Piercings on the tongue and other parts of the mouth are becoming more and more popular … but they can also cause big problems if they are not cleaned carefully and not healed properly. In this article we see how to take care of a piercing in the mouth.

Step 1. Go to a certified and reputable piercer
While it seems like a good idea to get the piercing done yourself, remember that a badly made hole can cause deformation of the tongue or mouth. The needle and earring must be well sterilized before making any holes near the mouth!

Step 2. Although they will explain well how to take care of the piercing, remember that the risk of infection is always possible and can lead to serious problems, so be very careful and be diligent

Step 3. After piercing, the tongue will swell to double its normal volume
Don't worry, this is normal. The swelling will begin to subside after 3-5 days and will disappear completely in 7-8 days.

Step 4. The tongue will be completely healed in 6-8 weeks
Regularly rinse your tongue and mouth using salt and water to prevent infections. During this time, do not touch or play with your tongue, and rinse it well whenever this happens or when you ingest food.

Step 5. You should try to eat smoothie foods, soups, etc
for the first 3-5 days. After that it shouldn't be a problem to eat solid foods. Just make sure you rinse your mouth after eating.

Step 6. After the swelling has subsided, you can stop rinsing
However, as many foods tend to leave residues in the mouth (especially bread, meat, etc.), it is a good idea to rinse after each meal. When the tongue is completely healed, normal oral hygiene (toothbrush and mouthwash) is sufficient.

Step 7. A scab or hardening of the piercing spot will appear
Don't worry, it should disappear in 2-3 months.

Step 8. Make sure the earring is always well cleaned before putting it on
In the first 6 months it is a good idea to sterilize it thoroughly.
- The piercer typically applies a longer bar than necessary to contain the swelling. When the swelling is gone you can put on a shorter bar. Short bars and plastic bars are the safest for the mouth.
- Since it is difficult to eat normally after getting the piercing, try drinking liquid supplements as they contain a lot of protein and nutrients. Remember, however, that along with these, you need to keep eating your smoothie foods and soups!
- Bring a small bottle of water and salt with you so that you are always ready to rinse your mouth if needed when you are out and about.
- Be careful not to bite the piercing while eating.
- Eating very cold foods, such as ice cream or cold drinks, can help reduce swelling.
- Smoking is potentially a risk to your mouth piercing, especially in the initial stage. Avoid smoking throughout the healing period.
- Avoid hot food (lukewarm is fine) while your piercing is healing, as they may cause further swelling.
- Purchase a pack of numbing spray for sore throat. If you are outside and can't rinse, try such a spray and apply it to the base of the piercing, which will eliminate all the hassles associated with your new piercing.
- Never clean the piercing with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as it is very dangerous!
- It is VERY important that the piercing does not come into contact with body fluids or other fluids as it heals - avoid oral sex or tongue kissing to avoid spreading germs.
- Pay attention to the choice of mouthwash to use. Alcohol-free antiseptics are best - if you don't find any, dilute the mouthwash you have with water. Mouthwashes that contain alcohol are not dangerous, but they make the healing process longer. However, alcohol kills more germs.
- Tongue piercings, unlike others, go through a striated muscle, which has a greater ability to heal. This is why, even after two years from the first hole, if you remove the piercing for some time you may find the hole closed. After 3 or 4 years this should no longer happen, so you can remove the piercing for an extended period without any problems.
- Do not eat popcorn for several months after having the piercing (although it usually takes a few days to be able to return to ingesting solid foods, popcorn should be avoided for longer). Popcorn contains small hard pieces of seed husk, which can accumulate inside the hole around the earring and are very difficult to remove.
- Do not drink fizzy drinks after the piercing, as the bubbles can irritate!