If you want to flaunt a chic and refined look, nothing beats a classic French manicure. It is a simple style that can also be created at home. Choose a base polish, clear or slightly pink and make the bezel of the nails stand out with a chalk white color. For a truly stunning look, let your nails grow or use acrylic or gel techniques to instantly lengthen them. If you want to have beautiful and elegant hands without spending a fortune, read on.
Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Nails
Step 1. Remove the old nail polish
Soak a cotton ball in nail polish remover and apply it to your nails to get rid of any previous polish, whether it's colored or clear. Make sure to remove any residual color from the corners and irregularities of the nail, otherwise they will be visible through the delicate tones of the French manicure.
- If you want to do a French manicure on acrylic nails, use an appropriate solvent and don't leave it on for too long.
- Note that an acetone-based remover can dehydrate and damage your nails, so it is recommended that you use one that is free of this chemical.
Step 2. Trim your nails to the shape you prefer
A French manicure looks even more stunning when done on long nails, so don't shorten them excessively. Use the nail clipper to remove any unevenness and achieve an even nail length.
If you intend to apply acrylic nails, start by shortening your natural nails as much as possible. Then apply the acrylic glue and nails following the directions on the package
Step 3. File your nails
Use a file to give your nails a smooth and elegant look by creating a bezel at the end. You can choose to file them in a square or rounded shape, according to your personal preferences. Also use a special file to level the surface.
Trying to even out the nail surface, do not apply any downward pressure, otherwise you may damage them. Just run the file over the nail
Step 4. Soak your nails
Dip your fingers in a bowl filled with hot water, whole milk or olive oil. The cuticles will be softened by becoming easier to treat. Soak your nails for about three minutes, then dry your hands with a towel.
Step 5. Push back and shorten the cuticles
Use a special orange wood stick and push the cuticles towards the outside of the nail. Trim any cuticle or dead skin with the help of a pair of nail or cuticle scissors. If desired, massage the skin around the nails with a specific cuticle oil. Then remove all traces from the nails with a few drops of disinfectant alcohol. Do not overdo the amounts of alcohol, otherwise the nails may weaken.
Part 2 of 3: Applying the Nail Polish
Step 1. Apply the base coat
Commonly, the base layer of a French manicure consists of a pink, cream or clear color nail polish. Start by applying one strip to the center of the nail, then adding two more on the sides (one on each side). Apply the polish from the base to the tip of the nail, directing the brush towards the bezel. Fill the entire nail with even, even brush strokes. Continue for each nail of both hands.
- You can buy a ready-made French manicure kit, containing a classic color base, a white tone for the lunettes and other useful tools to achieve a perfect result.
- If you want to customize your French, differentiating it from the classic one, choose a base color other than pink or cream. For example, opt for red, purple, blue, green or a different shade of your choice. For the bezels, you can use a white nail polish or another contrasting tone.
- Let the base dry completely and apply a second coat. Before proceeding further, make sure that this second layer is also perfectly dry.
Step 2. Paint the bezels with white enamel
Making sure you have a steady hand, apply polish to the tips of your nails. The white tone should stop where your natural lunettes end. Wait until the nail polish is completely dry, then if you want to do a second pass.
- If you have a French manicure kit, you can use its handy stencils to create perfect lunettes. Alternatively, you can create DIY stencils using masking tape.
- A different type of adhesive tape would risk ruining the base layers, therefore limit yourself to using the paper one or the handy guidelines present in the kits.
- Use white nail polish to color the tips of the nails. Then use a pen nail polish remover to touch up or shape the area carefully. If you don't have a pen product, you can use a normal cotton swab.
Step 3. Add a clear top coat to protect your new look
Your French manicure will thus last longer.

Step 4. Finished
Part 3 of 3: Designing Perfect Lunettes
Step 1. Use duct tape
If you don't feel skilled enough to draw perfectly straight lines, you can simplify the process by using masking tape. After applying the base perfectly and letting it dry, apply a small strip of adhesive tape across the nail, leaving the tip free. The tape will need to protect most of the nail, leaving only a small strip at the end exposed. Color this part with white nail polish and don't be afraid to make a mistake, the color will just stick to the adhesive tape. Once dry, you can remove the masking tape from your nails to reveal your perfect manicure.

Step 2. Use the patches
You know those small round-shaped patches that you usually use on blisters for example? They are perfect for obtaining white rounded bezels free of imperfections. After you have finished applying the base, let it dry then apply a patch to the tip of the nail, so that only a small section of it remains exposed. Color it with white nail polish and, when the color is perfectly dry, remove the adhesive patch. You should get properly rounded bezels, and any errors will be removed along with the adhesive patch.

Step 3. Try using white out
This may sound bizarre to you, but if you're having trouble applying white nail polish, a regular spelling corrector may be the ideal solution. Choose a product with a square-shaped sponge applicator to make it easier to create a perfect line at the tip of the nail. Use the white-out as if it were a normal white nail polish, then apply the final layer of top coat. Nobody will notice the difference, and you will have saved time and effort!
- If you prefer a rather curved tip, use the cutouts. Place them on the nail leaving a small portion of the tip uncovered. Color only the exposed part.
- Choose a nail polish with a thin brush to avoid the risk of creating unsightly smudges.
- You can apply masking tape before using the pink or clear color to make it easier to apply the white polish to the tip of the nail.
- If you decide to create perfect bezels with a patch, do not throw it away after use. You will still be able to use it normally.
- You can use a clear polish instead of a pink one.
- Try using a pen polish to simplify and refine the process!
- Make sure your nails are clean and healthy for an excellent result.
- As an alternative to the recommended products, you can style your lunettes using nail stickers.
- Firmly grasp the nail polish brush in one hand, then move the other to create the white stripe.
- Try tying a small rubber band around the end of the nail. It will help you draw a straight line, while also protecting the base from any color smudges. Once finished, cut it with small scissors.
- If you can't apply nail polish with your non-dominant hand, purchase some fake nails and color them before sticking on.
- When using the file, avoid moving back and forth to avoid weakening your nails. Limale in one direction.
- Do not use your nails as if they were tools, they can chip and break easily.
- When using nail polish remover, make sure you ventilate the room properly and try not to breathe in the fumes.