Sometimes we become so close and connected that the flame that fuels the relationship begins to fade. The best way to revive it is to make the other person miss you, so that the time of falling in love will come back to mind. Under certain circumstances, a romantic relationship ends up on the part of both of you even sooner than it should. Try to make your ex-boyfriend miss you so that he remembers what the relationship was like when it was going well. Keep some distance, control communication, and use subtle hints to feel that nostalgia and wish to rekindle the passion.
Method 1 of 3: Stop Contacts

Step 1. Stop calling or texting him
If you constantly phone him or text him, he won't have time to figure out how much he misses you. Give yourself a break, cutting off any kind of telephone communication, and wait for him to contact you. If you stop calling him or texting him, he will certainly ask himself why and your gesture will lead him to think of you and to feel your absence.

Step 2. Wait a while before calling him back or replying to messages
When we like someone, we usually touch the sky with a finger when we receive a phone call or a message from our flame and, therefore, we do not miss the opportunity to answer them. If you want a guy to miss you, you need to create that expectation that arouses in him a burning desire to receive your answer.
- When he calls you, don't answer and let the answering machine go on. Wait a few minutes, then call him back, telling him you couldn't answer because you were very busy.
- If he sends you a message, wait about 5-10 minutes before replying. During this wait he will begin to get impatient for your answer and to think about what you are doing without him.

Step 3. Limit your postings on social networks
If you are someone who constantly updates their social profiles, try reducing the amount of your posts. Virtual activity on these portals is a rather simple way to stay in touch with others and not miss them. If you post fewer items, your boyfriend will start not hearing more about what's going on in your life.
Also limit private conversations with him on social networks. If you use this tool to communicate with him when you don't have the opportunity to see each other, break this habit for a while. He will surely want to hear from you and hopefully he will get in touch with you when he starts to miss you

Step 4. End the conversation first
Start ending phone or texting conversations before him, especially if you're in the habit of saying goodbye last. If you are the first to quit, his urge to resent will increase and you will stay in his mind until you have another chance to speak. The desire to keep in touch with you will start driving him crazy.
Method 2 of 3: Use Details that Leave Their Mark

Step 1. Choose an original perfume
Find a particular scent to use every time you go out with your boyfriend. It won't be long before he starts associating that smell with you, so he'll have another reason to miss you. When you are not together, he will start to miss your perfume and he will want to smell it.
- Make sure you don't spray too much, or he might get disgusted. Put just enough for him to feel it when he gets close to you.
- To create this effect, you have to wear the same perfume every time you see each other.
- It also works when you want me to miss you. If you show up on a date wearing the perfume you usually use, she will immediately associate it with the other times you've seen each other.

Step 2. Be mysterious and unpredictable
If you're an open book the first time you meet a guy, you risk losing the charm you need to surprise him. Instead, you should always have something interesting to tell about yourself whenever you are together. This way your boyfriend will be more and more curious and eager to know what new aspects he will be able to discover the next time you meet. Try to be spontaneous with him. If you usually go out for dinner, one day invite him for a walk in the mountains. Your spontaneity will thrill him and lead him to wonder what you are planning to do next time.

Step 3. Leave something in his car or at his house
If by any chance you forget your personal belongings at home or in your boyfriend's car, you will be constantly in his thoughts. When he remembers you, he will start thinking about you and missing you. It would be better to leave small personal items, not very useful in your daily life, but which will keep your memory alive in a very subtle way.
- A brush.
- A jewel.
- A few tricks.
- A pen or notepad.
- A small photo.

Step 4. Increase his desire
Whenever you go out with your boyfriend, you should make sure he always wants something more: more kisses, more laughter, more fun, more conversations, whatever as long as you want it in greater quantities. Therefore, try to devote your time to him, setting hard limits on yourself when you are together.
- You shut down conversations because you have to go home at a certain time.
- Just give him a sweet kiss at the end of the evening so that he wishes to receive more.
- Try to stay in control when you need to get home. You will probably want to spend more time with him, but if you leave at the scheduled time, he will want to spend more time with you.
Method 3 of 3: Being Independent

Step 1. Step away from him slightly
A guy will never miss you if you are always there for him. A great way to warn her is to take some distance from him. If you spend every minute of the weekend together, start carving out some time for yourself. Spend Friday nights at home or with friends instead of going out with your boyfriend. He'll probably enjoy being on his own at first, but if you start doing it regularly, he'll start to miss the moments he hugged you.

Step 2. Go out with friends and talk to them about what you have done
Instead of meeting up with your boyfriend, start spending your evenings out with friends; later, tell him how much fun you had. He'll probably be happy for you, but also a little jealous that you had a great time without him. If you go out with other people for a couple of weekends, she'll soon begin to regret not being the person you like to hang out with anymore.
This tactic also works with the ex-boyfriend. When he sees that you are having a great time without him, he will begin to regret that he is no longer a part of your life

Step 3. Take advantage of social networks to highlight how much you are having a good time on your own
Start posting pictures and status updates on how great it is to do things yourself. This also applies when you want to make an ex miss you. If you show that you are enjoying life, he will regret not having you around and beg you to go out together.
Don't pretend on social networks. Simply highlight all the pleasure you have from hanging out with friends and pursuing your interests

Step 4. Change your style and go to him
Treat yourself to a new haircut and revamp your wardrobe to look and feel more beautiful. Get dressed up and then meet your boyfriend somewhere. He will be surprised by your new look and will want to see you again.
If you want your ex-boyfriend to miss you, show up with your new look in places you're sure to find it. Walk towards him with a splendid and confident gait. He will feel some regret that he is no longer with you and will miss the time you were together
- It will probably take some time before your boyfriend starts missing you. Don't be surprised if your behavior doesn't have the desired effect right away. Many teens like to feel free at first, then they start missing their partner after a couple of days.
- To keep your boyfriend thinking about you, take care to use gentle physical contact with him, combining it with the other tips provided in this article. When you're with him, accidentally brush him or run your hands gently through his hair when you greet him before leaving.
- Trust yourself. When you keep some distance from your boyfriend or see your ex again after a breakup, you need to be confident so that you can let him know you're happy to be independent.
- If you're trying to make your ex miss you, you need to make sure he still wants to be around you. This tactic works best when the decision to break up has been made by mutual agreement. If the breakup was pretty difficult, maybe it would be better if you gave yourself some time at first.
- If you establish some distance in the relationship and he doesn't miss you, you should probably talk to evaluate your relationship. Start contacting him again, trying to find out how he felt when you walked away.
- Every love story is different, like every guy. Know that some methods can actually hurt your partner, so try to respect their feelings. Your goal is to lightly move the relationship, making him miss you, not play with his emotions.