Dating a woman after a divorce is easier than most men think. There are three reasons for this: first of all, from a woman's point of view, divorce is always better than separation; secondly, if you tell about your situation (this point will be explained later), women find that divorced men are more attractive than single ones. Psychologically it can be taboo to sleep with another woman's man and, in many cases, divorced men are also considered to be much more experienced. Finally, women know that men rarely like the idea of a second romantic failure should they intend to marry again. And if you search dating websites, you'll notice that 75-85% of women, across all age groups, don't even care if the man they're dating is separate.

Step 1. The most important rule is not to lie
There are no white lies in these circumstances. While it is unfortunate to tell you the details of the divorce and your role in this situation, just say, "I'd rather explain my story to you another time." Give her a way to process everything over time. There will come a time when she will insist on something you have not told her and at that point you will explain it to her. If it's something you can't be proud of, like cheating, you just need to be honest and show your remorse. If it is abuse, you need to be extremely sensitive and speak up about it. It is natural that to be honest there is a risk of losing everything, but you paid for your mistake, right? If you lie and it finds you, it will leave you in an instant.

Step 2. Don't talk about your ex unless she asks you something about it

Step 3. Some women don't like the idea of having children, for others it makes no difference, while still others love it
Don't lie on this point.

Step 4. You need to be much more persuasive than an undivorced man that you will not retrace your steps and that you will not contact your ex, except if you have children in common
To do this, introduce her to close friends and family. She will feel confident in you.

Step 5. If your ex was very attractive, you need to give your new partner a lot more confidence about her appearance and that you like her
Focus on his personality or think of other qualities.
- Make her feel that dating a divorced man is a great alternative to inexperienced guys.
- Always remember that if you intend to change and build a future, you have the opportunity to do so.
- Try not to talk too much about your past relationship, or you risk having to delve into various issues too soon.
- Don't repeat the same mistakes you made in the past relationship.
- Don't make her feel uncomfortable in public. Over time he will forget the situation and be fine.