It's easy for a teenager to look pretty, look their best, and grab the attention of admirers. It doesn't matter if your intent is to meet new friends, impress a guy or feel better about yourself - this guide will help you in any situation!
Method 1 of 3: Part One: Simple Methods to Look Your Best

Step 1. Spend five minutes each morning and evening on skincare
Consistency is the key to keeping your skin beautiful, so set aside a few minutes a day for these procedures. Here are some simple tips:
- Wash your face while taking a shower. In the morning, save some time by having your skincare procedure coincide with a shower. Quickly lather and rinse your face while you get your hair wet too.
- If you are too tired to go skincare before bed, keep a pack of makeup remover wipes on your nightstand.
- Keep your skin hydrated both day and night. Don't forget the places where wrinkles usually form: around the eyes and the corners of the mouth.

Step 2. Shower every day
A quick rinse before starting the day will surely make you feel prettier and more fragrant, regardless of the rest. Make it a habit without going too far - you can finish the shower in 5 to 10 minutes.
- Wash your hair regularly. You don't have to wash them every time you shower; in fact, those with thick hair should do it every other day or even once every three days. Choose the method that best suits your hair, but do it consistently. The scalp gets used to producing sebum on a regular basis, so make life easier by sticking to a specific schedule.
- Trim and clean your nails once or twice a week. After a shower, they will be softer and more moldable, so take advantage of this to do it quickly. You will be able to have clean and presentable fingers without having to do a full manicure and pedicure.
- Deal with unwanted hair. Shave in the shower and pull your eyebrows as soon as you dry. As a general rule, try to shave your armpits every day, while leg shaving can be done every other day and eyebrows should be trimmed once a week.
- Put the deodorant on as soon as you get out of the shower; it's also the perfect time to sprinkle some perfume or a body deodorant. Remember not to use too much!

Step 3. Show a beautiful smile
In any situation, a smile is your strong point. Here's what to do to make it always bright:
- Brush your teeth twice a day and floss every night. Don't forget to clean your tongue by brushing gently as well, as bacteria lurk there and cause bad breath.
- Use mouthwash at night and have gum or mints handy to keep your breath fresh and clean.
- Fight chapped lips. If they tend to get dry and scaly, you are probably dehydrated - try to drink regularly and you will notice a big difference. If the situation does not improve, have a lip balm on hand to use during the day.

Step 4. Keep fit
You don't have to be slim as a broom to be attractive, but it is important to have a healthy and athletic physique. Not only will you benefit from it as you age, but the endorphins released by your body during exercise will help you feel more beautiful and confident.
- Play a sport. Exercise doesn't have to be monotonous. If the gym bores you, try a sport or hobby that forces you to be physically active. Choose from basketball, tennis, volleyball and swimming, all of which are great sports.
- Train with a friend. By transforming physical activity into a moment of socialization, you will be able to commit yourself more consistently. You will be less likely to postpone training if you do it in company. In addition, there is the advantage of being able to establish a bond with fellow adventurers and you will support each other during the exercises.
- Try to be very active. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, or park your car away from the supermarket. While it may seem pointless, these little efforts are helpful in keeping you active and, ultimately, the line will benefit.
Method 2 of 3: Part Two: More Detailed Tips

Step 1. Get even more beautiful with a little makeup
In countless cultures, women use makeup to enhance their appearance. But remember that it is not essential to be attractive; it's just a useful tool to use at will. You can also choose the type of makeup, light or more marked, according to the situations and your personal needs.
- Try a natural look. You can do a light makeup to simply cover imperfections, enhancing your natural look. Use a clear or lightly tinted lip gloss or lip balm along with a thin layer of powder to make the skin more even.
- Choose a makeup to use every day. You can do a full makeup look without making it too heavy, or skip the whole process to just use a bright lipstick or blended eyeshadow. If you have a habit of wearing makeup every day, use a style that you can easily adapt to all situations by changing just a few details.
- Wear evening makeup for a bewitching look. For special events, focus on a full make-up that will take you 15 to 20 minutes. Use the concealer, a base, a setting powder, a blush, then make up your eyes and finish with a normal or long-lasting lipstick. Don't forget a fundamental rule: choose whether to emphasize the eyes or the mouth, but not both, otherwise the makeup will look tacky and exaggerated.

Step 2. Choose the right hairstyle
Like most people, you probably rely on a couple of hairstyles for your daily look too. But that doesn't mean you can't try something different every now and then! It will take a little more effort to improve the usual hairstyle and feel like a model!
- Make some changes and try something new. If you usually wear a ponytail, try doing a half ponytail or curling them with the use of a straightener. If you prefer to wear your hair long and loose, try a wavy ponytail or side braid.
- You may want to try a new haircut. If you don't like the hairstyle you are wearing or would like to change it up a bit, a new cut or a new color would be for you. Search online for a hairstyle you like, or check out some magazines, then make an appointment at the hairdresser - improving people's looks is part of his job, so he'll be more than happy to give you some advice if you're in doubt..
- Eliminate split ends and add a pop of color. Even if your current hairstyle suits you, be sure to keep it tidy. Trim your hair every six to eight weeks to remove split ends and cover the regrowth with a new dye.

Step 3. Wear clothes that flatter your physique
Clothes that look great on your best friend might make you look bad, but that has nothing to do with your charm. To look more beautiful you have to learn to choose clothes that suit you the most, even if you haven't changed at all!
When choosing a dress, you have to consider what type of build you have, or you have to rely on the mirror to see if it fits you. Among the most common builds we find:
- Pear-shaped: Wide hips with a narrow waist and bust. In this case, it is better to enhance the waistline and shoulders.
- Apple-shaped: wide bust and waist, slim legs. Try to draw attention to the hips and slender legs.
- Hourglass: wide bust and hips, narrow waist. Emphasize your curves and slim waist.
- Banana-shaped: a slim build, with a slim bust, waist and hips. Enhance the slender figure with belts or short jackets to highlight the waist.
- Remember: light colors bring out curves, while dark colors hide flaws. For example, if you like your waistline but hate the hips line, wear dark pants and a light shirt.

Step 4. Take good care of your skin
Daily cleansing is essential for beautiful skin, but you can also do special treatments to prevent blemishes.
- Exfoliating treatment. Use a mild product once a week along with the cleanser. Massage and rinse as usual.
- Eliminate blackheads. Buy the appropriate strips at a pharmacy or perfumery, or contact a beautician for a professional treatment.
- Beauty mask. Choose the mask that best suits your needs at the pharmacy, or create a peach and oatmeal treatment at home.
Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Unleashing Security

Step 1. Practice maintaining good posture
Posture can betray your mood, so be sure to show confidence.
- Keep your head up. Don't look down.
- Relax your shoulders and bring them back.
- Don't keep your feet too close.
- Distribute your weight equally on both feet.

Step 2. Walk gracefully
Did you know that beauty queens spend several hours improving posture by learning to walk from scratch? It sounds silly, but they practice walking to perform it with grace and lightness. Follow these quick tips instead of wasting time with beauty pageant guides:
- Do not rub your feet, but raise them as little as necessary to walk without rubbing the sole on the ground.
- Rotate your hips slightly. Don't overdo it, as you may get back pain with an unnatural movement. Try to sway your hips by simply accentuating the walking motion.
- Don't hop. Practice walking keeping your head at the same height as you move.

Step 3. Smile
You already own the one thing that can make you attractive without any effort: a bright smile. Try to show your beautiful smile on every occasion. You will feel happier and improve the mood of those around you.
- If you have trouble smiling often, try thinking of a joke or focus on a happy thought, like a family member or a puppy. Use this trick when you have to smile suddenly.
- Do it at the appropriate times. For example, smile when someone greets you, but avoid doing so if your friend has just told you they lost their grandmother. Assess the situation before smiling without thinking.
- Do not rush. Scale your expectations, because you won't get a sudden change overnight. You need to be patient and work hard to change your appearance.
- Ask for advice from people more experienced than you. Contact a friend or family member who knows how to take care of their appearance: they will be happy to share their secrets with you.