3 Ways to Remember Your Past Lives

3 Ways to Remember Your Past Lives
3 Ways to Remember Your Past Lives

Table of contents:


Have you been an astronaut? An actor? Or a king? Would you like to find out? Read on to immediately relive your past lives without necessarily having a hypnosis session!


Method 1 of 3: Method 1: Try it yourself

Remember Your Past Lives Step 1
Remember Your Past Lives Step 1

Step 1. Prepare the environment around you

The temperature should not be too high or too low. Close the curtains and turn off all electronic devices. If you have a noise generator, turn it on so as not to hear sounds coming from outside. Try one of these settings:

  • White noise, like that emitted by an untuned TV.
  • Brown noise. Remember the distant sound of ocean waves.
Remember Your Past Lives Step 2
Remember Your Past Lives Step 2

Step 2. Relax your mind

Sit or lie down, with your body and mind at ease. It will be difficult to concentrate if you are sleepy or distracted.

Remember Your Past Lives Step 3
Remember Your Past Lives Step 3

Step 3. Relax your body for a few minutes before embarking on the journey

Remember Your Past Lives Step 4
Remember Your Past Lives Step 4

Step 4. Get ready

Close your eyes and get comfortable. Lying on your back, with your arms at your sides, imagine surrounding yourself with a protective light:

  • Let yourself be completely enveloped by the light, which represents love and warmth, to protect you from negative influences.
  • Visualize it in your mind. Repeat to yourself: "I am breathing and I am surrounding myself with a powerful and protective energy. This energy is building an aura around me, a shield that always protects me ".
  • Repeat this phrase to yourself five times, giving out five inhalations and exhalations. Afterwards, focus only on the energy, allowing it to become more and more luminous and powerful.
Remember Your Past Lives Step 5
Remember Your Past Lives Step 5

Step 5. Start the journey

Imagine yourself in a long corridor with a door at the end. Identify all the details of the hallway, letting your thoughts flow. You shouldn't check the images that will pop up in your mind.

  • The corridor could be all gold, in a Gothic style, built with gems or a forest. Your mind will choose.
  • Whatever type of corridor it is, use it whenever you are looking for a past life. The corridor represents the wait that precedes the discovery of one of the past lives.
Remember Your Past Lives Step 6
Remember Your Past Lives Step 6

Step 6. Walk down the hall taking firm steps

See every detail as you approach the door: sounds, smells, colors …

At the end, only grab the handle when you feel ready. Visualize this moment, feel the texture and sound of the handle. When you have lowered it, breathe and push the door slowly

Remember Your Past Lives Step 7
Remember Your Past Lives Step 7

Step 7. Welcome to your past life

Accept the first image that will appear on the other side of the door. If it doesn't satisfy you, you don't have to worry about it: what you were in another life existed even before your birth.

  • You may see something abstract, like a color, or a clear and vivid image, like a person. Accept what you see. Feel it. Keep the image in your mind and open yourself to all possibilities. Censoring yourself will get you nowhere.
  • The abstract vision could become concrete. For example, if at first you only saw the yellow color and then a carpet formed, you may find that yellow is nothing more than the light that illuminates the carpet. From there, you may realize that the rug is in a house in London, and so on.
  • Are you really seeing pictures from a past life or is it all a figment of your imagination? With practice, you will learn to discern.
Remember Your Past Lives Step 8
Remember Your Past Lives Step 8

Step 8. Be patient

If you don't see anything, try thinking of something you love, such as a hobby, your skill, or a travel destination. You might ask yourself, “Why do I like this particular thing? Could it be related to a past life?”.

  • If nothing happens, try the "shoe method". Take a look at your feet and choose the first pair of shoes that you think is most suitable for you. You may see sandals and associate them with a tunic or a pair of heels paired with an evening dress.
  • If what you see looks familiar but doesn't belong in your current life, you may have been influenced by a song or movie!
  • When you have remembered something, even just a pair of shoes, start your meditation from there. Start each session by thinking about something you saw in the previous one. Always proceed from the known to the unknown.
Remember Your Past Lives Step 9
Remember Your Past Lives Step 9

Step 9. Accept what you see, even if at times it will feel like you are inventing images

This is also part of the process.

  • These visions always have a grain of truth. You will learn to understand them only after several meditations, because you will realize that there are paths and details that repeat themselves.
  • In the meantime, you have to choose to believe that what you see is real, or you will not go anywhere. Your analytical mind will only consider each image as a product of your imagination.
Remember Your Past Lives Step 10
Remember Your Past Lives Step 10

Step 10. Return to the present

Typically, this step occurs naturally, unless your analytical mind intervenes or something unpleasant appears, which will prompt you to abruptly reopen your eyes.

If everything goes smoothly and you feel ready to go back to your current life, reopen the door and walk back down the corridor you visualized. Tell yourself that when you have reached this starting point, you will start from scratch and remember your past life clearly

Method 2 of 3: Second Method: Hypnosis

Remember Your Past Lives Step 11
Remember Your Past Lives Step 11

Step 1. Consult a hypnotherapist

Sometimes, past life regression requires tools we don't have. There are hypnotists who specialize in this field. Here's how a session takes place:

  • The hypnotherapist puts on some music to make you relax and allow you to feel safe and at ease.
  • Let it all flow naturally into your mind, uncensored.
  • Relax the muscles of the body, especially the neck and shoulders, where tension is concentrated.
  • While you relax, the hypnotist could talk to you about the light that surrounds you and that reaches every part of your body.
  • Once you are ready, the specialist will open the doors to past lives, guiding you back in time.
  • It will encourage you to explore your memories in detail.
  • The hypnotherapist could bring you back to your mother's womb and make you reborn in a past life.
  • When you discover one of your past lives, it will lead you through its paths, encouraging you to feel it.
  • Before the session ends, the hypnotherapist will slowly bring you back to reality.
Remember Your Past Lives Step 12
Remember Your Past Lives Step 12

Step 2. Congratulations

You just lived a past life.

Method 3 of 3: Third Method: Metaphysical Experience

Remember Your Past Lives Step 13
Remember Your Past Lives Step 13

Step 1. For some, past lives are not a place to go, but part of who we are

Reincarnation is, in fact, a central idea in many cultures and religions. You could read some books on Hinduism and Buddhism to learn about the thought system of these creeds.

There are several terms to refer to reincarnation, which change according to different cultures. For Buddhism, for example, it is called "Samsara"


  • Don't hypnotize yourself for several consecutive days or too often. Trying too hard will only create inaccurate memories. Furthermore, if you let some time pass between sessions (weeks or months), you may find that you have remembered the same things more than once, which will allow you to understand if what you have seen is real.
  • Use the same words and images before each session.
  • Prepare to recognize the truth in what you see, using your senses. You will learn to understand what is real. You will have epiphanies related to what your current life is like.
  • It may not work right away - keep trying.
  • Self-hypnosis will allow you to focus solely on yourself, without any external intervention.
  • To train the mind to the memories of a past life, you could use empirical induction, which is based on mental clarity, the expansion of the brain's potential, awareness and sensitivity.
  • During the break period, write down your thoughts and ideas and think about how to relate a past life to your present. You may have a tendency to love or hate a language, a musical genre or a smell. You will discover a distant but still familiar part of yourself.
  • Do not overdo it. The process should be simple and natural, without tension.
  • Past life regression is linked to memory and the journey of the soul. That is, it is about your true essence. Freud, Jung and other specialists in the field argue that the unconscious is difficult to explore, but not impossible.


  • During regression and self-hypnosis, strange happenings may occur. The most common phenomenon is similar to that of the out-of-body experience, which will give you the sensation of floating above yourself, as if the spirit were coming out of the body. Although rare, this experience brings us closer to our spirituality and makes us more likely to discover our past life. This is usually accompanied by an accelerated pulse and eye movement similar to what occurs during REM sleep.
  • Another common phenomenon is that of fragmentation. Your memories will become more vivid and your pulse rate will increase. The images you will see will be fragmented, as if they were pieces of a broken window. This experience may baffle you; anyway, accept all the strange things that will happen. Do not worry. Focus on returning to reality by focusing on your breath and feeling your body.
  • If you see something negative in a past life, remember that you can immediately return to the present. Although the protective light envelops you, you may find yourself facing a scene that is too painful to bear. Open your eyes. If you choose to keep seeing these unpleasant aspects, don't forget that you won't have to relive them and that the light will protect you. It's like watching a movie. Tell yourself they can't hurt you.
  • There is a lot of skepticism in the West about this type of experience because reincarnation has not been scientifically proven.
  • An ancient Chinese proverb says: “It doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white; what matters is that he knows how to catch mice”. From a strictly psychological point of view, it does not matter whether past life experiences are real or part of our imagination. Since they have allowed many people to find serenity and relief in their present life, scientific explanations are not necessary.
  • As with other forms of religious experience, we must show ourselves open or, at least, tolerant of exploring the memories of a past life. They could help us find solutions in current life.
  • There have been numerous cases of children, even very young ones, who remembered their past lives; events, names and places that resurfaced without ever having heard of them before. Many of them, over the years, have forgotten about it.
  • Analyze your dreams - they may show you paths to take to discover your past lives.
  • Don't underestimate dejà vu, as they may provide you with clues about your past lives.
  • Follow your instinct. When you have discovered something about a past life and suddenly a new path opens up for you in the present related to what you were, do not miss the chance to know it.
  • Don't confuse the truth with what you want to see.
