The best way to be difficult is to be really hard to conquer. You are a wonderful person and you deserve someone special. Give space to the guy you like by avoiding contacting him all the time, and let him take the initiative. Balance your aloof behavior with a few signs of attention so the guy doesn't think you don't like him. Keep busy with your hobbies, taking care of yourself, and hanging out with other people - if that doesn't make you uncomfortable. Increase your self-esteem by spending time with friends and family who love you. You will feel great and, in no time at all, you will attract the attention of the guy you like.
Method 1 of 3: Finding the Right Balance between Attention and Distance

Step 1. Leave your phone in silent mode or at home
It's nerve-wracking trying to figure out how long you have to wait before responding to a guy you like. In theory, if you do this too soon you will seem in need of affection, an impression you will want to avoid when trying to be difficult. However, it is very difficult to resist the temptation to reply to messages. To do this, leave your phone on silent so you don't hear it ring.
Even better, leave your phone at home when you go out with friends, or turn it off when you're about to watch a movie or go to the gym. Maybe you will find a message from the guy you like when you retrieve your phone, and then you can answer him without having to wait

Step 2. Ask the guy you like to see you informally
If you've been feeling something for a friend of yours for a long time, it's not easy to find the courage to ask him out. When you decide to do this, don't immediately confess your feelings, saying "I love you, do you love me?". Probably, he still does not reciprocate how you feel and this would lead to an abrupt termination of the conversation.
- Instead, try saying, "Would you like to go out for dinner this week?" You don't necessarily have to specify that this is an appointment. You can wait for him to clear things up, perhaps after a few simple "outings".
- The same is true when you ask a person you have admired from afar to go out. Try to avoid phrases like "I've had a crush on you for almost a year" and instead try saying, "Hey, do you want to go see the new Spiderman movie on Saturday?". This will release the tension.

Step 3. Let the guy try to kiss you
Make it clear that you are physically attracted to him by flirting, brushing "inadvertently" and touching your lips as you speak. Even if you're dying to kiss him, make him think it's his idea.
If he doesn't understand your intentions, you can hug him. It will probably be a sufficient signal

Step 4. After the first date with the guy you like, tell him you want to see him again
Small concessions are essential when you play hard, otherwise you risk him convinced that you don't like him. After you've seen each other, if you want to continue dating, say it clearly. Write to him "I had a lot of fun last night. Let me know when you want to see us again!". This way, you will make it clear that you are interested in repeating the exit, but avoid writing to him "I didn't sleep last night because I was too excited to think about our future marriage", which (even if it were true) could make the boy escape. that you like.
Don't pretend you don't like the guy, because he might give up. On the contrary, to be difficult you have to give him signals, without exposing all your cards

Step 5. Let him be the first to say "I love you"
If dating has turned into a real relationship and you end up falling in love, wait some time before you confess your feelings. You can let him know by saying "I like you a lot", "I love spending time with you" or "I'm crazy about you", but let him say the fateful words.
That way, you will be absolutely certain that he truly believes in what he says and you will be able to reciprocate. When he says "I love you", don't hold back to be difficult. It would be bad! If you love him too, tell him
Method 2 of 3: Keeping Busy

Step 1. Spend time on the things you love
This advice may seem trivial, but you become a more palatable partner if you go out and do the things you like instead of hanging around the house all day waiting for a message from the guy you like. You will appear to be a much happier and less desperate person, because you really will be.
Organize activities with friends or family most days. The more your life is full of friends who gratify you and make you feel loved, the less you need to find a romantic bond, so you can search for it more calmly

Step 2. Cultivate your hobbies
For example, if you love drawing, take the time to practice every week. Putting yourself into your hobbies not only gives you personal gratification, it also makes you a much more interesting person.
By pursuing your hobbies you will also have something to think about besides the guy you like and this can be very therapeutic if you are really in love

Step 3. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day
Exercising stimulates the release of endorphins, which make you feel happy. Plus, it boosts your physical and mental health, as well as making you feel comfortable with your physique.
Physical activity is ideal for relieving stress. The next time you're heartbroken because a date went wrong, try going to the gym instead of watching television. You will be surprised at the difference it can make

Step 4. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night
It is a great way to feel happier, healthier, and it can also help you make smarter decisions in love and life in general. Also, you are more beautiful when you feel radiant and well rested. To get enough sleep, go to bed at the same time every day and make sure you relax for at least an hour without electronic devices before bed.
Getting enough sleep is a simple form of self-love. Consider it a gift you give yourself every night, it serves to remind you how much you care about yourself. The more you get used to practicing love for yourself, the more you will realize that you also deserve that of other people
Method 3 of 3: Improve Your Self-Esteem

Step 1. Improve your self-esteem by focusing on why you are a great partner
The best way to be difficult is to convince yourself that you are really hard to conquer. You are a wonderful, unique person who deserves a partner who is compatible with your personality, who is kind and who you feel attracted to physically and emotionally.
Instead of showing up on a date thinking "Will he like me?", Think "Will I like him?". Assume that the other person will like you, because you are awesome. Then it's up to you to decide if the guy is worth your time. This mindset can make you think of dating as a fun afternoon of shopping looking for a compatible person instead of a stressful exam

Step 2. If it doesn't make you uncomfortable, hang out with other people besides the guy you like
If you're not in a serious relationship yet, build your self-esteem by dating other people you find interesting. Who knows, you may find that someone likes you more than the guy you have a crush on! Plus, you'll show him there are other men who like you and practice dating, which won't seem so scary anymore.
If you are really in love with the guy you have a crush on and don't want to date anyone else, organize lots of activities with friends and family. The boy will notice that you are loved by many

Step 3. Have a party with friends where you exchange loving cards
Invite your friends over to your house for a fun activity that will make you bond a lot. Write each other anonymous cards listing the things you love about each of you. This is a great way to express the affection you feel towards your friends, and by the end of the event, you will have lots of cards with all the reasons why you are awesome. You will be able to read them when you are feeling sad and need to remind yourself how special and loved you are.