How to Prepare for Coronavirus (with Pictures)

How to Prepare for Coronavirus (with Pictures)
How to Prepare for Coronavirus (with Pictures)

You will likely be concerned following news of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Since the spread of the virus has been confirmed in many countries around the world, you may be wondering what will happen when the community you live in is also affected. Although a possible pandemic is terrifying, remember that there is no need to worry about the coronavirus if there are no confirmed cases of contagion in the area where you live. In any case, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization recommend that everyone follow basic precautions against the coronavirus in order to contain its spread.


Part 1 of 4: Preventing the Spread of the Virus

Step 1. Vaccinate

If you have a chance to get vaccinated, do it. There are several vaccines that have been approved for emergency use in the United States and around the world. Eligibility to receive the vaccine basically depends on the specific regulations of the area you live in and whether the local health care is able to provide it based on availability, but in general, health workers, long-term care inpatients, workers essentials and people with high-risk diseases will receive it first.

  • Three vaccines have been approved for emergency use in the United States and are manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.
  • Each vaccine has been shown to be excellent protection against COVID-19 in the testing process, and all greatly reduce the chances of becoming seriously ill and hospitalized.
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 1
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 1

Step 2. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds

It's very simple, but washing your hands is the best way to protect yourself from the disease. Wet your hands under warm running water, then apply a mild soap to your palm. Scrub your hands for 20 seconds, then rinse them under warm running water.

Alcohol-based sanitizers could also help prevent the virus. Use them in addition to hand washing, but not as a replacement. Sanitizers with an alcohol base of 60/95% can be excellent

Step 3. Practice social distancing by staying at home as much as possible

The virus spreads more easily between groups of people, especially in crowded places. Thankfully, you can help protect others and yourself by simply staying at home. Only go out when necessary, such as when you need to go shopping for supplies. Otherwise, try to find ways to spend time at home.

  • If you are a high-risk person and a member of your family does essential work, you need to be even more cautious and try to limit contact with this person to keep yourself safe.
  • However, if you decide to socialize, stick to the official restrictions of the Italian authorities. Remember that even young and healthy people can contract the virus and pass it on to others.
  • You can have fun at home in many ways. You can play games, read a book or watch a movie.

Step 4. Stay at least 2 meters away when in public

You may need to go out to go shopping. Try to keep yourself far enough away from other people in case one of you is sick. It is possible to transmit COVID-19 even before symptoms occur, so stay on the safe side by keeping your distance.

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 2
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 2

Step 5. Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth

Coronavirus is typically transmitted by inhaling particles from an infected person's sneeze or cough or by touching your face with contaminated hands. Avoid touching your face unless you've just washed your hands. Otherwise, you could accidentally introduce germs into your body.

Use handkerchiefs to blow your nose or cover your mouth when you cough if possible since your hands may be dirty

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 3
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 3

Step 6. Avoid shaking hands with other people, whether they look sick or not

Unfortunately, people infected with the coronavirus can transmit the disease even if they show no symptoms. To be on the safe side, avoid shaking hands with anyone until the virus threat has passed. Instead, gently decline the handshake by explaining that you are trying to prevent the coronavirus.

You might say, "I'm glad to have met you too. Normally I'd shake your hand, but the CDC recommends not doing so until the coronavirus threat is over."

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 4
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 4

Step 7. Get away from people who cough or sneeze

Even if they are probably not affected by the coronavirus, it is always best to be on the safe side if you notice someone showing signs of a respiratory infection. Calmly and respectfully walk away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

If you are having a conversation with the person, politely apologize. You might say, "I see you coughing. I hope you get better soon, but I'd rather get away from it a little so as to avoid breathing in your germs."


although the coronavirus originated in China, it is not related to the Asian population. People of Asian descent are reportedly experiencing harmful racial discrimination and aggressive behavior from others. The virus has spread all over the world and anyone can be infected and pass it on in turn. Treat everyone with respect and impartiality.

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 5
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 5

Step 8. Disinfect surfaces before touching them, at home and in public places

The CDC recommends keeping your home, work spaces, and public areas as clean as possible. Spray a disinfectant on hard surfaces or wipe them with a disinfectant cloth. Whenever you can, spray soft surfaces with an appropriate disinfectant spray.

  • For example, you can spray Lysoform on shelves, handrails and handles. Alternatively, use disinfectant wipes to clean this type of surface;
  • Lysoform is also good for soft surfaces;
  • If you prefer natural cleaning products, white vinegar could be a great alternative.
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 6
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 6

Step 9. Wear something to cover your face when in public

The masks filter out the particles you breathe and reduce the risk of passing the virus to others. Covering the nose and mouth is especially important when the physical distance of about 2 meters is difficult or impossible to maintain. Make sure to wash the mask (if it is not the disposable type) before using it again.

As for the respirator masks (such as the N95), being in limited quantities, it is better that they are reserved for medical operators


avoid buying masks that seem more expensive than normal. It is nothing more than speculation. Better to buy them in a store than to buy them online.

Part 2 of 4: Preparing for an Emergency at Home

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 7
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 7

Step 1. Fill your pantry and refrigerator with enough food supplies for about 2-4 weeks

You will need to stay indoors if you get sick or if the coronavirus spreads in your community. Going to the supermarket or maybe ordering food will become much more difficult. Prepare ahead of time by stocking up on non-perishable foods and store them in your pantry. Fill the freezer with perishable foods that you can defrost as needed.

  • Buy canned foods and long-term packaged foods.
  • Buy frozen products, but also freeze meat, bread, or other perishable foods that you can defrost later.
  • If you consume milk, take powdered milk to store in the pantry, as you may not be able to go to a store for some time.
  • You don't have to give up on preparing healthy meals during an emergency. You can freeze fresh products and add them to cooked foods later, or you can choose canned or frozen foods that contain as few additives as possible. It is also useful to stock up on legumes and cereals and choose foods intelligently.

Did you know that?

If there is a coronavirus outbreak in your community, the CDC will recommend everyone to stay home and avoid contact with others. This is called "social distancing" and helps prevent the spread of the disease.

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 8
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 8

Step 2. Stock up on essentials like toilet paper, soap, and detergents

You may have to stay indoors for a few weeks if someone in the house becomes ill or if there is a coronavirus outbreak in your community. If this happens, buy some household products that you use regularly so that you don't run out. Buy a quantity of products that will last for at least a month, if possible, so that you are prepared for the eventuality. Here are some products you could buy:

  • Handkerchiefs
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Hand soap
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Laundry detergent
  • Cleaning tools
  • Absorbents
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Diapers
  • Products for pets


avoid accumulating more products than necessary. You need them to last for about two weeks. Keep in mind that members of your community will also need to buy food and household products to deal with the emergency.

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 9
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 9

Step 3. Buy over-the-counter medications that are used to treat respiratory tract infections

While there is not yet a specific cure for the virus itself, you can still treat the typical symptoms of a respiratory infection. Buy a pack of each drug: decongestants, pain relievers, and antipyretics such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen or naproxen, in case you get sick.

If you have a large family, it's best to buy a few extra packs in case more people get sick. Ask your doctor for advice on how many packs to buy

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 10
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 10

Step 4. Make sure you have enough medication for at least 30 days if you are already on treatment

If you take any medications on a daily basis, consult your doctor and pharmacy about keeping a spare amount at home until the threat of the virus has passed. You may have a lot of trouble refueling if there is an outbreak in your community or if you get sick. To be safe, try to be covered for thirty days.

  • You may need to stop by the pharmacy every week or two to take some of the prescribed medication. This way you will always have enough medicine for 30 days.
  • Discuss your options with your doctor and pharmacy to find out what they recommend based on your needs.

Part 3 of 4: Coping with the Closure of Schools and Offices

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 11
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 11

Step 1. Schedule childcare in case schools and kindergartens have to close

If the coronavirus spreads to your community, schools and kindergartens are likely to close. This can be a stressful situation if you are a working parent, as you will need to find assistance. Find out what options are available. Try to plan ahead so you can be prepared for the eventuality.

  • For example, you could ask a relative for help if school and kindergartens are closed. Alternatively, you could talk to your employer about working from home or taking days off.
  • Your children may be watching TV or using the computer more than usual. You could establish a new routine and help them find shows and movies that are more appropriate for their age.
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 12
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 12

Step 2. Discuss possible work from home options

While there is no need to worry, you may not be able to work if there is a coronavirus outbreak in your community. Businesses and other organizations will have to shut down in order to stop the spread of the virus. To be prepared for the eventuality, ask your employer if it will be possible to work remotely from home in an emergency. Discuss the duties you might be doing, how to account for them, and the hours you work.

  • You might say, "I saw that the CDC might recommend workers to stay home if there is a coronavirus outbreak here. I hope I can work from home if it happens. Can we discuss this?"
  • Working from home may not be feasible for everyone. However, it is good to be prepared for this alternative if you can take care of some or all of your job duties while staying at home.
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 13
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 13

Step 3. Research which support organizations are in your area if you run the risk of losing revenue

You may be very concerned about how to support your family if you cannot work from home. Fortunately, there are organizations that can help you. Local Food Bank offices may be able to help you with kitchen supplies, while nonprofits such as the Red Cross may be able to help you with other types of needs, including financial ones. Make a list of places in your community where you can get assistance.

  • Local religious associations could also provide assistance to people in need;
  • Try not to worry. Everyone is sharing this experience and it is likely that the community will work to help those most in need.

Part 4 of 4: Stay Informed and Keep Calm

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 14
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 14

Step 1. Check for coronavirus updates only once a day

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are releasing updates every day and it's important to stay informed in order to protect yourself. However, don't let the fear of the coronavirus occupy your mind. Read the news once a day instead of checking all the time.

  • You can check the WHO live updates at this link
  • Always do your best to stay calm.


general fear is contributing to the online dissemination of so much misinformation. To avoid undue panic, read news from reliable sources. Also check everything you read by checking the CDC, WHO or Ministry of Health websites.

Prepare for Coronavirus Step 15
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 15

Step 2. Create a plan to deal with the coronavirus emergency with your family so that you feel calmer

You may be worried that the family will get sick. Additionally, you may have children who have questions about the virus. To help you feel ready and in control, get your family together to discuss how to deal with the spread of the virus. Here are some examples:

  • Assure each family member that there will be enough food and supplies
  • Tell your children that you will take care of them
  • Offer your ideas on how to spend time at home during an emergency
  • Share a list of people to contact in an emergency with each member of your family
  • Designate an isolation room in your home in case someone gets sick
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 16
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 16

Step 3. Make healthy lifestyle choices to strengthen your immune system

There is no drug cure for coronavirus yet, so a robust immune system is your best defense. Fortunately, you can strengthen your immune system by leading a healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor to find out what his recommendations are based on your specific needs. For example, you could try the following tips:

  • Eat fresh vegetables or fruit with every meal
  • Exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week. Get 30 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week
  • Take vitamin supplements if your doctor agrees
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep a night
  • Reduce your stress
  • Avoid smoking
  • If you haven't already, get your flu shot
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 17
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 17

Step 4. Call your doctor if you suspect you have symptoms

While you probably won't catch the coronavirus, it's important not to underestimate the symptoms. If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, contact your doctor to find out if it is possible that it is the virus. In the meantime, stay home to limit the spread of your germs. The doctor could test you for coronavirus to confirm a possible diagnosis.

  • Do not go to the hospital without first notifying the staff that you suspect you have contracted the virus. They will likely put you in isolation to avoid contact with other patients. Alternatively, they may recommend that you stay at home or in your car.
  • If you are infected with the coronavirus, you may be able to treat yourself at home. If your doctor suspects you are at risk for complications, hospitalization may be required.
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 18
Prepare for Coronavirus Step 18

Step 5. Avoid traveling unnecessarily and check the warnings before you leave

Experts recommend avoiding unjustified travel in order to limit the spread of the virus. If you have to go, check the World Health Organization notices relating to the countries or states you need to travel to to determine what the risks are.

  • In particular, it is important that people belonging to high-risk groups avoid traveling. The elderly, people who are ill or those with compromised immune systems should avoid all unnecessary travel to reduce the risk of infection.
  • If you are concerned, you should be able to cancel your trip and get a partial or full refund. Check the situation with the company or agency you booked with and ask what options they offer.

wikiHow Video: How to Prepare for Coronavirus



  • Try not to panic. Dealing with a pandemic is terrifying, but you probably don't need to worry too much.
  • Remember to treat everyone with kindness. Don't assume someone has coronavirus because they are of Asian descent. Keep in mind that the virus has now spread to more than 200 countries, so it is affecting many populations. Also, don't assume that all people who cough are infected.


  • If you think you are sick, do not leave the house except to go to the doctor with due precautions. You could be contagious and it is important to protect others.
  • If you are at least 65 or have any medical conditions, stay indoors as much as possible.