Beautiful and freshly manicured nails allow you to have a neat and tidy look. However, professional treatments can be expensive and time consuming. Why go to the beautician when you can do a perfect manicure at home? Read on to find out how.
Part 1 of 3: Prepare the Nails

Step 1. Prepare everything you need
To make a nice manicure, make sure you have everything you need. A small investment will be required at first, but when you want to repeat the treatment in the future, you won't have to buy anything anymore. Here are the products to buy:
- Nail polish remover;
- Cotton balls or cotton buds;
- Cuticle remover;
- Smoothing file;
- Scissors;
- Nail file;
- Cuticle or hand cream;
- Enamel;
- Base;
- Top coat.

Step 2. Prepare the workspace
Enamel and solvent can damage many surfaces, such as fabric, trimmed wood, and plastic. Put on an old shirt and take off all valuable accessories. Protect your desk or table with shredded paper (not newspaper, because it stains). Make sure the furniture itself and everything around it are not particularly precious or valuable, as the glaze can splash onto other surfaces or seep through the paper. For example, avoid working next to a computer.
Step 3. Remove the old nail polish
Use solvent and cotton balls or cotton swabs. Some types of solvents can dry out the nails and surrounding skin. It would be best to look for a gentler one, but don't worry too much, unless you have a severe allergic reaction.
- If you have fake nails, such as those created with acrylic build, and would like to keep them, choose a nail polish remover that won't remove them. Also, do not let them have prolonged contact with this product.
- Avoid acetone-containing solvents unless you only use them once a month or infrequently. They make it easier to remove the nail polish, but they can also damage the nails.
Step 4. Cut and file your nails
Trim them with a pair of scissors or a nail clipper. Don't cut them too much - you should be able to at least partially see the white border around the hem. File them and create a smooth, clean shape. Gently drag the file along the nail, do not push it. Using excessive force or making a saw-like motion will weaken and break them. Rotate your hand with the file with each pass to create a smooth, not edgy shape. Do not file them too much: just remedy the imperfections and irregular parts left by the nail clipper.
- If you want to remove your false nails because maybe the regrowth is a lot and they are no longer beautiful to look at, read this article.
- Do not round the corners on the sides of the nail bed, as otherwise the nail may become ingrown. Pay particular attention to the big toe, which perhaps due to shoes is more prone to this problem.
Step 5. Polish your nails
With a polishing file or a buffer and a smoothing powder, lightly smooth the surface of the nails to even out and smooth out the uneven parts. Remember not to overdo it - thinning them too much will weaken them. A perfectly flat surface is not practical or necessary. A soft and flexible smoothing brick will make it easier to polish both the sides and the center of the nail.
It is a good idea to polish your nails after pushing back the cuticles, as residue can remain in this area. You will be able to eliminate them. Being thin, soft and weak, you should remove them easily

Step 6. Dip your nails
Get a bowl or close the sink. Fill the container with warm (not hot) water and pour in a few drops of soap. Leave your hands to soak for just a few minutes. The soap and water should help dissolve any dirt, dead skin cells, and any residue left over after you have filed and polished them. In addition, it will soften the cuticles. Use a special brush to gently cleanse your nails and surrounding skin. If necessary, gently scrape under the white edge to remove dirt. If you want your nails and cuticles to be easily manageable, you can use dish soap.
- If you have dry skin or brittle nails, you shouldn't let them soak - just rinse them.
- Don't overdo the brush - it can be harmful. In fact, you risk eliminating a white substance with a consistency similar to dust that belongs to real nails.
Step 7. Prepare the cuticles
Dry your hands and apply cuticle cream. With a cuticle pusher, also called an orange stick, gently push them back. Do not exert any force, and never cut them. Although the equipment is sterile, removing the cuticles can cause an infection and make this area vulnerable, which in fact will no longer have adequate protection. Remove excess cream with a handkerchief or towel; move it in the same direction you pushed the cuticle.
A paper clip is ideal for pushing cuticles back. Make sure it is clean and intact, with no sharp edges. Fold the metal grips and join them together. Hold the clip with your thumb and index or middle finger. Keep your fingers on the metal parts you joined, the ends of which will be facing the tip of the little finger. The flat back should go beyond the thumb and forefinger. At this point, you can push back the cuticles of the other hand (afterwards, switch and repeat with the other)
Step 8. Apply hand cream or lotion
Massage it into your skin. If you have very dry skin, use a nourishing product, otherwise any one will do. Make sure you massage it into your nails and surrounding area. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes.
- This should be done not only before applying the nail polish, but also after drying is complete. If you have very dry skin, apply a greasy lotion and wear cheap cotton gloves to make it work better and longer. Do this treatment before going to sleep, as otherwise it will prevent you from doing various activities during the day.
- If there is any cream left on your nails, the nail polish will not take root, so soak a cotton swab in solvent and quickly wipe the area to remove any excess. To damage your nails as little as possible, immediately remove any solvent residues.
Part 2 of 3: Apply the Nail Polish
Step 1. Apply a base
Use a clear or hardener. This product serves to even out the irregular and inhomogeneous parts that will remain on the nail, preparing it for the enamel. It makes it more durable and prevents it from staining the surface.
- If you want, at this point you can do the acrylic nail reconstruction.
- Let the base dry completely before proceeding.
Step 2. Apply the polish of your choice
Roll the bottle in your hands for about 10 seconds. Shaking it causes air bubbles to form in the product, making it harder for it to stick to your nails. First, create a thin layer. Dip the brush into the bottle and, just before removing it, rotate it around the inner neck of the bottle to remove excess. Slowly make a vertical stripe in the center of the nail, then paint both sides. Try to apply the nail polish to the edge, but remember that it is better to leave a small margin so as not to dirty the skin.
- Tilt the brush slightly forward. Press it gently so that the bristles open slightly to form a nice curve, then drag it gently and smoothly over the nail to paint it. Do not apply a drop of nail polish and then spread it. If you notice blotches or drips, you have used too much or applied too slowly. The slightly raised parts should settle on their own with gravity and self-level. On the other hand, if when you apply the nail polish you notice that very thin and uneven spots are created, you have used too little or you have exerted too much pressure.
- If you absolutely want to get a good result the first time, just apply the nail polish, do not try nail art techniques.
- If you get some polish on your fingers or around your nail, you can wipe it off with a toothpick (flat ones are generally best, avoid rounded and pointed ones) while it's still wet. If it has dried already, soak a cotton swab in solvent and remove it. Alternatively, use a touch-up pen, which you can find in perfumery. Try not to damage the actual nail polish, otherwise you will have to apply it again.

Step 3. Let your nails dry
Try not to shake them too much, otherwise the nail polish may smudge. Wait 10-15 minutes. If you do a second pass right away, the first will get smeared. You can try to speed up drying with a fan, but don't be too optimistic. By blowing off the smell of fresh nail polish, it will make you delude that it has dried, when in reality it doesn't.
- Once the first coat has dried, you can apply a second if you want. This allows you to get an intense and uniform color.
- When the nail polish has dried completely, you can decorate it with drawings, create an airbrushed effect, apply stencils, decals, rhinestones, and so on.
- Making a single coat of color (this depends on the enamel and the application technique; some allow you to obtain a more uniform or apparently more homogeneous color with a single layer) or avoiding using the thick base still allows you to have acceptable results. In any case, making several passes and applying the base helps to obtain a more intense color, but also a qualitatively better effect.
Step 4. Apply the top coat
Finish with a clear top coat to achieve a lasting and even result, but also to protect the nail polish and prevent it from scratching, chipping or chipping. This result is especially important for nail art that does not cover the entire nail. In addition, the top coat polishes the surface. Let it dry completely so you can show off beautiful nails.
Part 3 of 3: Try Variants

Step 1. Dye your nails with a splatter effect.
This original variant allows you to create multicolored splashes on the nail after applying a base polish.

Step 2. Do the ombré manicure
To have nails that are different from the usual and trendy, create an effect that degrades from a darker to a lighter color.

Step 3. Get a French manicure
It is a classic style that highlights the white edge of the nail and retains the natural color of the nail bed.

Step 4. Make a stylish manicure
Apply a nail polish containing glitter, with a crack effect, iridescent or in any case that does not go unnoticed to highlight the nails even more.

Step 5. Make some flowers
In addition to the base polish, you will need several colors to make these designs.

Step 6. Make a tuxedo
It is an original design that requires the use of only 2 glazes: they are enough to create the tuxedo and white shirt.

Step 7. Create a summer manicure by drawing a palm tree on each nail after creating a colored background
It is ideal for going to the beach and celebrating the arrival of summer.

Step 8. Draw some strawberries on the nails:
they will create a nice and surprising effect.
- If you put the nail polish bottle in the refrigerator for 5 minutes, it will become smoother.
- If you have the time and an artistic soul, you might want to try more elaborate designs. However, in most cases, simplicity pays off.
- Store your manicure and pedicure supplies in a cosmetic case, fishing tackle box, or other gear box. Arrange the various products so that they do not cause damage in case of loss. Close the bottles tightly.
- If you write a lot on the computer, trim your nails so that the white edges are short, so when it comes time to reapply the nail polish, they won't be far past the tip of your finger. Otherwise, your fingernails will hit the keys and annoy you. This movement will also damage your enamel, unless you stiffen your hands and slow down your work even more by assuming an awkward position to write.
- The tips in this article apply not only to manicures, but also to pedicures. By doing both, your fingernails and toenails will be beautiful and neat. Even for the pedicure, the most practical method is to do one procedure at a time on all the fingers before moving on to the next. Plan ahead so you don't have to walk around with freshly painted nails - you risk ruining the carpets. In order not to get caught unprepared, keep a pair of cheap flip flops on hand.
- When your nails start to flake, you can do a touch-up to freshen up your manicure. However, if they have been chipped or scratched in several places and you can't fix them quickly, it's best to remove the nail polish and reapply it.
- Don't do a single heavy coat of nail polish. Instead, make multiple thin strokes to keep your nails from smearing.
- Before starting your manicure, make sure you have everything you need close at hand. You certainly don't want to run to the supermarket with freshly painted nails.
- For a sheer, subtle result, try using a matte top coat. If you want a chic look, apply it on a bright nail polish to mattify it.
- Don't bite your nails. If you can't stop, you can apply an unpleasant tasting nail polish.
- Don't sand your nails too much. You could cause them to weaken or even consume them in one spot - this is painful, not to mention you risk an infection. You just need a fairly smooth and even surface, it doesn't have to be perfect or shiny: the enamel will create this effect.
- Keep nail polish and solvent away from heat sources or fire (including lit cigarettes) as they are highly flammable.
- Do not inhale the nail polish or solvent.
- The cuticles have a function: they prevent the nails from becoming infected. Don't delete them. Carefully cut any loose bits that have fallen off so they won't bother you anymore.