If you are concerned that you will not be able to get rid of the annoying feeling of having a hair in your throat, there are some tricks you can do. You can safely ingest some of them or eat bite-sized bites of soft food to unblock them. However, it could instead be some health problem that triggers this feeling; for example smoking, gastroesophageal reflux or allergies.
Part 1 of 2: Unlock the Hair

Step 1. Try to swallow it
If you suspect that you have a hair or two stuck in your throat, you can simply try to swallow them; these travel through the digestive tract as if they were food and then the body excretes them normally. The body is unable to break them down because they are made of keratin, a dense protein.
If the hair feels long, you can try to pull it out using clean fingers

Step 2. Eat soft food
You can get rid of hair by ingesting a large mouthful of food. Choose something soft and gentle for the throat, such as a few pieces of banana or bread that is not dry.
- Make sure it's a mouthful that you can swallow easily; if it is too big, you may suffocate;
- If you follow this method, the hair is ingested and travels through the digestive system along with the food.

Step 3. See an otolaryngologist
He is the ear, nose and throat specialist, and if you can't get the hair out of your throat and the sensation worries you, make an appointment at his doctor's office. If you have other related symptoms, such as painful swelling or pus on your tonsils, you should get examined carefully.
The specialist can prescribe tests or an x-ray; be sure to give him your medical history and describe your discomfort
Part 2 of 2: Dealing with Other Problems

Step 1. Gargle with salt water
You may experience the sensation of having a few hairs in your throat, but in reality it may be another problem. There are other ailments that can cause similar discomfort. To soothe it, fill a glass with hot water and add a little salt while stirring until it dissolves; gargle for relief.
Studies have found that this remedy can prevent or reduce symptoms of the common cold

Step 2. Stop smoking
The toxins and harmful particles of smoke can irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract; this irritation can trigger the sensation of some hair stuck in the throat. Try to limit the amount of cigarettes you smoke each day to reduce this discomfort and the typical smoker's cough.

Step 3. Manage Gastroesophageal Reflux
This disorder causes the formation of acids in the stomach that go up towards the throat irritating it, especially if they reach the vocal cords; when this happens, the acid can leave a feeling like something stuck in the throat. Ask your doctor to provide you with the best treatment for this disease.
If you also have hoarseness, cough, or need to clear your throat frequently, you may be suffering from a type of gastric reflux called laryngeal reflux

Step 4. Take anti-allergic medications
If you suffer from any allergic reaction to food you have eaten, you may have difficulty swallowing, a sensation of something stuck in your throat, or a tongue that looks hairy. Get therapy to manage the allergic reaction or contact your doctor right away.