3 Ways to Be Weird

3 Ways to Be Weird
3 Ways to Be Weird

Table of contents:


If you are tired of being - or appearing - like everyone else, then originality could be just the lifestyle that's right for you. Whether you want to sound quirky, peculiar or just plain weird, here are tons of tips you can follow to stop feeling so ordinary. If you want to be truly original, you will have to stop worrying about what others think of you, and you will have to prepare to express your whimsical side, which you have kept hidden until now.


Part 1 of 3: Adopting the Right Mindset

Be Strange Step 1
Be Strange Step 1

Step 1. Stop worrying about what others think

If you really want to be original, then the first thing you need to do is stop worrying about what other people think about you and what you do. You will need to feel comfortable expressing your individuality, wearing what makes you feel good, saying what you have in mind and generally living the life you want to live. If you won't be able to stop satisfying other people or doing what others expect of you, then you will never be able to live with originality.

  • Stopping worrying about what others think may seem easier said than done; you certainly won't be able to do it overnight. You can still try to take small steps and start doing things your way little by little, until the day comes when you will be able to stop being scratched by what people think.
  • To make this process easier it is advisable to date people who will not judge you because you prefer to go your own way, and who will make you feel comfortable when you choose to do what suits you best.
Be Strange Step 2
Be Strange Step 2

Step 2. Don't overdo it to try to be different

Even if you want to be original, there's no need to dye your hair pink, wear a Hawaiian skirt or yodel in the middle of class: unless, of course, that's what you want to do! You can find your personal way to be original, without giving the impression of having built your new identity at the table. Focus on what feels right to you, not on impressing others.

If you were to try to be dramatically different, you could end up not being true to yourself anymore. Of course, if what you want is to be completely insane and upset those around you, feel free to do whatever you want

Be Strange Step 3
Be Strange Step 3

Step 3. Build self-confidence:

it is essential to be truly original. While you might think that the strangest people are lonely, isolated, or generally unhappy types, it really takes a lot of self-confidence to be satisfied with your originality. If you want to think outside the box and live in an original way, then, make sure you are happy with who you are and what you have to offer. You'll need to be sure of yourself first before you can expose yourself to comments from others, or you may be disappointed if people don't react as you think they should.

  • Try to love yourself for who you are and be proud of your strength. Make a list of the things you are good at and be proud of your accomplishments.
  • Having self-confidence does not mean being perfect. It means being happy with your strengths, while accepting your shortcomings and working to improve where possible. If there are parts of you that you do not like but that you cannot change, such as your height, for example, you will have to commit to accepting them if you want to learn to be truly confident.
  • While self-confidence doesn't come overnight, you can take small steps to build it. One point you can focus on right away is to show unshakeable confidence in your body language. Make a commitment to walk straight, look people in the eye, and avoid walking hunched over or staring at the ground.
Be Strange Step 4
Be Strange Step 4

Step 4. Be independent

If you really want to be original, you will have to learn to be an individual with your own personality and not follow the crowd. You will need to have your own style, your tastes and your ideas, instead of following someone else's, even about what should be considered original and what should be normal. You will need to be able to voice your opinions confidently, be ready to disagree with current trends and make your voice heard even when it would be easier to keep quiet.

  • If you truly demonstrate yourself as an individual with their own personality, you will immediately emerge as a multifaceted and complex person. You don't have to be perfect to be yourself - feel free to admit your mistakes.
  • Being independent means not following others slavishly and not mixing with the crowd. While you don't have to be a loner, if you just replicate what so many other people do that you think are bizarre and original then you can never become an individual with an autonomous personality.
Be Strange Step 5
Be Strange Step 5

Step 5. Read and educate yourself

If you want to be original, you will need to be educated enough to know different topics in the most disparate aspects, so that you can surprise your friends with little curiosities when they least expect it. Whether you like comics, geology, Japanese culture or any other subject, read as much as possible so that you shield yourself with your knowledge and face the world armed with knowledge.

If you are educated and aware of what is going on in the world, your weirdness will be legitimized. You certainly don't want your originality to seem like just a pose, without being able to boast the necessary knowledge to support it

Part 2 of 3: Putting Your New Lifestyle into Practice

Be Strange Step 6
Be Strange Step 6

Step 1. Don't be shy

One of the things most weird people have in common is not being shy. This type of person is typically happy to talk to new acquaintances, to share their thoughts with people they don't yet know well, to experience new things, and to be open about their feelings. If you are too shy to let people know your personality, it will be difficult to be truly original. Of course, the dark and mysterious guy has his own why, too, but if you really want to be original, you'll need to show people enough aspects of your character to show who you really are right away.

You don't have to be talkative or outgoing; you just have to be open enough to share your thoughts with others, strange as they may be

Be Strange Step 7
Be Strange Step 7

Step 2. Do unexpected things

Original people are known for doing things others don't expect. Whether you are in a group or alone, if you want to be truly original you need to be ready to surprise people. Try to be as spontaneous as possible and keep in mind that it will be when you least expect it that you can deeply upset others. Remember: people can predict what mundane people will do. Here are some tips for taking unexpected action:

  • If you feel inspired, suddenly start dancing or singing.
  • Share quotes from your favorite movie or book.
  • Tell others some surprising anecdotes about yourself.
  • Impress people with your ability to play an instrument, speak a foreign language, or perform a card trick.
  • Be completely spontaneous. Interrupt your friends in the middle of a conversation to tell them what you ate for lunch or to quote a funny anecdote about your favorite movie.
Be Strange Step 8
Be Strange Step 8

Step 3. Don't feel embarrassed

Original people are often not the most sociable creatures in the world. If you want to be truly original, you will have to make an effort to do things that are considered embarrassing under normal circumstances. In fact, strange people are considered strange because they do not follow social norms. One way to stand out from the crowd is to not interact "normally" with others. While this type of behavior can be considered embarrassing by those around you, it is right for you. Here are some tips for doing this:

  • When someone approaches to talk to you, walk away without giving an explanation.
  • Repeat the same story three times in a row in a conversation, then apologize each time.
  • Tell highly personal facts to people you've just met.
  • Burp in public without apologizing.
  • He stutters and murmurs to yourself.
  • As soon as there is a brief moment of silence, something totally casual screams.
  • Start talking to strangers, even when they are obviously busy.
Be Strange Step 9
Be Strange Step 9

Step 4. Try some unexpected activity

If you want to be original, you can't just do what everyone else is doing in their spare time. While you don't have to try new activities just because they seem different than usual, if you want to be truly different you will have to move away from the mainstream. Part of your originality will have to be based on your willingness to try new things that most people don't like. Which can mean experimenting with fun, bizarre and slightly out of the ordinary activities. Here are some particular activities you can try to do to stand out from the crowd:

  • Learn magic tricks.
  • Draw a cartoon.
  • Learn to play the ukulele or banjo.
  • Learn the art of face painting.
  • Learning a difficult foreign language.
Be Strange Step 10
Be Strange Step 10

Step 5. Try to be hyperactive

While there are many different styles of originality, from the lonely type to the quirky one, one way to really get noticed is to show that you have more energy than others. This extra gear will allow you to share your interests with those around you, be more active than others, and exchange random stories and information with those around you. If you want to be truly original, then being a very energetic type will be a great way to express yourself.

  • When you get really excited about something, try talking in bursts. One of the things that makes a person strange is to speak differently from others.
  • Don't be afraid to share your excitement about something. Don't be indifferent and don't pretend you don't feel enthusiasm for something that actually excites you.
  • If you feel like hopping around and showing everyone your energy, even if it means starting to jump in the middle of a conversation, remember that no one can stop you.

Part 3 of 3: Going Further

Be Strange Step 11
Be Strange Step 11

Step 1. Get distracted by common things

Point out to your friends, for example, that the ceiling caught your attention. Pretend to observe him and comment with a very vague phrase, like "it's just that he's so … high", pronounced in a slightly disturbing tone. Keep staring at the ceiling wide-eyed, as if you've been pierced by a revelation. Ignore what your friends or those around you will do or say for a few minutes. The more banal the object you will be fascinated by, the better it will be.

Be Strange Step 12
Be Strange Step 12

Step 2. Redefine the art of wearing clothes

While you certainly don't have to dress in an entirely extravagant way just to be different from others, try wearing something that makes you feel a little more original than the crowd. You don't have to wear a foot-length trench coat or a bright pink dress with sparkly heels if you don't feel like it, but you should try to bring out your personality by wearing printed t-shirts, brightly colored jeans, fun hair accessories, some special makeup. or something that makes you feel and look different while remaining true to yourself. This way you will help signal, even with your physical appearance, that you are different from the crowd.

Comb your hair in an original way, matching the hairstyle to your clothes. Use the strongest hair gel you can find. Get a crest or experiment with a new original hairstyle. It's all up to your imagination

Be Strange Step 13
Be Strange Step 13

Step 3. Name an inanimate object

Take it with you and talk to it as if it were your friend. Make sure you act as if the object is really your best friend and as if anyone who points out that you are talking to a simple object is crazy. If someone observes that you are not behaving in a normal way, take on a deeply shocked, angry or hurt expression.

Be Strange Step 14
Be Strange Step 14

Step 4. Speak with a foreign accent

Make up the words, continuing to speak with a weird accent. When someone asks you where you are from, tell them that you are originally from Alaska. More importantly, make the accent credible; don't just grumble. If you are really convincing, you will confuse those around you and make them think that you are really weird. Try not to forget to always speak with the same accent as long as you are around that person.

Be Strange Step 15
Be Strange Step 15

Step 5. Meditate in the middle of a hotel reception

Sit down, join your hands and close your eyes. You will be amazed by the reaction of those around you. If someone tries to interrupt you, just ignore them and tell them you're in the middle of an important meeting.

Be Strange Step 16
Be Strange Step 16

Step 6. Behave strangely when you eat

Raise a fuss in a classy restaurant because you want to eat chicken wings and apple juice. While you wait to be served, grab a fork and knife with your fists, with the sharp side facing up, and hit them repeatedly on the table (to vary, you can try to follow a personal rhythm or that of a song).

Be Strange Step 17
Be Strange Step 17

Step 7. Walk in circles and speak to yourself

Make strange noises, gesticulate and move your head. Doing so will certainly look very strange. But remember to only try it when you feel like it and if you are sure not to show yourself too much.

Be Strange Step 18
Be Strange Step 18

Step 8. Make custom jewelry with pine cones, sticks, leaves, or whatever rubbish you can find around

Try selling them at school or giving them away. Even if they are very simple and obviously poor objects, pretend that you have made them with all your effort.

Be Strange Step 19
Be Strange Step 19

Step 9. Walk wrong

Pretend you are floating on another planet. Try to be as dreamy and in the clouds as possible - it won't be long before others think you're really weird.

Be Strange Step 20
Be Strange Step 20

Step 10. Make up some weird nicknames for other people

Try to find, even for those with a short and banal name (for example Anna) a funny or silly nickname (for example Annapanna). It will be even better if the person in question does not like the nickname or if you are not confident enough to call yourself by nicknames. You can also try to find a nickname for yourself and unsuccessfully try to get yourself called that.

Be Strange Step 21
Be Strange Step 21

Step 11. Hum or whistle at inappropriate times and places

It's a great way to be utterly out of place and to make others think that you are really weird. This behavior will be especially effective if you are in a quiet place or if someone has just told a serious or very touching story. You can also try humming in the middle of a test, until the teacher and those around you notice it.

If humming at inappropriate times isn't your thing, you can try making the turkey noise when everyone else is silent

Be Strange Step 22
Be Strange Step 22

Step 12. Smell unexpected objects

Here is another way to immediately make the figure of the original. For example, approach a wall, smell it and make a casual comment, such as "hmmm… tastes like mint". You can also try sniffing other people's hair, although doing so may cause them to be unsettled or offended. If you want to make the situation even more awkward, you can always try sniffing yourself.

Be Strange Step 23
Be Strange Step 23

Step 13. Dance like a madman, without music, in a public place, and then walk away as if nothing had happened

This is a great way to show others that you are definitely the original type. Act like you have an overwhelming urge to dance that you are trying to suppress. If people look at you weird or ask you what you are doing, tell them you don't really know what they're talking about.


  • Don't try too hard; just do what others don't do.
  • Staring at people could end up in you trouble. To prevent this from happening, stare at people with your face more strange as possible, for example opening your mouth as if you could not control your movements; in doing so they will think you are weird, rather than annoying.
  • Use yours imagination; there are no rules, everything will be fine!


  • Your parents might take you to the psychologist.
  • Others may gossip about you.
  • You will certainly be observed.
  • Don't try too hard and don't act unnaturally - many truly original people are perfectly satisfied with who they are. Instead of changing just to look weird, try trying to be happy - you could achieve both in one fell swoop.
  • You will have to be ready to get involved.
  • You may be removed from public places.
  • You may lose your friends.
  • People will make fun of you.
