How to be generous (with pictures)

How to be generous (with pictures)
How to be generous (with pictures)

Table of contents:


To be generous, one must begin to treat each person thinking that they have already reached the potential for greatness that resides in each of us. Generosity means giving something voluntarily in a disinterested way, without expecting anything in return, regardless of whether the gift is money to an organization or a friend who needs it. Basically, generosity is the sincere desire to make the lives of others simpler and happier. How is generosity cultivated? Go to the first step to find out.


Part 1 of 2: Acquiring the Right Mindset

Love Your Girlfriend Step 13
Love Your Girlfriend Step 13

Step 1. Always give with the heart

If you really want to be generous, you have to give with a willingness to do it, not because you expect something in return. You should donate because you have found something you believe in, and because you want to do something good in the world. If you donate just to impress people or try to appeal to someone, then you're not really being generous.

Keep Yourself Happy Step 5
Keep Yourself Happy Step 5

Step 2. Being generous will make you happier, know that

Generosity also doesn't have to serve your needs, you should know that generous people are happier than those who aren't. The reason is that being generous allows you to feel compassion for others and feel part of a community, as well as improving your self-image. When you are generous to others, you are generous to yourself as well.

When you are happier, you develop a positive mindset and have more energy to do good. The cycle of positivity feeds itself

Be Happy Everyday Step 15
Be Happy Everyday Step 15

Step 3. Try to understand what could make life easier for others

While interacting with your neighbors or with your best friend, take a look at the person in front of you and try to understand if you are able to help them. Sometimes a colleague is very stressed out and needs someone to watch her dog as she goes to visit her sick mom out of town. Maybe your mother doesn't realize she needs help with her busy schedule until you volunteer to help her. When you talk to someone, start thinking about how you could help them, rather than thinking about how they could help you.

Keep Yourself Happy Step 1
Keep Yourself Happy Step 1

Step 4. Be grateful for what you have

When you are grateful, you can be encouraged to be generous, because you realize all the magnificent things that exist in your life. Make a list of at least five things you are grateful for every Sunday, and take some time to appreciate them. Think about all the good things others have done for you and don't forget to thank them, even though it's been a while. Being grateful will allow you to acquire the right mindset to be more generous.

If you are able to appreciate everything you have, it will be easier for you to share some of the best things with others, to help them enjoy life as much as you do

Live A Happy Life Step 9
Live A Happy Life Step 9

Step 5. Don't forget to be generous with yourself

Volunteering, caring for others, and giving them time are great ways to be generous, but don't completely forget about yourself on this journey. Don't forget to listen to yourself to understand what you want and what you need, whether it's a hot bath or a nice lunch at a restaurant. If you neglect yourself completely for the sake of others, you may end up exhausted and consequently have nothing more to offer.

Taking care of your needs and being happy is not synonymous with selfishness. Selfishness is taking care of one's own needs exclusively, without considering those of others, there is a big difference

Part 2 of 2: Taking Gentle Actions

Convince Yourself That You're Happy Being Alone Step 14
Convince Yourself That You're Happy Being Alone Step 14

Step 1. Celebrate friends

Next time your friend has a birthday, plan something special. Buy a big cake, invite lots of people and throw a party, make him feel loved and special. Even people who say they hate birthdays love to be spoiled and celebrated, you should make an effort to make the people around you feel special. You can use any excuse to celebrate your friends, a birthday, a promotion, a special event.

Make Your Wife Happy Step 8
Make Your Wife Happy Step 8

Step 2. Be courteous to strangers

Simply say "hello" to a person you've never met before, pay someone a compliment while standing in line at the supermarket, hold the door open for a lady who is walking in with shopping bags. It's very easy to take the time to be nice to people you don't know, and that makes you feel generous. If you are in a hurry and still manage to find time to be nice to a stranger, you are even more generous.

Hang Out with Your Best Friend Step 5
Hang Out with Your Best Friend Step 5

Step 3. Give your friends time

If you have a friend who is sick and needs company, then you should give him some time and be with him. Find some space on your agenda to be able to spend time with that person. Take a walk, go see a movie or have a long chat over a cup of tea. No matter how busy you are, you always have to find some space in your life to be with a friend.

Save Money for Teenagers Step 8
Save Money for Teenagers Step 8

Step 4. Donate to a cause you believe in

You don't have to be rich to donate money to a charity. Even if you only donate 10 euros a month, you do good, and it will make you feel better. You should donate when you get your paycheck, rather than waiting until the end of the month when you don't have enough money left. You will be surprised to see that you will not miss that money at all. Putting coins in a few tip jars can also be an act of generosity.

Make Some Money for Summer Vacation Step 11
Make Some Money for Summer Vacation Step 11

Step 5. Volunteer

Volunteering is pure generosity. If you want to be generous, then spend at least an hour or two a week serving at the soup kitchen, or teaching at night school, you can even help clean up the public garden, the choice is yours. There are different types of volunteering and each involves different roles, you can volunteer at a bookstore or help raise money for a charity campaign. Find something that increases your desire for generosity and at the same time gives meaning to your life.

Be Happy Everyday Step 13
Be Happy Everyday Step 13

Step 6. Share what you have

If you are with friends, share your food, clothes, car, house, or anything that has value with them. If you share something you don't care about, then you're not being generous. If you have two delicious chocolate bars and you give one to a friend, that gesture counts more than the act of giving him a hundred that you don't care about.

Collect Email Addresses Step 13
Collect Email Addresses Step 13

Step 7. Donate something you love

Gift your favorite sweater to your sister. Give your favorite novel to a friend. Give a nice notebook to a friend and invite her to write poems on it. Giving away things you don't care about doesn't mean being generous, because you're not sacrificing anything. If, on the other hand, you are giving something that has some value to you, and you know it will do others good, then you are truly generous.

Choose Between Two Guys Step 5
Choose Between Two Guys Step 5

Step 8. Give compliments

Be generous even with kind words and set yourself the goal of giving at least five compliments a week, or even one a day! When you talk to someone, try to give them a nice compliment, or say something simple, like "I like your necklace", or "they are really nice glasses". Even the smallest compliment, if it's sincere, can make a difference to a person.

Be Thankful Step 4
Be Thankful Step 4

Step 9. Send thank you cards

Instead of sending thank you by text or email, take the time to send a postcard to someone who has really made a difference in your life. This will show that person how important their help is to you. Sending thank you cards will set you up for a more generous mindset.

Deal With Stalkers Step 5
Deal With Stalkers Step 5

Step 10. Call a friend who is having a hard time

If you can't be physically present, call a friend to find out how he's doing, say hello, and show him that you care about him. If you can take a couple of minutes to let someone know you're thinking this, to be kind and honest, then you'll make their day better, even if they're desperate. Taking the time to make someone in need feel better is a sign of generosity.

Enjoy Yourself on a Long Bus Ride Step 9
Enjoy Yourself on a Long Bus Ride Step 9

Step 11. Give way to others

Of course, it will certainly have been a hard day's work, but that old man standing on the bus may be more tired than you. You give the place to someone, even if they are not elderly, just for the pleasure of offering it to them. You will feel good about yourself.

Save Money for Teenagers Step 2
Save Money for Teenagers Step 2

Step 12. Leave a generous tip

If you have been offered impeccable service or have simply been in contact with someone who is a little down, then tip them generously when the bill comes. Write a thank you note on the receipt, and let that person know how good you have been thanks to them.

Track a MoneyGram Money Order Step 1
Track a MoneyGram Money Order Step 1

Step 13. Leave positive comments on the internet

Whether it's a stranger's blog or a friend's Facebook wall, leaving a positive comment of approval can improve someone's day and make them feel good, plus it allows you to show that it matters to you. It will be a very generous act of you.

Flirt With Your Boyfriend Step 1
Flirt With Your Boyfriend Step 1

Step 14. Keep the door open for people entering

It doesn't matter if you are busy, tired or late, you should always make time to keep the door open for someone. Always try to be polite and kind to the people around you. These simple gestures can make you feel good and make others feel good. You will find that there is always time to stop and help someone.

Be Patient Step 7Bullet1
Be Patient Step 7Bullet1

Step 15. Donate your stuff

Don't just give away old sweaters or clothes that have been in the closet for years. Take some time to make a selection and donate everything you can to charity or to someone they can benefit from. It won't take you long to do this, and you will feel good thinking about the fact that someone has benefited from your old clothes.

Be Friends with Everyone Step 9
Be Friends with Everyone Step 9

Step 16. Make people smile

If you see that there is a person who is feeling down in the dumps, regardless of whether it is a friend or relative, take some time to make them smile. Tell a joke, smile at her, or do her some favors. When you make someone smile, you positively affect their life, so you can feel generous in making someone happier.


  • Generosity is also noticeable in forgiveness. Forgive anyone who has wronged you or made a mistake.
  • Don't try to be generous. Just try to follow what your conscience tells you.
