others would close. There's a 50% chance they're not really ready for a relationship, but there's also a 50% chance they don't want to bond. If a guy really likes you, he'd want to bond with you so no one else can claim you.
- Sex can lead to an emotional attachment to someone you are interested in, even if they are making fun of you. It happens to men and women. Be awake.
- The deceiver may also take you to public places but more often they will try to avoid it. He will only feel comfortable when you two are alone. In public, you will always take a look around. His actions at this point should put you on the alert. Do not only get attached to him because you desperately want a story or because you are certain that you will eventually change him. Sooner or later you will convince yourself to imagine what it does and in the end you will feel terrible.
- Those who play with feelings will be very romantic in public, especially in those places where you always go together. If you are in the same places and never go anywhere else (for example always to the cinema), know that it is a trap and it is time to go on despite everything.
- Some like to flirt and do nice things. In the end, someone who behaves like this seeks sex: an honest person would never pressure or shame the other to get a night of sex. True love is not just lust and can be tested by waiting.