Applying the toning on lightened or bleached hair allows you to eliminate those yellow, orange or brass-colored shades that may develop. Unfortunately, the result is not always guaranteed (as well as that of other hair dyes) and the final effect may not please you. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained with the toning, remember that the color disappears by itself over time; but maybe you are happy to know that you can speed up the process. Start by washing your hair with a strong cleansing, dandruff shampoo, baking soda or dish soap. If you need a slightly more potent solution, try removing the toner overnight with lemon juice.
Method 1 of 2: Wash off the Product

Step 1. Wash your hair with the purifying shampoo
This product deeply cleans the hair, removes dirt, sebum and other accumulated residues. If you are not satisfied with the result obtained with the toning, know that it is not a permanent solution and the effect fades over time; you can, however, speed up this process a bit by washing your hair with this type of shampoo.
- Check out beauty shops for cleansing shampoo.
- You may need to wash your hair several times before you see results.
- However, do not proceed more than 4 or 5 times a day, otherwise you could ruin them (under normal circumstances you shouldn't wash them more than 1-2 times a day).
- After washing, apply a deep conditioner.

Step 2. Scrub your hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo
This product is specific to remove excess dirt, sebum and dead cells from the scalp, but it also offers the advantage of gently loosening the layer of color present on the hair; try washing them with this product for several times.
- Again, do not proceed with more than 4-5 washes a day.
- When finished, use the deep conditioner.

Step 3. Add the baking soda to the shampoo
You can better rub the toner off your hair by adding a little baking soda to the cleanser dose; mix the two products evenly and proceed with a normal wash. Pay particular attention to the rinsing phase to make sure you get rid of all traces of baking soda; then move on to the application of the nourishing conditioner.

Step 4. Perform a chelating action on the hair
The treatment removes the accumulation of various substances and grease. Normally, this process needs to be done before dyeing your hair, but it's just as useful for removing unwanted color as well. You can find specific shampoos on the market, but you can proceed with home remedies. First, wash your hair with a pinch of dish soap and then rinse it off; afterwards, sprinkle the juice of a lemon on the hair and let it act for 1-2 minutes, then remove it from the hair and apply a deep-acting conditioner.
Method 2 of 2: with lemons and conditioner

Step 1. Proceed with this method within 24 hours
If you are not happy with the result obtained with the toning, you can try to lighten it a little at home. Unfortunately, the longer the color remains on the hair, the more difficult it is to remove it; for best results, you must practice this method within a day of applying.

Step 2. Mix the conditioner with the lemon juice
Squeeze the juice of several fruits using a juicer or simply mashing them by hand. Next, mix three parts of juice with one part of conditioner; to minimize damage use a deep one.
- If you have short hair or medium length, you will probably need three lemons;
- If they are longer, use six.
- Freshly squeezed juice is more effective, but you can also use ready-made juice from supermarkets.

Step 3. Apply the mixture to your hair
Proceed gently, starting from the roots and continuing towards the tips, making sure to soak each strand; if you have long hair, you should tie it up. Cover them with cling film and a plastic bag.

Step 4. Leave the mixture on the hair for at least three hours
Lemon acid slowly removes color from hair, while conditioner helps minimize damage; remember to keep it in place for at least three hours, but if you want to get better results, you should leave it on your head overnight.
- Shampoo and conditioner the next morning (or after three hours).
- You can also warm up your hair a little by exposing yourself to the sun, using a hairdryer or with a hair helmet; however, this is an entirely optional option.
- If you have been applied toning by a hairdresser and you don't like it, it would be best to ask them to apply another one with different shades.
- The color fades a little with each shampoo, so by washing your hair every day you can lighten it faster; most of these products last about a month.