There are some common hygiene practices that you should follow regularly. While you may think that you are already putting them in place, there may be something you have forgotten or overlooked. By following the simple tips in this tutorial you can avoid making some mistakes and smell good, stay healthy and feel better every day.
Part 1 of 3: Wash the Body

Step 1. Brush your teeth
You should clean them several times a day. Most dental hygiene experts recommend washing them twice a day, after breakfast and before bedtime. This habit helps prevent tooth decay, gum problems, and bad breath. To ensure the best oral hygiene, you should also floss every day.
- Use a fluoride toothpaste, as it helps strengthen teeth and promotes oral health. A fluoride-based mouthwash is also effective for this purpose.
- When you brush your teeth, you also need to clean the rest of your mouth. If you neglect the tongue, the palate or the inside of the cheeks, dangerous bacteria can settle in the mouth and cause hygiene problems. Every time you brush your teeth, you need to scrub all surfaces of your mouth with the bristles of your toothbrush, including your tongue.
- Replace your toothbrush every three months. In this way you can be sure that it is always at its maximum efficiency and that it is able to guarantee you the best possible oral hygiene.
- Go to the dentist on time for check-ups. Most dentists recommend a visit twice a year, but yours can recommend a schedule that is most suitable for your specific situation.

Step 2. Floss every day
In addition to brushing your teeth, you also need to floss to fight bad breath and tooth decay. Every day insert it between each single pair of teeth and slide it over the edges. Make sure you reach your back teeth as well.
- Do not snap the floss on the gums, otherwise you could cause them to bleed and it is certainly not recommended.
- If your gums are always bleeding from flossing, you may have some underlying problem; in this case you should visit the dentist.

Step 3. Use mouthwash
Doing so ensures that you always have mint-fresh breath throughout the day. The mouthwash kills bacteria and helps fight tooth decay. Do mouth rinses after brushing your teeth. You can also use it after eating, if you don't have the ability to brush your teeth, to get rid of bad breath that remains after meals.
Never use mouthwash to replace your toothbrush or with the goal of solving bad breath problems. This product is for the sole purpose of improving breath and contributing to oral hygiene in conjunction with other methods

Step 4. Wash your hands
To maintain good personal hygiene, you need to wash them often. Ignoring this detail is one of the most common mistakes people make. The most important times when you need to wash them are after using the toilet, after blowing your nose, before preparing meals or drinks, and after handling objects that have already been touched by other people. By doing this, you keep yourself clean and at the same time prevent the spread of germs and bacteria that can transmit diseases.
- When you wash your hands, you need to scrub them with soap for at least 20 seconds. Remember to clean around your fingers and under your nails thoroughly as well. In this way, the antibacterial properties of the soap have time to kill the germs on the hands. When finished, rinse them with warm water and dry them with disposable paper or an electric hand dryer.
- If you want to further avoid spreading germs, you need to sneeze into your elbow. This will better cover the nose and mouth area and keep bacteria away from your hands.

Step 5. Use the wet wipes
These disposable products are not only suitable for infants. If you feel a little dirty or sweaty, you can use one to cool off when you can't take a shower. Wipes are fine even after you have defecated, so you feel cleaner.
These are products available in any supermarket, on the personal hygiene shelves

Step 6. Shower often
To stay clean, fresh and smell good, you need to shower or bathe every day or twice every three days. This is the best way to avoid smelling while preventing bacteria from accumulating on the skin. Recent studies have shown that skipping a bath every two to three days is healthy for the skin and promotes the development of good bacteria. When you wash, be sure to treat every part of the body, including all areas of the feet and behind the ears.
- If you usually go to the gym, travel on public transport, or come into daily contact with sick people, you need to shower every day to avoid the spread of bacteria and keep yourself clean.
- Don't neglect the navel either. Often this area is forgotten, but many bacteria that cause bad odor can proliferate here.
- If body odor is a constant problem, ask your doctor for advice on antibacterial cleansers to use while showering.

Step 7. Wash your hair
It is important to wash them 2-3 times a week. For most people, a shampoo every day is harmful because a continuous wash disperses the natural sebum present in the hair, which could eventually be damaged and broken. However, if you tend to have rather oily hair, it is helpful to wash it daily.
- The weekly frequency of the shampoo is a totally subjective fact. Make sure your hair doesn't start to smell bad and notice if it gets greasy quickly so you know how much you need to wash it.
- If you exercise, participate in sporting events, or take part in other physical activities that cause your scalp to sweat a lot, you should wash them more often.

Step 8. Cleanse your face
You should wash it every morning and every night as part of your general hygiene routine. In this way you eliminate all the impurities accumulated during the day and all the sebum that has deposited during the night. In addition, a good cleansing allows you to remove any traces of make-up, moisturizer or sunscreen that you may have applied to your face during the day. Washing your face regularly prevents the development of acne and gives you a clean and radiant appearance every day.
- Make sure you find the right product for your needs. Not all skins are the same, so try different products until you find the right cleanser for you. If you need any advice, ask your doctor or pharmacist who will be able to tell you which is best for your skin type.
- After washing your face you need to apply a moisturizer. So you avoid drying or irritating the skin and keep it healthy.

Step 9. Change your tampon often
If you are a woman, you need to change your tampon or tampon frequently during your period. Otherwise, you could cause it to leak, get dirty or stain your laundry. If this happens, you should wash yourself or find some type of fabric to clean yourself until you can take a shower.
- By changing often, you are sure to stay clean and avoid the development of bad odors.
- If you find that you smell a little during the days of your period, you can take a specific deodorant spray to deal with this type of situation. Spray it following the instructions on the package. Do not apply it directly to the genital area, as it may cause irritation.
Part 2 of 3: Preventing Odors

Step 1. Use the deodorant
This prevents you from smelling due to normal skin sweating. This covers and blocks the musky sweat smell and makes you feel cleaner. You can also purchase an antiperspirant product, which helps prevent sweat from forming or dries it when it forms. Many brands on the market offer products that have the dual function of antiperspirant / deodorant.
- There are many different deodorants and antiperspirants, some aimed specifically for women, while others aimed more at men. You can decide to take the one that suits you best. Some scents may be too strong or not effective for your body chemistry. Keep trying different ones until you find a gentle one, which keeps you dry and leaves you smelling good.
- If you suffer from excessive sweating or your body continues to smell, even if you follow proper hygiene, talk to your doctor. You may have some health problem that needs to be treated.

Step 2. Avoid too strong fragrances
You undoubtedly have to smell good, but too much perfume or cologne is as unpleasant as it stinks. When choosing a fragrance, it must have a pleasant aroma, but one that is not overwhelming. If you find one stronger than others, just put in a little, just enough to be perceived by others without stunning or nauseating them.
Do not use sprays for the purpose of covering body odors. They must be used to smell good, but not to cover up the stench. If you notice that you have a bad smell, you need to identify the cause and remedy it rather than trying to hide it

Step 3. Wash and change clothes
Always with the aim of maintaining proper personal hygiene, you have to change your clothes every day. You also need to wash them often to make sure they smell fresh and clean again. Almost all types of clothes can be worn at least twice before having to wash them, with the exception of socks and underwear. However, if you think they smell bad, don't wear them without washing them first.
All the clothing you use to go to the gym, play sports or during other activities in which you sweat a lot, must always be washed before reuse

Step 4. Change the sheets every week
Just as it is necessary to change clothes often, it is equally important to change the bed linen. You sweat and the dead skin cells are dispersed even at night and these accumulate on the sheets over time. By changing them often, you don't run the risk of sleeping every night in contact with your own dead skin or contaminating yourself with the old smell of sweat.
The pillowcase needs to be changed even more often. The skin on your face is oilier than on other parts of your body and you may even smudge a little while you sleep, leaving traces on the pillowcase

Step 5. Use some foot powder
Sweaty, smelly feet can also develop infections, such as athlete's foot. Put some dry antifungal powder or product in your shoes to keep your feet dry and free from germs or viruses.

Step 6. Check what you eat
Some foods or drinks can cause bad body odor. Avoid foods that have a strong odor, such as garlic or onion, if you want to keep a fresh scent. If you still can't help it, at least make sure you brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with mouthwash after eating when you have to go to a public place.
Part 3 of 3: Taking Care of Your Appearance

Step 1. Trim your nails
If they are neglected and long, they can retain dirt and bacteria under the nail bed. Not taking proper care of it is an unhygienic behavior and certainly does not favor a general cleansing of the body. You need to trim them with manicure scissors or nail clippers whenever they get too long, jagged or uneven.
- You should also keep them dry and clean as much as possible because, if they are constantly humid, they could spread infections and encourage the proliferation of bacteria.
- To keep them healthy, you should often hydrate them by rubbing a lotion on the cuticles and all over the surface.
- Do not cut the cuticles, as they protect the nail bed.

Step 2. Brush your hair
If you want to look neat, you need to comb or brush your hair every day to get rid of the knots and tangles that have formed overnight and give it a smooth, healthy look. Furthermore, by combing them, you distribute the sebum along the hair, promote its health, clean the scalp and stimulate its blood circulation.
- Don't brush them excessively, as you could break them and do more harm than good.
- If you have particularly frizzy hair, use your fingers or a wide-toothed comb to detangle it before using the brush to avoid breaking it.

Step 3. Shave some parts of the body
If some areas of the body are too hairy, it can cause you to smell bad or make you look scruffy. Shaving the hair or in any case keeping it under control is an effective hygiene technique, because it promotes greater air circulation on the skin, which reduces odors. Also, you would highlight certain areas of the body by shaving the hair or cutting it into a neat shape. In any case, deciding to shave is a completely personal choice and you have to opt for the thing that makes you feel most comfortable.
- The classic areas that you can shave or heal are the armpits, chest, legs, genital area and face. If you shave or regulate the hair under the arms or in the groin area, odors are reduced. These are areas that tend to sweat a lot, the musky smell can therefore accumulate on the hair, if you do not take care of it properly.
- It's a good idea to trim or trim chest, leg, and facial hair as well, but it's not necessary if it makes you uncomfortable.
- Gently shave following the direction of hair growth. Use a shaving cream or gel to avoid irritating the skin.

Step 4. Pull out unwanted hair
There are some areas of the body where hair can grow, but which are not so thick as to require a shave. In these cases, you can tear them individually to keep a neat look. They typically form more often on the cheeks, neck, or around the eyebrows. There are also cases where an unsightly black hair develops somewhere on the body.
- This is a problem that affects both men and women. The areas where these hairs grow can be different, but the need to remove and care for them is the same.
- To pluck unwanted hair, use tweezers, grab it firmly and then pull it out. Continue in the same way until you have removed all the unwanted ones.