Today, being 40 is better than being 30. So, put those 10 more years to good use. Now it's easier than ever. With the right look, the right habits and the right attitude, everyone will wonder how such a young person can be so wise and sensible.
Part 1 of 3: Taking Care of Your Face

Step 1. Choose the right make-up for your age
Our skin naturally changes over time. Imagine if you still had to use the same makeup you used to cover up pimples when you went to school! And even if you haven't noticed it, your skin has changed from 25 to 30, from 30 to 35, from 35 to 40. The time has come to choose new products for your make-up, which cover you slightly, but that light up your face. It's time to enhance your natural beauty.
- Do not resort to liquid eyeliner, as it is not suitable for less tight skin. Rather, opt for more double pencils to create a smokey effect for the evening. During the day, a little mascara and a thin line will be more than enough.
- Don't wear too much makeup! There are few times when heavy makeup is appropriate in your 20s, and even fewer times it is appropriate at 40. Keep it simple. Your skin is perfect the way it is. You do not need it!

Step 2. Learn how to make up the contour of the face
A bright touch around the edges of the chin and forehead adds depth to the face, highlighting the light areas and cheekbones. It's no longer a question of hiding flaws and looking awake, but of literally bringing out the best features.
Add a "highlighter" or highlighter for the face in the "T" zone of the face, which includes the center of the forehead, nose and chin. These are all points that emerge into the light, so they should be the brightest. Use a brush with a little cream or compact concealer and mix it in these areas with the highlighter

Step 3. Use an anti-aging cleanser
One of the simplest things to do is wash your face with an anti-aging cleanser, morning and night (or whatever your skin needs). You don't have to leave makeup on your face, so using an anti-aging cleanser, you can cleanse your skin by letting it breathe. In addition, you will narrow your pores and your face will be brighter.
Try to adopt habits that preserve the beauty of your skin if you think they work. Therefore, you should use a cleanser, light makeup, anti-aging creams and lotions. Try a few products to figure out which ones are best for you

Step 4. Also use a night cream
Take advantage of the approximately 8 hours you have available each night by applying a repairing cream. Night creams enter the pores, activating collagen and slowing down the formation of wrinkles and, therefore, damage to the skin.
Are you a little more ambitious? Then, you could also use a day cream. Also, you will get better results over time if you get regular botox injections
Part 2 of 3: Taking Care of the Body

Step 1. Drink lots of water, green tea, and occasionally a few glasses of red wine
Water is child's play: 8 glasses a day will keep the body hydrated, the skin glowing and the hair and nails in excellent health. Green tea (in large quantities) and a few glasses of red wine are also excellent, as they are full of antioxidants that will keep you fit 100%.
Feel free to drink as much green tea as you want. If you don't already, a cup in the morning is a good start. Regarding red wine, 1 glass a day is enough. If you drink more, the positive effects against cholesterol and antioxidants will be canceled out

Step 2. Eat a healthy diet
It's good advice for everyone: when you feel good on the inside, you feel and look good on the outside. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Stay away from junk foods and anything that is packaged. Your body must eat fresh, natural foods to look fresh and natural!
- If you have weight problems and have never found an effective diet, consider wikiHow articles to choose a diet that best suits your needs and situation.
- The older you get, the more your metabolism slows down and the more you have to be careful about what you eat. No food should be prohibited, but it is necessary to consume everything in the right quantities.

Step 3. Increase muscle tone
Cardio exercises are great for both mind and body, but even the leanest ones need to firm up. When you are 40, you need to focus on your arms, abs and buttocks. This means doing pull ups, push ups, abs, squats and lunges. It sounds like bad news, but you can do these exercises at home, taking a few minutes each time, even while watching TV.
- Aim for thirty minutes of physical activity a day, combining cardio exercises and weight lifting. Recent research has shown that the combination of these two types of training accelerates fat burning.
- At your age the stratum corneum of the skin (the outermost one) becomes thicker, causing wrinkles and cellulite, among other things. However, it is clear that physical activity slows down these effects of time. Recent studies have shown that those who age and train have better skin than those who have a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

Step 4. Get rid of unwanted hair
Unwanted hair often appears in unwanted spots with age. One day you look at yourself in the mirror from the wrong angle and notice some hairs that have been growing there for months. To prevent this from happening, wax regularly or consider LHE photoepilation and laser technology, as they can solve this problem. They are becoming cheaper and more affordable, especially for small areas like the chin and upper lip.
If you have time and a couple of cups of sugar, why not wax yourself? It is cheap and only takes a few minutes. On top of that, a sugar wax can leave your skin smooth like a baby's

Step 5. Do not expose yourself to the sun
As we age, sun exposure from young people often causes dark spots and sometimes even melanoma or skin cancer. Even if you can't go back to when you were a teenager, you can start not exposing yourself to the sun now. Also, the good news is that non-tanned skin is in fashion!
Apply SPF 15 sunscreen regularly when you can't avoid exposure to the sun. It will moisturize the skin and keep its radiance

Step 6. Wear clothes that flatter your figure
Just because you're 40 doesn't mean you have to hide your body. While you need to look more adult and professional, you should also feel sexy, comfortable and stylish.
- Take your body shapes into consideration. What do you want to accentuate and what do you want to hide? Value what you are proud of.
- Fill your wardrobe with classic garments that you can combine in dozens of different solutions. The others will say, "But! For being 30, it's really classy."
Part 3 of 3: Taking Care of Hair, Teeth and Nails

Step 1. Dye your hair the right color
White hair is a telltale sign of your age, even if it looks good on some people. If you're not a part of them, don't hesitate to cover them up. Choose a natural color that has only one or two tones different from yours.
If you are grizzled, maybe you should also color your eyebrows. Leaving them natural, they could betray the color change

Step 2. If you prefer, wear long hair
They are not a typical prerogative of those who are 18 years old. Sure, you won't wear them like you did when you were a little girl, but long hair can look gorgeous at your age! Do the styling and take care of their shine. You will look stylish and look younger in one fell swoop.
You may also decide that after several years it is no longer worth keeping them long. Although they are a symbol of youth, they can be worn at any age, as long as they are taken care of

Step 3. Do teeth whitening
With age, experiences accumulate… which can lead to smoking, drinking coffee and, consequently, to having yellowed or gray teeth. Take the initiative and do the whitening, by purchasing a kit at the pharmacy or by contacting the dentist. They don't have to be dazzling white, just go back to the natural ivory tone of 10 years ago.
There are some kits on the market that you can follow at home and they last from a few days to a few weeks. Most require about 30 minutes of treatment per day. And if that's not enough, there are also whitening toothpastes to use in combination with the kit

Step 4. Pay attention to the nails
As hormones change over the years, it is natural for nails to become a little more brittle. Solve the problem by putting on a strengthener for nails or using a colored polish that hardens the nails. Also cut it to the right length.