Introversion is a personality trait that favors personal reflection and loneliness at the expense of socialization. In simple terms, those who are introverted focus on their inner self, unlike extroverted people who focus on the external context. To find out if you are introverted and if you intend to live in an environment where you can quietly dedicate yourself to reflection, you can learn to spend more time alone and use your skills to be productive.
Part 1 of 3: What is Introversion

Step 1. Identify the difference between introversion and antisocial behaviors
There are many misconceptions about the true meaning of introversion. First of all, it is not "antisocial" behavior. Those who are introverted regenerate and regain energy by spending time alone, often preferring solitude to group activities, as they consider them emotionally demanding.
- Antisocial personality disorder is more like psychopathy or sociopathy and refers to the inability to empathize and make emotional contact with others. Truly antisocial people are often driven by their egos and are only charming on the surface, almost approaching the traditional view of extroversion.
- There is nothing wrong with being introverted, and although several self-help books and guides to getting rich suggest extroversion is the key to happiness and wealth, there is no evidence that a personality trait is more profitable or more successful than others. Both introverts and extroverts can be creative and productive in the right work environment.

Step 2. Identify the difference between introversion and shyness
While many introverts seem "shy" in public, they may not necessarily be, so it's important to learn this difference. Introversion is not a measure of shyness, nor does extroversion correspond to mere "sociability".
- Shyness concerns the fear of conversing in public and the worry of making mistakes when communicating with others, so those who are shy prefer solitude.
- Introverted people prefer to be on their own because loneliness is more stimulating for them than the company of others and, therefore, they view social interactions as more exhausting than interesting situations. It is not necessarily a question of "fear", but rather of a lack of enthusiasm at the idea of having to interact.

Step 3. Pay attention to what excites you
Are you excited at the thought of spending time alone? Do you prefer to work on a project on your own or collaborate with others? In a group situation, would you go crazy at the idea of not expressing what you think or would you rather reserve your opinions when you are in side conversations?
- In general, you don't "get" introverted by changing your behavior, because there is little point in spending more time alone if you don't like or stimulate your creativity.
- Pay attention to your inclinations and develop them. If you think you are outgoing, you have no reason to try to change your personality. Instead, give yourself the opportunity to fit into more open work environments in order to be more productive.

Step 4. Go beyond the dichotomy
A person must not take a clear line on one side or the other. Ambiversion is a term used to describe those who can seamlessly alternate between the two extremes. A large number of people find they have these characteristics from personality tests.
Try taking a Myers-Briggs personality test to learn more about your character traits. It may tell you how to promote your characteristics and have a better chance of success based on your qualities and what you want
Part 2 of 3: Spending More Time Alone

Step 1. Cultivate hobbies that lead you to be alone
If you want to get a better idea of an introverted person's life, find some hobbies you can pursue on your own or pursue on your own. Here are some examples:
- Gardening
- Creative reading and writing
- Painting
- Golf
- Playing a musical instrument
- Hiking

Step 2. Try staying indoors on Friday night
If you intend to take a small step towards conquering more reserved spaces, on a Friday night try to stay at home instead of going out. Often, social interactions exhaust introverted people, who prefer to spend a relaxing evening reading a good book, rather than taking a walk around town or going to some party. Give it a try to see if this scenario suits you.
Do you ever secretly hope that your friends will cancel a program so that you can stay indoors and continue to download some great movies from the Internet? Do you sometimes regret accepting party invitations? All of this could indicate your tendency towards introversion

Step 3. Talk less
Introverts aren't great talkers. Be more closed, try to remain silent when interacting in a group, giving space to others during conversations. Ask questions for people to speak, trying to keep the topics focused on them and less on yourself.
- Talking less does not mean totally diverting one's interest. Practice listening rather than speaking and reflect before replying to other people's statements, so you will stay engaged in the conversation without having to chat constantly.
- Do you ever feel embarrassed when the group's attention shifts to you? This, too, can be a great sign of introversion. If, on the other hand, you like the spotlight, it means that you are more outgoing.

Step 4. Focus on one-on-one relationships
Introverts are not people who isolate themselves, unable to communicate with people, they are just tired of having to socialize and prefer to think for themselves. It frequently happens that they prefer deep and meaningful conversations with a single friend rather than going out in a large group.
- If the parties don't particularly appeal to you, it's still a good idea to try not to neglect friendships by organizing simple outings for two, so as not to seem distant or cold. Let close friends know that you prefer to meet them calmly.
- Do you shudder at the idea of having a quick and superficial conversation over dinner? Excellent index of introversion.

Step 5. Make the space you live in comfortable
If you're planning on spending more time alone, it's a good idea to turn your spaces into a sanctuary of sorts. Make it your favorite place to spend your time. Do you want to leave candles, incense and books lying around? Do you want to place a small refrigerator and a turntable next to your favorite seat? Equip your space with every comfort!
Read this article for some tips on how to organize your room
Part 3 of 3: Being a Productive Introvert

Step 1. Look for a job and interests that require little interaction
The less time you have to spend among people, the more introverted you will become. If you think you will benefit from a more reserved type of life, try to pursue interests, career paths and hobbies that allow you to live that way and be more productive at the same time. Here are some examples: The following jobs are all good for introverts:
- Programming
- Writing and proofreading of texts
- Scientific research
- Stenotype in court
- Archival or library work

Step 2. Focus on one task at a time
Extroverts do multiple things at the same time, while introverts prefer to engage in a single activity and try to get it done. Try to prioritize to stay focused on what you need to do before moving on to something else.

Step 3. Dig deeper
Generally, those who are introverted abhor small talk, preferring to deepen relationships and have more serious, demanding and incisive conversations. This also applies to the type of work and creative pursuits introverts love to undertake.
The next time you work on a work or school project, don't be satisfied with doing "the bare minimum" or what is your due. Go past. Give your creative touch by applying yourself a little more

Step 4. Take your responsibilities and work alone
Introverts prefer to work alone rather than collaborating with other people. If you appreciate people's help, next time try to take on a project all by yourself and see if you can carry it out without outside help. This attempt will likely help increase your confidence and allow you to rely more on yourself in the future, although in some circumstances you will be forced to coordinate with other people.
- Get what you can by collaborating. Often, it is necessary to work with people and, if you are introverted, you should not reject the contribution that the talent or skills of others can make, just because you prefer to commit to a task on your own. Learn to confront yourself in group projects without taking control of them, to accept the help offered and delegate tasks, so that you can also have some time to be on your own.
- Be autonomous. The less you need help, the less you will have to rely on the help of others.