If you are struggling with the ammonia level in your aquarium, this is the article for you! These tips work for ammonia levels no higher of 2-3 ppm.
Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Tank if They Are Not Very High Step 1
Step 1. Carry out a water change, based on the ammonia level
If it is less than 1 ppm, it changes 25% of the water. If it is greater than 1 ppm, it changes 50% of the water.
Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Tank if They Are Not Very High Step 2
Step 2. Rinse the filter in the water you just removed, as it may contain dirt that could be pumped into the tub water if the filter is too dirty
Never rinse the filter with tap water: the chlorine will kill the useful bacteria.
Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Tank if They Are Not Very High Step 3
Step 3. Replace the water you removed with clean water, after having performed an anti-chlorine treatment
If they were not excessive, ammonia levels are likely to have dropped considerably at this point. There may be a small amount left; if so and you have run the aquarium cycle, change the water every day until the ammonia returns to 0 ppm.
Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Tank if They Are Not Very High Step 3Bullet1
Lower Ammonia Levels in a Fish Tank if They Are Not Very High Step 4
Step 4. Feed the fish less to prevent further spikes in ammonia levels
Do not replace the filter: it will kill the bacteria that remove ammonia from the aquarium.
To prevent this, make sure the aquarium is not overcrowded, that you are not overfeeding the fish and that you have a good filter system. Also, remember to cycle the aquarium before putting the fish in.
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Sometimes being able to manage pool water properly can be frustrating, but lowering too much chlorine is usually very simple. Indoor swimming pools are considerably more difficult to manage, but even in this case there are many solutions available.
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Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase (SGPT from the English acronym "Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase"), now also known as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), is an essential enzyme for energy production. It is found mainly in the liver and kidneys, but to a lesser extent it is also present in the heart and other muscles.
In the United States, a detergent solution of ammonia and soap can be found; the trade name is "Sudsy Ammonia". It is a premixed product widely sold in overseas supermarkets. In Italy it is difficult to find something similar, which we can call "