How to Play the Elephant Game: 7 Steps

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How to Play the Elephant Game: 7 Steps
How to Play the Elephant Game: 7 Steps

The Elephant Game is a simple riddle, a lot of fun, but which can also be very frustrating to solve. Want to find out how to play this game that can provide hours and hours of fun? Keep reading!


Play the Elephant Game Step 1
Play the Elephant Game Step 1

Step 1. Gather some friends

Generally you need to have 1 to 5 participants, but the higher the number the better. Just make sure no one reveals the solution once they have solved the riddle.

Play the Elephant Game Step 2
Play the Elephant Game Step 2

Step 2. Explain the game

Tell the players that you are going to give them a certain number of elephants, and that they will have to try to find out how many elephants there are. However, don't tell them how to calculate the number of elephants.

Play the Elephant Game Step 3
Play the Elephant Game Step 3

Step 3. Give them about three different elephant numbers

It's best to use the scene around you and include people. Here's a great example:

  • There are fourteen elephants in Jimmy's hat, eighty-three in Darla's pocket, and two in Terry's nose.

    Play the Elephant Game Step 4
    Play the Elephant Game Step 4

    Step 4. Ask how many elephants there are

    It's not as simple as it sounds. The number of words in your final question represents the number of elephants. For example, if you ask "how many elephants are there?" it means there are four elephants, regardless of the number given above. "How many?" it means two elephants, and so on. Once everyone is done, communicate the correct answer.

    Play the Elephant Game Step 5
    Play the Elephant Game Step 5

    Step 5. Keep playing until most people have discovered the trick

    For some, it shouldn't take long. Others, on the other hand, will believe that you are using who knows what very complicated mathematical formula and will try to use equations with the first numbers provided. After a while, they will give up and walk away thinking about it again. Eventually they will find out.

    Play the Elephant Game Step 6
    Play the Elephant Game Step 6

    Step 6. Give clues to those who plead with you

    Some may become so frustrated with this simple riddle that they will be looking forward to some help. The greatest help you can give is something like "Bop, beep, beep, beep, bop. How many are there?" Don't even give out numbers anymore, just ask one question. They will probably get there.

    Play the Elephant Game Step 7
    Play the Elephant Game Step 7

    Step 7. Tell the solution

    Do this only if they are truly mad and frustrated. A good riddle is not worth ruining for someone who is simply curious. If they are really that upset, communicate the solution. It's not worth losing a friendship.


    • Tell someone the solution if they are really getting nervous. Don't make the game get to the point where people start getting mad at you.
    • Try telling your friends that it might have nothing to do with math.
    • Before telling the solution, give some clues.