According to many men, picking up a guy is super easy and very welcome. Many of them like girls bold enough to make the first move and are often attracted to women who know how to dress cute, elegant and sexy. For example, guys like plain clothes and jewelry, heels, and good perfumes. Learn how to approach a guy and break the ice, then learn how to start a fun conversation and get his number. If they don't like you, remember that trying will help you be more successful next time.
Method 1 of 3: Take Care of Your Appearance

Step 1. Wear something elegant, but not too formal
Guys love neat-looking girls, but not ones that look so perfect they seem inaccessible. They don't appreciate jewels that are too flashy, but if you wear a pair of pretty earrings paired with a simple and cute dress, with flat shoes, or skinny jeans with a simple black blouse and heels, they will be drawn to your style. Add a beautiful smile and your outfit will look perfect.
- Consider wearing a necklace that highlights your collarbones. Guys like it when girls flirt with them by touching their necks; wearing a simple necklace is an easy way to get their attention in that area.
- Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed. Choose what to wear in the evening before going to sleep, to never find yourself not having the clothes you want.
- Wear a sexy garment. Guys love girls who know how to be sexy without going overboard, for example, by wearing skinny jeans with a loose top.

Step 2. Wash your face and use a moisturizer every day
Bad skin can tarnish your beauty and ruin your confidence. Wash your face every night and every morning with an acne cleanser if needed. Follow up your routine with a light moisturizer. If you keep it healthy, your skin will be softer and shinier.
Use an exfoliating cream once a week to get rid of dead skin and appear more beautiful and radiant

Step 3. Wear mascara, lip gloss, concealer and foundation
Guys love makeup, especially when it's light and natural. The makeup should only emphasize your best features, so never use a heavy hand. Make your eyes bigger and brighter by applying a layer of your favorite black or dark brown mascara on your upper lashes. Apply a tinted lip gloss that will make your lips stand out and keep them hydrated before you go out and meet the guys. If you have spots, bags under the eyes or other skin imperfections, use a concealer stick or liquid, a shade lighter than your complexion, on the points to be covered. Gently smear it with your fingertips. Then complete the look with a translucent foundation, especially if you have oily skin.
You can apply colored lip gloss to the cheeks to give them color and shine

Step 4. Cure your smell
Guys often say how much they like girls who smell good. To perfume, start showering every day. It is not necessary to wash your hair every time you take a shower. Use a bathing cap or towel to cover them as you wash your body. Use a good-smelling shower gel and wash yourself with a cloth or sponge that produces a lot of foam.
- Use a pleasantly scented deodorant every morning before you leave the house. Use it again later in the day, after some activity that made you sweat or before going out at night.
- Find a fragrance that characterizes you. It can be your bubble bath or you can use a perfume. Use it in the morning and again before going out in the evening. Spray the fragrance on the wrists and rub them together, then on the neck and spread the perfume with the wrists on the neck and chest; finally, spray once on the hair. Bring a travel version of the perfume with you to reuse when you don't have the opportunity to go home to freshen up.
Method 2 of 3: Breaking the Ice

Step 1. Get the boy's attention
Come closer and be available. If you can get him to come to you, so much the better. Look for a seat where he can see you or a slightly out of the way spot where he can sit or stand, but that is within his field of vision. This way you can see if he should look at you. Play with your hair, glance in his direction, or talk to someone close to him to get his attention.
Don't overdo it with touching your hair or making eye contact; you might give the impression that you are desperate

Step 2. Let yourself be seen watching it for a moment
Then find something that can keep you busy. You can look at your phone from time to time, read the menu, or talk this up and down with someone close to you, making sure you always seem available. Return her gaze when she turns to you. Maintain eye contact for a second or two longer than usual, blink gently, then smile and look away. This behavior may encourage him to approach and greet you.

Step 3. Make the first move
If the guy doesn't come close, that's okay. Don't be afraid to take risks; boys love girls who are willing to take the initiative. You should approach him, look him in the eye and greet him with a friendly "Hello". Then ask him a question or a compliment. Don't be afraid to smile - he's probably nervous too. Then, continue and introduce yourself.
- Ask a simple question and start a conversation. For example, you might ask, "What would you recommend me to drink?"
- Try complimenting him on his hair, face, or style. For example, you might say, "Nice watch, I like your style." Remember to be natural and discreet, but express your interest in him clearly.

Step 4. Trust your theories of approach to men
Some guys like girls who are discreet and distant, while others prefer girls who behave diametrically opposite. Also, you should remember that you have your own personality and strengths that you can make the most of if you follow your instincts. If you have an idea of how you should behave, follow it. Each environment is different and only you can judge a situation in the best way. With experience, you will be able to reflect on what works and what you should improve on.
Method 3 of 3: Talk to Him

Step 1. Talk to the guy as if you already know him
Don't be a stranger, but rather be friendly, open, and comfortable around him. Pretend it's a friend and start talking naturally. Guys love girls who look relaxed and fun, because they make them feel comfortable. Talk with the speed and tone you would use with a friend. To practice, listen to how you talk to friends and make a note of how you gesticulate. Try to mimic that attitude with him.
- Don't be too interested in everything she says, and keep a certain demeanor. Guys appreciate girls who know what they are doing. If you can get involved in the conversation and bring out your personality at the same time, your confidence will win him over. Try not to look at him with wide eyes as you talk to him. You would look desperate or clingy.
- You're meeting the guy for the first time, so don't tell him everything about yourself. Focus on getting the conversation flowing fluently and not on the content. You should tell him interesting stories about you, but the purpose of the conversation is to keep the atmosphere lively and interesting.

Step 2. Be playful and show your sense of humor
Find something to make a funny comment about. For example, if your drinks are late in arriving, you might say, "Do you think we should leave without paying?". Simple jokes like this keep the conversation light and are suitable for picking up a guy. Guys find sympathy attractive, and it will be easy to bond after laughing together.
- Being funny will help take the pressure off the conversation.
- Even if you don't think you're a funny person, you can still have a light conversation.
- Practice being funny with friends and making wry comments about your surroundings or what is happening.

Step 3. Flirt using body language
Guys find women who touch their necks and hair when they talk attractive. You can tilt your head to one side and make eye contact while smiling to show your interest. Women also often flirt by positioning their bodies when they laugh in order to show off their best features. You can also flirt and show your sexual interest by looking at him with slightly lowered lashes and smiling, with the classic Marilyn Monroe look. This is a particularly alluring look for guys. Over the course of the evening, look him longer and longer in the eye, get closer to him and let your hands touch as you walk side by side.
If you want to break the barrier of touch, you can gently touch his forearm while chatting

Step 4. Be open and interested in him
Listen to it actively. Maintain eye contact, smile and nod when he speaks. Then ask questions related to the topic he is dealing with and repeat the most important elements in your own words to show interest in what he is saying. People really appreciate when their interlocutor is involved with what they say. At the same time, make your intentions clear if you're just looking for a fling, and before you go too far, tell him you're interested in a simple casual relationship.
- Don't neglect your interest in other people. Don't get completely absorbed in him. Check your friends' messages and keep talking to the people you talked to before.
- Try to figure out what kind of guy he is. By actively listening, you will be able to get an idea. Does he seem like the type who leads the conversation or who prefers to listen? Depending on his character, you may decide to let him talk more or take the lead.

Step 5. Behave appropriately and make no mistakes
If you find that you like the guy a lot, don't drink too much or you may get carried away by emotions. You may be saying or doing things you will regret if you don't pause to reflect. For example, if you find yourself laughing too often or drinking too much, get up and go to the bathroom. Try to calm down by splashing water on your face, talking to yourself, or writing to a friend.
You may decide to stop the conversation so you don't have to regret it in the future. First decide how long you want to keep talking and how much you are able to drink and not go over those limits

Step 6. End the conversation and ask for the number
Once you've bonded with him by listening carefully, joking, and talking to him like a friend, end the conversation before it gets monotonous. Let him know you enjoyed it, then ask for his number. Say something like, "I really enjoyed talking to you - can I have your number? I'd like to do it again."
- Text him over the next few days and see how things go.
- If he doesn't want to meet you again, don't worry. Making the first move and talking to a guy you like are great experiences that will help you improve your seduction and conversation skills; next time you talk to a guy, you'll be even better.
Don't take it personally if he doesn't want to have contact with you. We have to be realistic. He may have an affair or be interested in another girl
- Dating a group of more than two women can reduce the chances of hooking up with a man.
- Don't ignore the warning signs and "bad feelings". Follow your gut and walk away if a guy seems aggressive or makes you feel uncomfortable.