One in three US women experiences at least one sexual assault in their lifetime. Rape is a terrible experience. Victims tend not to want to tell anyone about it, thinking that people can see them in a different, negative light in case they find out. While the victim is never to blame, there are some precautions you can take to try and avoid the worst.

Step 1. Trust your instincts
Don't underestimate your judgment. If you feel uncomfortable around someone, avoid being alone with that person and be determined to reject them if they try to force things in that direction. Attackers tend to turn their attention to the people who seem most manipulable and vulnerable.

Step 2. Bring a friend or a friend with you if you are going to a party or any other event organized in a bit strange places
If you can't get together, leave your number to a friend, tell him at what time you should return and that you will be heard once you get home.

Step 3. Keep an eye on your drinks
Rapists might dissolve some tasteless drug in them. Don't resume drinking a drink you left unattended, and don't accept drinks from strangers (unless you've seen the bartender prepare it and you're sure there's nothing else in it).

Step 4. Walk in the company of someone if possible, especially if it is night or if you are in a distant and isolated place
If you are going for a jog, bring a partner.

Step 5. Always stay alert by avoiding going around with headphones and iPod or wearing hats that block your peripheral vision
You must always be aware of the people around you.

Step 6. If you really have to walk alone, stay in busy, well-lit areas
Avoid dark areas or areas where you would have no escape routes.

Step 7. Always carry a pepper spray or something similar and suitable for self-defense

Step 8. Learn some basic self defense moves
Preparing for a potential attack will allow you to react better to something you should face a real situation, where you will also have to fight against stress and fear.

Step 9. You show confident as you move
A person who appears determined and physically strong is certainly a less attractive goal.

Step 10. Take on a possible stalker
If you know someone is following you, turn around and ask them what time it is. Look closely at his face and observe his overall physical appearance. Attackers prefer to target victims who would not be able to recognize their face.

Step 11. Hold on and yell as loud as you can in case you get attacked

Step 12. Understand that not all rapes occur at the hands of strangers, but often the perpetrators are friends, relatives and even co-workers
Victims often know their attackers, and may have trusted them. Learn to recognize abusive relationships.
- If you want and if the rapist is not armed, when he tries to force you to have oral sex, bite him STRONG. If the bite fails, always remember: "Grab, Rotate and Pull." Obviously referring to the testicles. Now it might seem silly, but maybe one day it will save your life.
- If you know you will be walking in an unsafe or very dark area, wear sneakers, or bring a pair with you. Ankle boots or other heels would make you audible even from blocks away, and you could attract the attention of potential attackers. Sandals are a better choice than heels, but they are not very durable and may prevent you from running as you would like, or even make you fall.
If all attempts to avoid a direct encounter fail and you find yourself being followed / attacked by someone, start screaming. Don't worry about feeling ridiculous screaming; in many countries there is a social dictate of "don't make a scene in public", but if it's rape or a potential rape attempt, try to get as much attention as possible.
He yells vigorously: "Help !!!" or: "Fire !!!". Don't yell: "Rape !!!" or: "They are attacking me !!!". The reason is the so-called pass-through effect, it is a phenomenon in which passers-by are aware of the emergency situation but do not offer their help. During a rape, bystanders may not help you for fear of being attacked themselves
If you are walking alone at night or in disreputable areas, avoid listening to music. Music would distract you, making you an easy target as you may not hear your attacker approaching.
If you really want to listen to music, keep the volume low. Loud music would eliminate surrounding noises, especially if you're using headphones rather than earphones, making it impossible for you to hear a stalker
- If you are walking on a sidewalk, stay close to the road and not the buildings, as there may be someone hiding in a door or some alley.
- If you feel anything negative about a person, a party and / or where you are, immediately go home or find a friend. Do not hesitate.
- If they try to attack you, yell "Dad!" or any masculine name in the most appropriate direction.
- If you have a bunch of keys with you or even just a single key, use it to your advantage to hit your attacker in the eyes.
- Bring a cell phone with you. If you feel uncomfortable walking alone, call a friend or family member, or pretend you are talking on the phone. Walk around and, trying to make yourself heard, use phrases such as: "Could you open the door? I'll be there in 2 minutes, I only need one block" or tell your interlocutor, real or presumed, where you are. Potential attackers will be put off knowing that there is someone waiting for your arrival, who is nearby, and who would be there in minutes if you don't arrive.
- At night, especially in the city, do not wear high heels or sandals; wears sneakers.
- Don't panic, you will just become easier prey.
- If the assailant grabs you in a sprawling manner, turn around and kick him in the groin.
- The telephone is also useful for calling for help in case of attacks. Associate speed dial keys with emergency numbers so you can call them as quickly as possible and, if you are traveling abroad, make sure you have saved the emergency numbers specific to the country you are in, as well as the service number Taxi.
- Call 113 before you even call friends and / or family.
- If you have high heels, use them to hit your attacker hard in the eye, and keep doing it until you see an eye sticking to the heel of your shoe.
- The "Grab, Roll and Pull" method works only if the attacker is wearing sports shorts or other thin pants. It won't work through jeans.
- If you bite someone until they lose blood, you risk getting blood-borne diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases. You would still risk contracting them if your attacker succeeds. Biting an assailant is a good way to avoid further abuse, and it would still be more hygienic than being assaulted, since rape could lead to bleeding of the genitals or rectum. Furthermore, certain types of internal wounds would increase the likelihood of contracting disease if they come into contact with the offender's seminal fluid.
- None of the tips in this guide will make you completely immune to a possible attack.